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PlayStation 3 Architecture
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Original PlayStation 3 (PS3). Released in Japan on November 11, 2006, in the United States on November 17, 2006, and in Europe on March 23, 2007.
PS3 2000/3000 series (commonly known as "Slim"). Released in Europe and the United States on September 1, 2009. Released in Japan on September 3, 2009
PS3 4000 series (commonly known as Super Slim). Released overseas in September 2012.
COK-001 (first generation) review motherboard taken from the CECHA12 model. The remaining 128MB of NAND flash is mounted on the back, as well as connectors for the Blu-ray patadrive, WiFi/BT daughterboard, front panel, and multi-card reader.
Motherboard and labels
Main architecture diagram
Brief introduction
In 2006, Sony unveiled its long-awaited "next-generation" gaming console. This shiny (though heavy) machine's basic hardware architecture follows the teachings of the Awakening machine, that is, it focuses on vector processing to achieve power at the expense of complexity. Meanwhile, the new "super processor", the Cellular Broadband Engine, is designed in the midst of a technological revolution and needs to keep pace with the trend of multimedia services.
This article takes an in-depth look at the joint project between Sony, IBM, Toshiba and Nvidia, along with its execution and impact on the industry.
This article is not a typical "lunch break" article like the other consoles in this series. If you are interested in any aspect of the PlayStation 3, please read to the end! However, this article contains 6 years of research and development by countless engineers, so I don't expect you to be able to digest it all at once. Take your time (and take a break if necessary), and at the end, if you want to know more, check out the documentation section!~CPU
Welcome to the most well-known and innovative part of the console.
The PS3 CPU is very complicated, but it is a very exciting engineering that combines complex needs and unusual solutions, and is noted in the era of changes and experiments. So, before entering the PS3 CPU, I wrote the following paragraphs to make an article about the historical background. This will not only understand how the chips will work, but also understand the reasons behind important design decisions.
Current status of progress
- New design philosophy
- New mult i-core era
- Current status of progress
New design philosophy
PS2 emotion engine (2001). Designed by Toshiba and used MIPS technology again.Nearly 10 years have passed since the first PlayStation equipped with MIPS was announced, but the situation of SGI/MIPS is not good. Nintendo recently abandoned SGI/MIPS and adopted a lo w-level PowerPC core with IBM a new supplier.
Sony has a lo w-level 3D performance in which existing lo w-level design (inexpensive MIPS core) involves other companies such as LSI (PS1 CPU) and Toshiba (PS2 Emotion Engine). There is a history that has been uploaded. The method continued until the 2004 PlayStation Portable release. So, what kind of new MIPS mix did you intend to make for PlayStation 3?
In 2000, Sony, a few months after the launch of the PS2, the IBM and Toshiba had a partnership called "STI", and the only goal was to provide the next chips that drive the nex t-generation supercomputer. [2] This alone may seem to be enough, but the next chip was also used for the successor to PS2. Finally, in 2004, IBM announced CELL BOADBAND ENGINE ("Cell BE" or simply called "Cell").
New design thought
New mult i-core era
In order to understand Cell's rapid proposals, we must first consider the problem that influenced the era (late 90's to the early 00s).
With each passing year, consumers are demanding more speed. This has always been the case. However, the current approaches used to solve this (pipelining data paths and increasing clock frequencies) are currently failing to scale. Intel's Netburst cannot evolve any further, and its promised successor is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, IBM's PowerPC 970/G5 cannot deliver on its promise of "3GHz" or a low-power CPU (which is why Apple cannot ship laptops with the latest CPUs). [4]. Overall, engineers seem to have a new escalation crisis on their hands.
Thus, the focus is shifting to distributed computing.[5] In other words, why bother with the performance of one machine when you can distribute the workload across several smaller machines? On the contrary, this approach is nothing short of novel, considering that all the consoles analyzed on this site have multiple processors. However, it is the development of a "single processor with multiple cores" that opens up new possibilities in CPU design (and not necessarily only in the console market).
So the Cell is part of this new wave of research and development. This new CPU combines a multi-core design with a special focus on carrier processing. If you recall, vector computing is ideal for simulation (physics, lighting, etc.) and was previously implemented in the form of geometry transformation engines and vector units, and you can easily see why the Cell design is a big step forward from the previous two.
A new era of layering
Current status of progress
An example of homogeneous design. Each core may be responsible for the same tasks as before, but it does not need to be limited to such tasks.
If you think about it, both the PS1 CPU and the Emotion Engine were already multi-core processors. So why was there so much fuss about the Cell? The previous two chips consisted of a general-purpose core and several application-specific cores (audio processor, image decompression, etc.). It was a mix of different architectures, where the general-purpose core was responsible for managing the other cores.
This type of CPU design was called heterodius computing, and was a de facto option to build a machine specialized for a specific application (in this case, a game). Homodius computing, which is the opposite, is more dominant in a PC market where the CPU requires a wider range of tasks (and all priorities). Therefore, the latter type can have a large number of core of the same type.
Returning to the subject, Cell has both models. This CPU has two types of core, a genera l-purpose "leader" and eight career assistants. These carrier core can play a variety of roles, and by doing so, you can fulfill the task before being resolved in the heterozenius design, but because CELL carriers are not limited to one type of task. The core provides the flexibility of the Homojinia Suppter. As a whole, this design is not perfect, and it will inherit some compromises, but through this sentence, I would like you to see the various problems that cells are trying to solve and how they have realized them. 。
After explaining all of these history and theory, I think you are ready to advertise the protagonist of this section. This is a cell:
Cellular broadband machine (PS3 type) designed by IBM for super computing and scientific simulation. "SPE" means invalid (useless). Another "SPE" on the left is reserved for the operating system.
... and by the end of this section, you'll see what each component does.
Whole structure
Cell works with powerful 3, 2GHz and consists of numerous components. Therefore, for this analysis, this CPU can be divided into three major areas [6]:
Leader: This is the cell part that indicates the remaining part of the circuit. There is an element called Power Processing Element (PPE).
- Assistant: These are as important as PPE, but their abilities are limited to the role of assistant / accelerator. This group contains eight synergistic processing elements (SPES).
- Interface: A newer interface is implemented to move data without generating congestion as the need for bandwidth increases in exponential functions. The interface group has protocols such as the Element Interface Bus (EIB), the broadband engine interface (Bei), the memory interface controller (MIC), and the Flex I/O bus.
- This information is described in detail in this article, so it is not necessary to memorize these names. The main purpose of this section is to have the reader draw the nature of the cells in the head, and to get used to all the components described in the future.
Configuration of this research
Looking at the composition so far, it was necessary to organize so that there is not too much information. Therefore, by studying each component in order, we will analyze the cell:
An element interface bus (EIB) that connects all components.
- PowerPC processing element (PPE) and its main components, PowerPC processing unit (PPU).
- General memory that can be used in this console.
- SynerGistic Processing Element (SPE) and its basic elements, SynerGistic Processing Unit (SPU).
- The programming model is effectively designed for Cell programs.
- So let's start the actual analysis.
Inside Cell: Heart
Since the announcement, CELL has been called a network on chip (NOC) [7], not the definition of the conventional system on chip (SoC). This is due to the unusual data bus of Cell, the Element Interconnect Bus (EIB). So far, we have seen how high the CPU component demands and how sensitive to the system is on a bottleneck. IBM has devised a new design as the 11th initiative. Then, the use of terms similar to road driving was documented.
A simplified diagram of the Element Interconnect Bus (EIB). Each arrow between the lamps (node) represents two singl e-direction buses, and each node is connected to the next node using four channels.
The EIB is composed of 12 nodes called lamps, each connecting the cell components. The lamps are interconnected using four buses, the two of which are clockwise and the remaining two move counterclockwise. Each bus (or channel) is 12 8-bit width. In other words, instead of repeated in singl e-bus topology (such as the centment mechanism and its predecessor), the lamp is connected to the ring topology, and the data packet is all adjacent to reach the destination. You have to cross the bus (there is no direct route). Considering that EIB provides four channels, there are four possible paths (rings).
Now, you may wonder what the point of a symbol ring is if data ends up traveling a long path (compared to a single direct bus). A single bus is especially susceptible to congestion. That's why EIB engineers adopted this topology to accommodate large amounts of simultaneous traffic (read on if you want to know how contract rings helped).
Data is transferred in 128-bit packets[8]. Each ring can have up to three simultaneous transfers, as long as the packets do not overlap. That is, whenever an element needs to start a transfer, it sends a request to the EIB data arbitrator, which manages the intra-ring traffic. The moment the request is granted, the packet enters the ring and receives a "contract". In addition, some components have priority over others, such as the Memory Interface Controller (MIC) component, where the main RAM is located. Finally, the data referee never places a packet on a ring with a path longer than half the ring.
Each ramp plays the role of a transport, reading the destination address of the packet and knowing whether to issue the data to its respective element or forward it to the next ramp. During each clock cycle, the lamp can simultaneously send and receive packets of 128 bits (16 bytes). Therefore, if we consider that there are four channels and that the EIB operates at 1, 6GHz (half the cell speed), the theoretical maximum transfer speed is 16 bytes x 2 transfers/clock x 4 rings x 1, 6GHz = 204, 8GB/s, but this value is a lesson learned. The lesson learned is that it is overly optimistic and there are many other external factors (origin/destination paths, bus conditions, etc.). In any case, many research papers done by IBM and other authors summarize more realistic speeds using practical experiments [9].
Now that we have seen how each component that makes up the cell is interconnected, let's take a look at the first component of this chip...
Inside the Cell
Now, let's take a look at the "main part" of the cell. This is the piece of silicon that is responsible for managing the other parts. The name of the component is the PowerPC Processing Element (PPE), which can be thought of as the MIPS R5900 of the emotion engine.
The PPE is made up of
Remember how we divided the Cell into different areas? We can do the same with the PPE. IBM uses the word "components" to describe standalone machines,[10] but when you go inside they use the word "modules" to separate the core circuitry and the interfaces that communicate with the rest of the Cell.
A simplified diagram of a PowerPC Processing Element (PPE).
However, the PowerPC Processor Element surprisingly consists of two parts:
PowerPC Processing Unit (PPU): This is the logical part (the "core") of the PPE. Remember that this is not Nintendo's PPU! (Although they share the same letters of the Latin alphabet... in the same order...)
- PowerPC Processor Storage Subsystem (PPSS): This is the large interface that connects the PPU to the outside world. It also provides a huge 512KB L2 cache memory.
- As you can see, the design of the PPE (and the rest of the Cell) is very modular, following the teachings of RISC design, and you will quickly see that modularity extends to the inside of the PPU.
PowerPC Processing Unit
Now, let's take a look inside the PPU. To recap, we've dived into the Cell, the PPE, and the PPU. Let's analyze the PPU just like we would any other CPU core.
Known Architecture
- Characteristics
- Known Architecture
But why did IBM choose PowerPC technology to develop its high-performance chips? Because PowerPC is a mature platform[11] with the following advantages:
With a decade of testing and review by the Macintosh user base, it checks all the boxes on Sony's list, and can be adapted to different environments if needed.~Finally, using a well-known architecture is good news for existing compilers and code bases, which is a big advantage for a new console.
It is worth noting that IBM is one of the first PowerPC chips, along with Motorola and Apple (I remember AIM Alliance). In any case, in the early 00s, the s o-called alliance members were already active separately, and Motorola / free scale developed a different PowerPC series from IBM.
Known Architecture
The PPU shares the history with PowerPC 970 (called G5 in Apple), both of which are the descendants of Power4, the predecessor of PowerPC, mainly used in workstations and supercomputers. This will be more clear when you show the modul e-type execution unit soon. The 750 line CPU of the Game Cube was greatly influenced by Motorola, but this is a sudden change in comparison with slightly modified by IBM.
To put it back, the PPU is a complete 6 4-bit processor. In other words
- The size of the word is 64 bits.
- There is a 6 4-bit genera l-purpose register (exactly 32).
- The width of the data bus is at least 64 bits. In the section after this article, you can see that it is much wider than that, but now it is important to keep in mind that 6 4-bit word transfer will not be an overhead of performance.
- Theoretically, CPU can access up to 16 exercises memory. Theoretically, CPU can access up to 16 exercises memory. But in fact, if the machine cannot accommodate all this memory, it will be very costly. Therefore, recent CPUs have delegated address management to memory management units (MMU) and increasing the application of address buses.
Finally, the PPU has also expanded the SIMD instruction group called Vector/Simd Multimedia Extension (VMX). On the other hand, there are elements that are missing from the original specifications, such as small endian operations (actually, CELL is only Biggun Dian), and only a handful of function code.
PPU components
Looking at the PPU in "microscopic", it can be seen that the unit is composed of various blocks and subunites that execute independent functions (such as loading values from memory, execution of operations, etc.). PPU's ability depends on what each block can execute:
- instruction
- What memory management do you do?
- Calculation
A simple diagram of the instruction unit (IU).
The first block is called the Instruction Unit (IU), and as the name suggests, it fetches instructions from the L2 cache and signals other units to perform the necessary operations. Like the i686 and its contemporaries, part of the instruction set is interpreted using microcode (the IU has a small ROM built in for this purpose). Finally, the IU also has a 32KB L1 cache for instructions.
Instruction issue is done in a 12-stage pipeline, but in reality the number of stages varies quite a bit depending on the type of instruction. For example, the branch prediction block may bypass large segments. When combining the IU and adjacent blocks, the final number of stages is often closer to 24 (yes, this is a large number, but remember that the Cell runs at 3, 2GHz).
Now, the interesting part is that the IU is a dual version. In some cases, the IU can send up to two commands at the same time, improving performance. But in reality, there are many conditions for this to work, so the programmer/compiler is responsible for optimizing the routines so that the instruction sequence can take advantage of this feature. By the way, dual versioning was also implemented in earlier CPUs, and the terminology varies depending on the vendor, so I used the IBM definition here.
In addition, the IU also supports multithreading, allowing it to execute two different instruction sequences (called "threads") simultaneously. Behind the scenes, the IU just alternates between the two threads each cycle, giving the appearance of multithreading. This technique is historically known as simultaneous multiple threading (SMT) or hyperthreading (later coined by Intel). However, IBM's multithreading mitigates undesirable phenomena such as pipeline stalls, because the CPU no longer blocks when an instruction blocks the flow. To achieve multithreading, IBM engineers copy the internal resources of the IU, including the general-purpose registers (I said earlier that there are 32 available registers, but this is the number per thread. In fact, there are 64 in total!), but resources outside the PowerPC specification (such as L1 and L2 caches, interfaces, etc.) are still shared. Thus, the last group is single-threaded.
In total, the combination of dual compression and dual versioning allows the PPC to execute up to 4 instructions per cycle. This is a "best case scenario", but it still offers optimization opportunities that users will eventually notice in the game's frame rate!
What memory management do you do?
A simplified diagram of the Load Storage Unit (LSU) and its neighbors.
The blocks below provide the PPC with the functionality to execute load instructions and do memory management.
First, the Load Store Unit (LSU) executes "load" and "store" opcodes supported by the 32kb of L1 data cache. This unit therefore has direct access to memory and registers.
Furthermore, the LSU is combined with a Memory Management Unit (MMU), which is a common phenomenon in today's hardware. Briefly, the MMU handles memory addressing using a virtual address map coupled with memory protection. To improve the latter, this MMU in particular has a segment module, which groups memory addresses using ranges called "segments". Now, to avoid performance degradation in the process, it is equipped with a TLB (Translation Buffer) (temporary storage buffer) and an SLB (Lookaside Buffer) (segment cache).
A simplified diagram of the units that perform the operations.
There are only two more PPU units to explain, and they are the units that perform the operations required by each game.
The first is the traditional fixed-point integer unit (FXU), which performs integer operations such as division, multiplication, binary rotation (similar to binary shifting, but the discarded piece is returned to the other end), and zero-to-zero conversion (useful for normalizing vertex coordinates, etc.).
The length of his pipeline is 11 stages.
Looking at this diagram, we can see that the FXU, LSU, and MMU are combined into one unit called the Execution Unit (XU).
In total, by combining the dual compression and dual versions, the PPC can execute up to four instructions per cycle.
This is the "best case scenario", but it still offers optimization opportunities that users will eventually notice in the frame rate of the game! Memory Management
A simplified diagram of the Load Storage Unit (LSU) and its neighbors.
The following blocks provide the PPC with the functionality to execute load instructions and manage memory.
First, the Load Store Unit (LSU) executes the "load" and "store" opcodes supported by the 32kb of L1 data cache. Thus, this unit has direct access to memory and registers.
Furthermore, the LSU is combined with the Memory Management Unit (MMU), which is a common phenomenon in today's hardware. In simple terms, the MMU handles memory addressing using a virtual address map coupled with memory protection. To improve the latter, this MMU in particular has a segment module, which groups memory addresses using ranges called "segments". Now, to avoid performance degradation in the process, it is equipped with a TLB (Translation Buffer) (temporary storage buffer) and a SLB (Lookaside Buffer) (segment cache).
Arithmetic Operations
A simplified diagram of the units that perform arithmetic operations.
There are only two more PPU units to explain, the ones that perform the operations required by each game.
The first is the traditional fixed-point integer unit (FXU), which performs integer operations such as division, multiplication, binary rotation (similar to binary shifting, but the discarded piece is returned to the other end), and zero-to-zero conversion (useful for normalizing vertex coordinates, etc.).
His pipeline is 11 stages long.
Looking at this diagram, we can see that the FXU, LSU, and MMU are combined into one unit called the Execution Unit (XU). In total, the combination of dual compression and dual version allows the PPC to execute up to four instructions per cycle. This is the "best case scenario", but it still offers optimization opportunities that users will eventually notice in the game's frame rate!
Memory Management
A simplified diagram of the Load Storage Unit (LSU) and its neighbors.
The following blocks provide the PPC with the functionality to execute load instructions and do memory management.
First, the Load Store Unit (LSU) executes the "load" and "store" opcodes supported by the 32kb of L1 data cache. Thus, this unit has direct access to memory and registers.
Furthermore, the LSU is combined with a Memory Management Unit (MMU), which is a common phenomenon in today's hardware. In simple terms, the MMU handles memory addressing using a virtual address map coupled with memory protection. To improve the latter, this MMU in particular has a segment module, which groups memory addresses using ranges called "segments". Now, to avoid performance degradation in the process, it is equipped with a TLB (Translation Buffer) (temporary storage buffer) and an SLB (Lookaside Buffer) (segment cache).
Arithmetic Operations
A simplified diagram of the units that perform the operations.< 10% defective, Cell includes one spare SPE. Thus, if one of them comes out defective, the whole chip is not discarded. Now, that spare SPE will always be deactivated, independently whether it’s fine or not (Sony can’t have two different PS3s in the market).
There are only two more PPU units to explain, the units that perform the operations required by each game.
The first is a traditional fixed-point integer unit (FXU) that performs integer arithmetic such as division, multiplication, binary rotation (similar to a binary shift, but the discarded piece is returned to the other end), and zero-to-zero conversion (useful for normalizing vertex coordinates, etc.). His pipeline is 11 stages long.
Looking at this diagram, we can see that the FXU, LSU, and MMU are combined into a single unit called the Execution Unit (XU).
The second unit is more interesting, the Vector/Scalar Unit (VSU) performs floating-point numeric and vector operations. It consists of a 64-bit FPU (following the IEEE 754 standard) and a Vector/SIMD Multimedia Extension Unit (VXU) that executes a set of SIMD instructions called VMX. "VMX" is IBM's designation for Motorola's "AltiVec" and Apple's "Velocity Engine" (hooray for trademarks). In contrast, Cell's competitive SIMD capabilities are in a separate processor, so don't rest just yet!
Wrapping a PDA
- Now you know how the PPE works and what it's made up of, but what does it mean for you as a developer?
- After all, the PowerPC Processing Element is just a general-purpose processor, but the important thing here is that it doesn't operate in isolation. Remember the big central bus (EIB)? IBM designed the PPE so that engineers could pair it with other processors to accelerate specific applications (HPC, 3D graphics, security, scientific simulation, networking, video processing, etc.). Since this is about the PlayStation 3, you'll see that the rest of the Cell is addressed with computer graphics and physics in mind, so the rest of the article reflects that purpose.
Now you know how the PPE works and what it's made up of, but what does it mean for you as a developer?
No matter how good the PPE is, it's all for nothing without the right workspace (memory) to run it, so let's step away from the Cell for a bit here.
The Sony has 256MB of XDR DRAM on the motherboard. To answer that, we need to take a look at how memory blocks work and how they are connected to the Cell.
64MB of XDR DRAM Cell next to a 64MB chip.
After all, the PowerPC Processing Element is just a general-purpose processor, but the important thing here is that it doesn't operate in isolation. Remember the big central bus (EIB)? IBM designed the PPE so that engineers could pair it with other processors to accelerate specific applications (HPC, 3D graphics, security, scientific simulation, networking, video processing, etc.). Since this is about the PlayStation 3, you'll see that the rest of the Cell is addressed with computer graphics and physics in mind, so the rest of the article reflects that purpose.
The first revision of the PlayStation 3 motherboard has four 64MB chips, which are processed in pairs. XDR connects to the Cell using two 32-bit buses, one for each pair. Therefore, every time the PPU writes a word (64-bit data), it is split to the two XDR chips. The XDR chips are clocked at 400MHz.[16]
Cell memory architecture diagram.
The Cell connected to the XDR chips uses another component in the Cell (like the PPE), the Memory Interface Controller (MIC). In addition, the MIC caches memory transfers to improve bandwidth, but has a major constraint: large byte alignment. In fact, the minimum transfer data size of the MIC is 128 bytes, making it suitable for sequential reads and writes. However, there is a performance penalty when the data is smaller than 128 bytes or when switching between read and write is required.
But is the MIC an obstacle or a catalyst? Well, from another perspective, bandwidth optimization is important in data-intensive systems. In the past, there were solutions like light capture pipes and write-back caches. For reference, Sony claims a transfer speed of 25, 6 GB/s, but in reality there are too many factors that affect the final speed (you can see how complicated it is to move data from one place to another in Cell).
This is also true for main RAM, but there is more memory on the hard disk. In PS3, 2 GB of the internal hard disk can be used as a working area (similar to the original Xbox) [17].
Inside the Cell: Assistant
We have seen in the past that Sony has always equipped its general-purpose processors (in this case the PPE) with accelerators (VPU and IPU in the case of PS2, GTE and MDEC in the case of PS1) to achieve acceptable game performance. This is common in video game console hardware, where the general-purpose ones can perform a wide range of tasks but are not specialized in anything. Game consoles only require a few processes, such as physics calculations, graphics, and audio, so they can use coprocessors to handle those tasks.
[The PPE is a version designed to consume less energy. So it doesn't have the horsepower that you see in the Pentium 4 (......) Code that runs today on Intel or AMD, if you redesign it in the Cell regardless of power consumption, it would still run today - you might have to change a library or two, but it would still run fine here today. But it would be 60%, 50% slower! This wonderful Cell processor! "But that's because you're only using that bit. - Dr. Michael Perrone, Director of Cell Solutions, IBM TJ Watson
The accelerators in the PS3's cells are synergistic processor elements (SPEs). There are eight of them in the cell, but one is disabled while the console is running. This is because the manufacturing of the chip requires extreme precision (the cells were originally manufactured using a 90NM manufacturing process) and the machines are not perfect. So instead of hitting the circuit that comes out,
SPE synthesis
Going further, synergistic processor elements (SPEs) are small independent computers in the cell that are found by the PPE. Remember what I said before about adopting elements from homogeneous computing? Now, these conditions are somewhat generic and not limited to a single application, so they will be able to serve a wide range of tasks as long as the programmer can program them correctly.
Simplified diagram of synergistic processor elements (SPEs). There are eight in the cell (one is disabled).
Just like with MAP, the SPEs Let's take a look at it. It's smaller, so if you want to finally learn more about SPES, check out the "Resources" section at the end of the article. Anyway, let's get started.
- The SPE is a processor with a similar structure to the PPE, consisting of two parts:
- Memory Flow Controller
- Processor Synergistic Unit
Memory Flow Controller
The Memory Flow Controller (MFC) is the block that interfaces the cores with the rest of the cell, which is the equivalent of the PowerPC Processor Storage Subsystem (PPSS) in the PPE. The main job of the MFC is to move data between the SPU's local memory and the cell's main memory, and to synchronize the SPU with its neighbors.
In order to execute the task, the MFC has a buil t-in DMA controller and processes communication between EIB and SPU local memory. In addition, the MFC hosts another component called SBI (SynerGistic Bus Interface) located between the EIB bus and the DMA controller. In summary, it is a very complicated circuit, but basically interprets the commands and data received from the outside and send the signal to the internal module of the SPE. CELL's front door SBI operates in two modes, a master bus (a configuration that requires data from the outside) and a slave bus (a configuration for which SPE receives commands from the outside).
Strangely, considering the SPEP packet restrictions (up to 12 8-bit length), the direct access block of the MFC memory can only move up to 16 kb per cycle.
Cooperation processor unit
The syneristic processor unit (SPU) is part of the SPE where the processor core is located, and is equivalent to the "PPU" when explaining the PPE.
Unlike PPUs, the SPU is separated from the other part of the cell. Therefore, there is no shared memory between PPUs and other SPUs. Instead, the SPU has a local memory used as a work area. However, the contents of the local memory can be moved back and forth using MFC.
In terms of functions, SPUs are much more limited than PPUs. For example, the SPU does not include a memory management function (address conversion or memory protection), as well as stat e-o f-th e-art functions (such as dynamic branching prediction). However, vector processing has a very good performance.
To program this unit, the programmer uses a PPU to call a routine provided by the PlayStation 3 operating system, upload an executable file written exclusively for the SPU to the desired SPU, and send a signal to start execution. [20] PPU later retains the SPU thread reference for synchronization.
In order to execute the SPU architecture < SPAN>, the MFC has a buil t-in DMA controller and processes communication between EIB and SPU local memory. In addition, the MFC hosts another component called SBI (SynerGistic Bus Interface) located between the EIB bus and the DMA controller. In summary, it is a very complicated circuit, but basically interprets the commands and data received from the outside and send the signal to the internal module of the SPE. CELL's front door SBI operates in two modes, a master bus (a configuration that requires data from the outside) and a slave bus (a configuration for which SPE receives commands from the outside).
Strangely, considering the SPEP packet restrictions (up to 12 8-bit length), the direct access block of the MFC memory can only move up to 16 kb per cycle.
Cooperation processor unit
The syneristic processor unit (SPU) is part of the SPE where the processor core is located, and is equivalent to the "PPU" when explaining the PPE.
Unlike PPUs, the SPU is separated from the other part of the cell. Therefore, there is no shared memory between PPUs and other SPUs. Instead, the SPU has a local memory used as a work area. However, the contents of the local memory can be moved back and forth using MFC.
- In terms of functions, SPUs are much more limited than PPUs. For example, the SPU does not include a memory management function (address conversion or memory protection), as well as stat e-o f-th e-art functions (such as dynamic branching prediction). However, vector processing has a very good performance.
- To program this unit, the programmer uses a PPU to call a routine provided by the PlayStation 3 operating system, upload an executable file written exclusively for the SPU to the desired SPU, and send a signal to start execution. [20] PPU later retains the SPU thread reference for synchronization.
- In order to execute the SPU architecture that task, the MFC has a buil t-in DMA controller and processes the local memory between EIB and SPU. In addition, the MFC hosts another component called SBI (SynerGistic Bus Interface) located between the EIB bus and the DMA controller. In summary, it is a very complicated circuit, but basically interprets the commands and data received from the outside and send the signal to the internal module of the SPE. CELL's front door SBI operates in two modes, a master bus (a configuration that requires data from the outside) and a slave bus (a configuration for which SPE receives commands from the outside).
Strangely, considering the SPEP packet restrictions (up to 12 8-bit length), the direct access block of the MFC memory can only move up to 16 kb per cycle.
Cooperation processor unit
The syneristic processor unit (SPU) is part of the SPE where the processor core is located, and is equivalent to the "PPU" when explaining the PPE.
Unlike PPUs, the SPU is separated from the other part of the cell. Therefore, there is no shared memory between PPUs and other SPUs. Instead, the SPU has a local memory used as a work area. However, the contents of the local memory can be moved back and forth using MFC.
In terms of functions, SPUs are much more limited than PPUs. For example, the SPU does not include a memory management function (address conversion or memory protection), as well as stat e-o f-th e-art functions (such as dynamic branching prediction). However, vector processing has a very good performance.
To program this unit, the programmer uses a PPU to call a routine provided by the PlayStation 3 operating system, upload an executable file written exclusively for the SPU to the desired SPU, and send a signal to start execution. [20] PPU later retains the SPU thread reference for synchronization.
SPU architecture
Similar to other CPUs, the syneristic processor unit (SPU) is programmed using an instruction set architecture (ISA). Both SPUs and PPUs follow the RISC method, but unlike PPU (implemented PowerPC ISA), SPU's ISA is unique and is mainly composed of SIMD type instruction sets. As a result, the SPU has 12 8-bit genera l-purpose registers, which are a home carrier composed of a fixed decimal point or floating point value of 32/16 bits. On the other hand, SPU orders are very small at 32 bits to save memory. The first part contains opera, and the rest can be referenced up to three operands to be calculated in parallel.
This is very similar to the previous floating point vector unit, which debuted on PS2, but has changed a lot since then. IBM and Sony provided tools to program SPUs using either C ++, C, or Assembly.
In the design, this processor does not execute all instructions in the same unit, but divides the execution into two blocks, that is, an "execution pipeline", one is an odd pipeline, and the other is an even pipeline. These two pipelines execute different types of orders, so SPUs can issue two instructions to one cycle as possible. On the other hand, the SPU does not issue a dual order to reduce the possible data risks.
Let's look at the two pipelines [21]: Mysterious pipeline A simple diagram of curiosity pipeline.Curious pipelines execute most orders except numbers.
First, you can see that SPU load/ store (SLS) is doing three basics:
Equipped with a 256KB local memory that stores instructions and data. The type of memory is single (considering that this is a critical area, it is a bit disappointing that I did not use a dual nuclear chip ...). The address bus is 32 bits.
Execute a road order and store instruction.
Transfer the instruction to another block for verbering.
Note that there are only 256KB to save the program. Considering that the SPU program can be compiled with C/C ++, it is not easy to predict the size of the binary. For this reason, it is recommended that the programmer is assumed that there are only half (128KB) of the available memory. [22]
Finally, there is a SPU channel and a DMA transport (SSC) module. This is used by the memory flow controller to fill and acquire local memory, and the small fixed decimal point module is performed only the vector shuffle and rotation.
Even number pipeline
A simple diagram of even pipeline.
The even pipeline stands out by its high numerical processing capacity.
Here, there are basic arithmetic operations, logical operations (AND, or OR, etc.), and genuine fixe d-point units (FXU) that perform a word shift.
Finally, there is a floating point unit (FPU) that performs a singl e-precision operation (3 2-bit floating point calculation), doubl e-precision operation (6 4-bit doubl e-precision calculation), and integer operation (3 2-bit int operat). This conforms to the IEEE standard, but has some deviation (floating point operations operate the same as PS2).
- Inside Cell: Programming style
- At the end of Cell, the programmer may be wondering how to program this monster. Like the previous programming model devised for the Emotion engine, IBM proposed the following methodology [23]:
MA P-centered approach
An expression of a mult i-step pattern in which PPE allocates a task around each SPE and returns the processed data.
PPE assigns a secondary task to each SPE, returns the data processed by each SPE, and the PPE merges it.
Expression of service pattern. PPE assigns a different task to each SPE, and each task executes it individually.
The PP E-centered approach is a series of scheduling patterns that allocate the main responsibilities to PPE and of f-road to SPE. Three patterns are considered:
Mult i-stage pipe model: MAP is given a task to send to one SPE, SPE performs the necessary calculations and passes the results to the next SPE. This continues until the data processed by the last SPE in the chain is sent back to PPE.
This is because it requires a large bandwidth and tends to be difficult to maintain.
This means that each SPE has only one job, but the design of the job does not last forever. PPS needs to r e-assign various jobs each time if the needs of the program change.
Approach centered on PES
Expression of models centered on SPE. Each SPE is responsible for its own functions, and exchanges with PPE only to get resources.
Instead of SPES providing services to PAP, it is the other way around. Using an internal DMA module, SPES transfers and executes tasks stored in main memory, while MAP is limited to resource management.
This model is much more radical than other models in the sense that it is closer to traditional PC-like general-purpose processors with a coprocessor model. Thus, code implementing SPE-centric algorithms may be difficult to grease up on other platforms.
As you might expect, multicore cell designs accelerate new techniques like procedural generation, but none of these designs are particularly easy to implement, especially considering that game studios prefer code that can be shared across platforms.
To take one example, the developers of Unreal Engine 3 (Epic Games) demonstrated the limitations of the SPU by trying to implement a collision detection system [24]. Their design is based on binary space partitioning (BSP), an algorithm that relies heavily on comparisons (branching). The SPU does not offer dynamic branch prediction like the PPC, making its implementation frustrating for PlayStation 3 users compared to other platforms (such as the Xbox 360 and i686 computers, which offer consistent prediction techniques across cores). . Therefore, major games had to rely on further optimizations that only worked for Cell.
It will take time, patience, and a lot of learning for software engineers to fully unlock Cell's potential. But history has proven that this is not feasible for all studios, which makes me wonder if this is why current console hardware (as of 2021) is so homogenized.
- Graphics
- Sony had a separate chip for 3D graphics.
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Drake's Secret (2011).
- The Old Scroll V: Skyrim (2011).
Killzone 3 (2011).
One Piece: Pirate Warriors (2012). Examples of PS3 games. All rendered at maximum resolution (1280x720 pixels).
Even with the supercomputer chip, it seems Sony had to bring in a GPU to complete the PlayStation 3. This makes you wonder if IBM/Sony/Toshiba hit a wall trying to scale even further, forcing Sony to turn to their graphics companies for help.
We started the ICE (Common Engine Initiative) group to try to develop a core technology that all first parties could share (....) For a while, (the PS3) had no GPU, it was all on spools. The ice team proved in Japan that it was not possible. It would have been ridiculous. It would have been a huge fail from a performance standpoint. That's why they ended up adding a GPU.
-Anonymous source at Naughty Dog
What I'm sure of is that the PS3 has a GPU chip from NVIDIA that is intended to offload parts of the graphics pipeline. The chip is called Reality Synthesizer or "RSX" and runs at 500MHz[26]. Its clock speed seems to be on the same order as the Cell (3, 2GHz), but we'll soon see that the GPU is better suited to parallelize huge amounts of calculations. So when it comes to building the graphics pipeline, it's a question of finding a balance between the Cell and the RSX (although I have to admit that this sounds simpler on paper than it does in reality).
Here, I would like to provide the same level of analysis that I did previously on cell, but this time focusing on the RSX and its graphics capabilities.
- It has been five years since NVIDIA debuted the GeForce3/NV30 series in 2001, and up until that point, there were strong players like 3DFX, S3, and ARTX/ATI competing with each other. However, the number of companies gradually decreased, and by 2006, the only video card vendors in the PC market were ATI and NVIDIA.
- Next to cell is the RSX chip.
- The RSX inherits existing NVIDIA technology and is said to be based on the 7800 GTX model sold for PCs, which implements the GeForce7 (or NV47) architecture, also known as "Curie".[27]
- In my previous analysis of the Xbox, I talked about the GeForce3 and its debut pixel shader. There have been some ups and downs, but most have been incremental changes and nothing too groundbreaking compared to the GeForce3 pixel shader.
- Meanwhile, while the 7800 GTX relies on the PCI Express protocol to communicate with the CPU, the RSX has reformatted its neighboring chips to work with its own protocol called Flex I/O[28]. Flex I/O works in two ways:
BIC mode (used in multi-processor environments) to connect other Cell processors.
A slow IOIF mode that can connect up to two peripherals, one "fast" and one "slow".
Unfortunately, RSX is not a cell, so use the fastest socket via the IOIF protocol.
For comparison, IOIF operates as a 32-bit parallel bus with a theoretical bandwidth of up to 20 GB/s, and the PCI-Express, which is used in 7800 GTX (X16 1. 0), has a maximum theoretical bandwidth. 4 GB/S 1 6-bit serial bus.
Content configuration
RSX is equipped with a 256 MB dedicated GDDR3 SDRAM. The memory bass operates at 650 MHz, and the theoretical bandwidth is up to 20, 8 GB/ sec.
An example of how data is composed of all available memory. Note how RSX can access the contents from different memory chips.
In this 256MB, cells can put everything necessary to render the frame. This includes vertex data, shader, texture and command. Thanks to Cell's I/O bus, RSX can also use the abov e-mentioned 256MB XDR memory (CPU main RAM) as a workspace. This is useful for rendering frames when passed after the SPU.
As you can see, this game console does not implement a UMA architecture, but if the developer decides so, the graphics data can be distributed to a different memory chip. I would like to read more about this feature before many "technical explanations" mentioned this feature, saying, "PS3 was not equipped with UMA, so there was a limit." From. In some cases, I think if they don't mention it, the general claims are wrong.
Finally, RSX supports many forms of data optimization for bandwidth storage. There are 4: 1 color compression, Z compression, "Tyling" mode, etc. (this will be described in detail later).
Frame structure
Let's take a look at how RSX processes and creates 3D scenes.
Outline of RSX pipeline
The pipeline model is very similar to GeForce3, but has a fiv e-year technical progress. Therefore, it is recommended that this article focuses on new features, so it is recommended to check in advance. It is also recommended to read PlayStation Portable GPUs, as many new developments and needs are overlapped with this chip. But let's take a look here. [29]
The figure of the command stage.
Like other GPUs, you need a circuit block to receive external orders. In the case of RSX, this deals with two blocks, a guest and a graphic front.
The host is responsible for reading instructions from memory (local or master) and converting it into internal signals so that other components of RSX can be understood. This is done using four sub blocks:
Pusher: Receive a graphic order from memory and interpret branch instructions. Includes 1KB pr e-fetch buffer. The processed order is sent to the FIFO buffer.
FIFO Cache: Up to 512 instructions decoded by Pusher in the FIFO method to achieve hig h-speed access.
Proper: As the name implies, when RSX is ready, take out the order from the FIFO cache and send it to the next module.
Graphic FIFO: Store up to eight instructions read from the graphic front end.
The graphics front end is read from the graphics FIFO, sends signals to the required modules in RSX, and performs calculations. Remember, this is equivalent to GeForce3's "PFIFO".
As you can see, instructions and data via many buffers and memory before reaching the final destination. This is intentional, to prevent a pipeline from pause in different modules and buses at different speeds. In this way, the cache uses the hig h-speed bandwidth as much as possible.
Peak shader
Note that if the vertex does not need to be processed further by the vertex shader, the vertex processing engine (VPE) will be bypassed.
The next module is a geometry processing block, and the vertex conversion is performed in the evolution version of GeForce3's "Top Block". This can be programmed using a Vertex Shade, which is currently widely used in the graphics industry. Furthermore, the teaching limit was raised to a minimum of 512 instructions (initially 136 instructions were limited!).
The block that runs a shader is called a verte x-processing engine (VPE), and one vertex can be processed in one clock cycle. Eight VPEs are running in parallel, as if that is not enough. Since the GeForce6 series, NVIDIA has matched the Shade Programming Ten Face with a model called "Vertex Shader Model 3" or "vs_3_0_". VPE also supports NonProvietary OpenGL 2. 1 model [31] and NVIDIA's unique variant (CG) [32].
Compared to GeForce3, there are new orders that can be used for branches and subroutine calls. In addition, VPE contains four texture sampler that plugs a texture color between this stage in case the developer wants to perform some operations on a texture using this module.
The geometry processing block works as follows:
The vertex index processor (IDX) is saved and saves data and war e-huo steechs from VRAM. Then send the data to VAB.
VAB (Vertex Attribute Buffer) extracts data from IDX cache and redirects to each VPE.
Each VPE processes data based on the loaded shader. Calculate one shader order per clock.
The results of each VPE are sent to the transform cache and the results are saved to skip the same calculation for the same vertices. This applies only when the vertex pointer is used instead of vertex data.The final result is stored in the Cal Viewport (VPC) module, applying shizing to destroy the vertex outside the viewport. The RAM function (ATR) also preserves the characteristics (texture, color, fog, etc.) read in the next step.
A simple diagram of the rasterize stage. RSX incorporates various units for calculating the values used for pixels and color interpolations.
Next, convert the vertices to pixels (rasterize). The RSX rasterizer is very fast, can be formatted up to 8x8 pixels (64) per cycle, and can handle up to 4096x4096 pixels (but programmers may need less).
Rasterizer accepts dots, lines (including stripes and closed types), triangles (including stripes and fans), square, and regular mult i-square. Of course, as with this console output, Rasterizer operates with subpixel coordinates, and the sample points are hal f-placed (0, 5) pixels. This allows the module to apply damage prevention methods such as multiple post sampling. Multiple sampling bursts multiple times the same geometry, but shifts several su b-pixels in each batch (RSX supports four different shift modes) and calculate the average. As a result, a normalized image is obtained.
In addition, this module uses a dedicated RAM in RSX (with a capacity of about 3 million pixels) to perform Z-ching. This saves the hassle of processing the already assigned pixels and menbrains, and can execute the Z test early on the input geometry.
A different module is used for 2D object (sprite) rasterization, which is separated from the 3D pipeline. As a result, RSX operates in two modes, 2D and 3D, but switching between two modes is costly in terms of performance.
Pixel/ fracture scene diagram.
- Wexter Fragment blocks are programmable modules (using "Fragment Program" or "Shada") to apply texture mapping and other effects.
- This new block, which is an advanced successor to the GeForce3 texture unit, contains six fragment units (also called "pipe"), and each treats 2x2 techniques (called "quads"). In order to organize multiple units that operate at the same time, another su b-block, called Shadark Wood Distory Viewer (SQD), sends quads to each fragmented unit. After that, each fragment unit loads the fragment program.
- To calculate the function, each tube has a huge number of 128 bits of 1536 bits. In addition, each tube can handle multiple blocks parallel (mult i-threaded). The number of blocks that can be processed in parallel depends on the number of registers (shader number) available in the fragment program. Up to 460 blocks can be processed in parallel worldwide. Furthermore, unless the instructions depend on each other, up to three fragment pipes can handle two instructions simultaneously (dual version like a PPU).
The fragment unit provides the same numerical order as the Vertex unit, has multiple textur e-related operators such as multiple texture types (because textures can encode and compress multiple structures) and unpacking. It has been added. Similar to Vertex blocks, Shader fragments are reduced by DirectX's Pixel Shader 3. 0 model [33], OpenGL's NV_FRACTION_PROGRAM2 profile [34], and CG FP40 profile [35]. All of these are to easier programming and avoid learning of lo w-level APIs.
Finally, this block contains three textures to continue the texture chunks from the video RAM or the main RAM. 4KB L1 cache for each pipe, 48KB of L2 memory for video RAM, 96KB of L2 cache for main RAM. Note that the main RAM is much larger. This is a conscientious decision to make up for higher latency.
Pixel function
Before putting the results in a frame buffer (stored in the VRAM or main lum), the final block, called a raster block block (ROP), runs the final test to the pixels of the result.
ROPs of each of each of each of the four blocks are lined up in two rows (a total of 8 blocks). Each block runs Z test, alpha mixed, and final memory writing. In total, this circuit can process up to 16 Z values and eight pixel colors per clock. Strangely, the PC-Variant NVIDIA 7800 GTX ROP is 16 instead of eight, but maybe this was reduced to prioritize the memory bandwidth consumed by the SPU.
- In order to further save the bandwidth, ROP also provides color compression and Z compression. In addition, a tile function that optimizes memory access from a video encoder is also available. In the tile mode, the frame buffer is stored in a continuous 128B block and is arranged in the same order as being sent/ scanned. Therefore, when sending a frame buffer for the display, the GPU is saved to execute the page swap (used to specify a memorial dress), and the bandwidth is improved. These "tiles" are stored in a marked location in memory exclusively for this type of address.
- Unified video output
- The time when a video jack for a home game console was pushed in one jack to respond to every region on the earth. PlayStation 3 adopted HDMI (Heidehinition Media Interface), which simultaneously transmits audio and video.
- The back of the PS3, the left side is HDMI output, and the other side is the old multi/V for analog video.
The HDMI connector is composed of 19 pins [36]. This means the transmission of the digital signal, and the image and audio are transmitted using discrete 0 and 1 (not a series of continuous values found in analog signals). As a result, there is no problem with interference or deterioration of images like previous equipment, such as the screen a-tiffact that occurs in the cheap ska-toe-bulls.
To date, the HDMI protocol has been continuously revised [37], and the new version of the specifications maintains the same physical medium for backward compatibility (that is, higher image resolution). It provides a refresh rate, alternative color space, etc.).
Through the PS3 life cycle, Sony has added some new HDMI functions of PS3 through software updates. The latest PS3 compatible protocol is version 1. 4, mainly supporting "3D TV", but other functions such as higher video resolution remained limited to 1920x1080 pixels (so most games are. Rendering the frame buffer with 1280x720 pixels).
"Real" 3D Vision/ ProjectThe final result is stored in the Cal Viewport (VPC) module, applying shizing to destroy the vertex outside the viewport. The RAM function (ATR) also preserves the characteristics (texture, color, fog, etc.) read in the next step.
This is because since the invention of the previous portable aircraft, the audio has quietly shifted to the software side. In other words, there is no longer an audi o-only chip.
The need for better graphics tends to increase index functionally (consumers seek more landscapes, better details and colors), but the requests for sound are not at the same level. This is probably because the ability has reached our cognitive limit (44, 1kHz sample rate and 1 6-bit resolution). All that remains is to apply more channels and effects, but at least consumer equipment does not require processing capacity to install dedicated chips.
Summary of audio pipeline
Finally, the sound has been completely implemented, and it has been processed by SPU (SYNERGISTIC PROCESSOR Unit instead of Audio Processing Unit)! Sony's SDK has a lot of libraries for SPUs to execute audio sequence, mixing and streaming. Also, if that is not enough, many effects can be applied.
But where is the audio signal sent? RSX. This chip also includes a port for sending raw audio signals to TV. The signal is encoded in various formats, depending on the selected output (analog, HDMI, S/PDIF, and the latter, also called "digital audio").
I/O and backward compatibility
- All I/O functions are left to another giant chip called South Bridge [40]. This is very similar to the architecture adopted by the first Xbox of our era. The gap between the architecture between the consoles seems to be becoming increasingly narrower. Alternatively, this approach may have been proved to be too reliable and not bound by the architecture.
- A large South Bridge chip that supervises a small I/O chip and an interface.
- The same photo emphasizes important components.
Similar to the PS2 IOP, South Bridge is completely original, but this time it is manufactured by Toshiba (they call this "Super Companion Chip" [41]). For this reason, it is a part of silicon, which is still unknown, but has a good job to integrate many interfaces and protocols on both external (USB, Ethernet, etc.) and inside (USB, Ethernet, etc.). For reference, in the past, the slow clock speed of the IOP has restricted hig h-speed interfaces like ATA and Ethernet, significantly reducing all bandwidth.
In addition, South Bridge implements encryption algorithm and seamlessly protects communication between standard protocols such as hard drive data.
Connection diagram of South Bridge
This is related to the fact that the game console was designed in the media hub trend. Game consoles are not enough to play games, DVDs, blu e-ray players, decoders (partially), photo viewers (capture photos of cameras using mult i-card readers), and perhaps the evolution of needs It requires more functions (thanks to updated operating systems).
External interface
Like many computer tower (including my thing) at the time, a mult i-card reader was needed. Next to it is four USB 2. 0 ports. This was a pretty "premium" as a 42 5-pound game console! (628 pounds for 2021 money).
The lid of the same game console is closed. To further reduce the cost, the later models were sealed and the card reader and two USB ports were removed.
In the case of a port that can be accessed by the user, the South Bridge is connected to the following:
USB 2. 0 Hub: Provides 4 front USB A ports. These can be used to connect/ charge accessories and controllers.
Serial ATA (SATA) interface: Connect a Bl u-ray drive and a 2. 5-inch hard drive.
- Until 2008, the Blue Ray Leader had an interface with parallel ATA [42], so an intermediate chip was arranged to perform SATA → Pata conversion.
- "Less wiring" equipment.
- With the spread of Bluetooth technology, the wired controller has become a past. The new form of the PS2 dual shock 2 controller is called the "6 axis", and it is not a sudden change as others have decided, but it is equipped with a gyroscope for a new type of human input. However, this is sacrificing a tactile feedback. A year later, Sony surprised the gamer with a dual shock 3 that revived the tactile engine.
In another topic, you can now launch a game console from a wireless controller.
Internal interface
Finally, there is a SPU channel and a DMA transport (SSC) module. This is used by the memory flow controller to fill and acquire local memory, and the small fixed decimal point module is performed only the vector shuffle and rotation.
StarShip 2: 128MB flash chips behind the adapter, Starship bridges the standard "Common Flash Interface Protocol" (widely adopted in the flash memory interface) [43] [43] 。 PS3, especially, saves the operating system on this.
- PlayStation 2 chipset: The impressive chips in the corner of the motherboard are equipped with emotional engine and graphic synthesis. The EE+GS combo is connected to 32MB RDRAM and IO bridge (called PS2 bridge) and combines about 90%of the first PlayStation 2.
- The EE+GS chip sends the video signal directly to RSX.
- Developers cannot access these chips and are used only for compatibility!
- Backward compatibility
After talking about PS2 chips, let's explain again about the backward compatibility of PlayStation 3.
First, let's explain how backward compatibility generally works: Console is a hardware (specified to existing hardware for the expected movements that old games are expected) and (existing hardware). With the help of the clothing providing a complete backward compatibility or providing partial backward compatibility), you can play your predecessor game. Due to the high processing capacity indicated by PS3, Sony hoped that the PS2 emulator would be installed in the cell and accelerated with RSX. But for some reason, Sony placed a PS2 chipset in one corner of the motherboard.
Big EE+GS chips, two 16MB RDRAM modules, and "PS2 bridge".
The main component with a label on the same photo.
- Meanwhile, the missing but less important chips (IOP, SPU, etc.) are duplicated by the software running inside the Cell. For game saves, initially users had to get a memory card adapter, but when a new software update landed, the memory card was emulated as a disk image stored on the hard drive, and the Magic Gate (encryption system) was handled independently by the Spoo.
- Cell and RSX are "ON" during PS2 gameplay, so two scaling methods are provided to expand the screen area during gameplay: Nearest Neighbor or Anti-Aliasing.
- In the PS3 user interface after inserting a PS2 disc, the game entry screen appears (some of the other icons are not official, so ignore them for now).
All in all, thanks to this setup, the PS3 can run PS2 games with a great compatibility rate. In addition, you can take advantage of the new features that the new console has (wireless control, HDMI interface, virtual memory card).
As if this wasn't enough, PS1 games can also be run, this time without integrating the old SOC or GPU (based on pure software emulation).
A strange ending
During the PS3's lifecycle, Sony gradually separated the PS2-specific chips from the PS3 motherboard to the point of backward compatibility, where they were exclusively software-preconfigured (with a larger restriction: only PS2 games purchased from the online store). Since Sony did not replace the PS2 chipset (as they had previously replaced the PS1 hardware inside the PS2), it makes us think about the technical and execution logic behind it. Now, as a case study, here is my brief opinion on why this is the case:
Timeline: Sony probably intended for PS2 owners to buy the new product, which would be more affordable for consumers (they could sell their old system), as an alternative to their current product. However, for some reason Sony did not have a software emulator ready by the launch date, so they initially resorted to adding an additional chip. Then, as software emulation progressed smoothly, they gradually removed the additional chip in further revisions of the motherboard.
To complement this, programmer "M4J0R" comments: "What's interesting is that Sony developed two hardware emulation revisions at the same time (EE/GS and GS only)." [44].
I understand that other factors are related to reducing energy consumption, such as new CELL and RSX revision. However, I think the PS2 chipset play an important role.
- Personally, I think pure software emulation is the most realistic option in the long term because of expandability, customizability, independence from its own hardware. But, of course, the need for more efforts to implement accurately is a continuous development of PCSX2 by voluntee r-based community (however, the emulator mentioned above operates only on the X86 computer. Note that).
- Horizontal compatibility
It's not a compatibility yet! Surprisingly, Sony is able to play some of the PlayStation Portable games. The emulation is completely software, and the compatibility with PS2 has been realized in the subsequent models.
- Since PS3 has no UMD diskinder, you need to access the game catalog from the Sony online store to download and install PSP games.
- operating system
- Now that home game consoles have become a powerful media hub, a more sophisticated operating system is needed, and it is necessary to increase the abstract layers and provide more services and games to users. On the other hand, security and performance are kept equivalent.
- As a result, terms such as shells and BIOS are no longer used to represent this field. The general terms are "operating systems", which include many areas (boot loaders, kernels, user interfaces), and are analyzed individually. Since the modular design is a repetition of PS3, it is recommended that you first check the PSP OS as usual.
- Priority Cell Security
Before entering the details, you need to mention the various operation modes of CELL. Initially, I was going to explain it in the CPU section, but since the density has become so dense, I will introduce here that I can easily understand how to use it in practical use. This function also affects not only the Sony developed for this game console, but also the design of all OS operating inside Cell.
Nevertheless, CELL implements a series of privileges inherited from PowerPC specifications to protect from unauthorized access to confidential data and resources. In other words, Cell executes the program in two modes:
Privileged mode: The Cell provides access to all corners of its hardware (registers, memory addresses, function codes, etc.)[50]. For security reasons, this mode should only be used by the operating system kernel (i. e., the kernel).
- Furthermore, the Cell is prepared to run multiple operating systems simultaneously, and to achieve this at the hardware level, the "privileged mode" is further divided into "privileged 1" and "privileged 2". "privileged 2" is intended to be used by the kernel, while "privileged 1" is used by the supervisor, the latter arbitrating resources between different kernels running simultaneously.
- The "supervisor" function has also become an area of research at IBM headquarters[51][52].
- Furthermore, the SPEs have an operating mode called isolated mode, which protects the running process within the SPU, so that no external units (PPEs or other SPEs) can access it until the SPU has finished. This can be enabled after a program has been downloaded to any SPE, ensuring that the processor is not compromised during the execution of logical code (such as cryptographic routines).
Sony's operating system, which we will discuss in the next paragraphs, handles security using all the features we have discussed.
As we said before, operating systems are very complex. So, to get through this section without too much ado, we can break down the file types found in this console's operating system into different levels:
Loader: To make a long story short, the programs/bytes on this console are systemically encrypted. So, a "loader" is a program that executes the "real" programs. In other words, a loader takes the binary, decrypts it, checks the authenticity, and finally sends it to the corresponding processor (PPE or any SPE) to execute it. This may not sound complicated, but loaders are linked to further protect the software. Finally, loaders are included in many media.
Some loaders are updated by Sony (through software updates), while others cannot be changed. This is independent of whether they are installed on rewritable storage or not, some loaders are encrypted with a console-specific key, so they cannot be changed (at least not in the traditional way) after the console leaves the factory.
Some of the binaries borrow code from the Free BSD and NetBSD projects [54].
Unlike the other layers, corrupting this data does not have catastrophic consequences.
Operating System Security Layers
Generally, the operating system of PS3 is designed in the same module method as the PSP. Remembering the previous article, the operating system consists of multiple modules. These modules (like games and applications) may provide services to users, or in memory to provide services to other modules (like system calls and drivers). Sometimes. Some modules have more privileged access than other modules (kernel module vs user module).
- A diagram showing how the component of the PlayStation OS conforms to the CELL authority level. Others are described in detail in the following section.
- The operating system calls many different modules with different privileges through its life cycle. Sony created an operating system so that the module is executed under the three privileged level of Cell:
- Level 1: Super controller programmed by Sony. Also known as Lv1, this program is the door of all bites of this console and is chained in exceptions caused by MMU. In other words, the hypervisor accepts only the demands from the program (existing in the next level of privileges) permitted by Sony. Hypervisor is available on memory, while also supporting lo w-level system calls and FAT16 file systems.
- Level 2: A privileged program that is reserved in the kernel and is also called Lv2 or "Supervisor". Since the kernel describes the hypervisor, the level 3 program does not interact directly with the hypervisor. The kernel offers a mult i-threaded operation to both PPU and SPU. Finally, the kernel boot straps the user land unit.
- Level 3: Other programs, such as games and visual shells, are executed at this level. These pleb are under the will of the kernel to communicate with the console hardware, and unilaterally new processes/ programs can be created.
- Storage medium
- But where are these data stored? From the general point of view, there are only two visible media: Bl u-ray disk for games and hard disk drive for savings. But there are some other things, so let's look at each!
- Boot rom cell
- Inside the cell, it was found that a small ROM that could store the "protected" boot loader was hidden somewhere. By providing this space, IBM can eliminate the trouble of handing a custom punk clinging method to protect the bootcode (not limited to Sony).
This part is already physically protected by obfuscation and does not need to be encrypted. Therefore, it is ideal for the first boot loader (which cannot be encrypted), and PlayStation 3 preserves the initial boot stage here.
NAND/ no n-flash memory
Do you remember the 256MB NAND flash that you just touched earlier? Most of the operating systems are stored here. Until Sony released the Cechh model in late 2007, 256MB NAND had been replaced with a 16MB NOR. As a result, some files had to be moved to another place. To make it easier, let's first see what these chips are preserved [55]:
Special console loader: Specifically, two loaders called bootLDR and METLDR. These files are encrypted with the key engraved at the time of construction, so they cannot be overwritten!
Anyway, Sony's hyper visor has a hidden function that can update these.
Due to the large size, models with NAND flash also store the remaining operating systems (called GameOS or DevFlash). This includes the following:
Visual shell (VSH): It inherits the characteristic interface of the PSP and is connected to a large amount of plugins and assets.Emulator: The abov e-mentioned program that allows you to run PS1, PS2 or PSP games on PS3. The loaded PS2 emulator depends on the console revision (whether the PS2 hardware is fully installed, partially installed, or not using PS2 hardware at all).
Runtime library
Blu-ray Player: A program that processes interaction with Blu-ray drive and movie decoding.
System assets: Fonts and certificates that depend on task binaries.As if this alone is not enough, the NAND console has X registry (network setting, PlayStation network account, Blue Pairing Device List Collection), more recall files, and other rowser (following several paragraphs. Other data, such as the really interesting bit, is also stored.
Hard driveThe debut of the inch hard drive will provide the following permanent data storage between 20GB and 500GB (at the time of shipment of revision):
User content: Game save, mode (see the "Game" section for details), and other use r-related data.
Game: Game: Games can copy files from disks to hard drive to reduce load time. These are treated as "game data" by the operating system.
Temporary memory: In the game, 2GB partition is provided for temporary memory (if the main RAM is not enough).
However, in the NOR system, GameOS is also stored on a hard disk. Therefore, every time a user replaces the hard disk, the console requires an update file to reinstall GameOS on the disk. In any case, neither NOR system nor NAND system will start without a hard disk.
Some user data can be backed up using a USB memory and moved to another console as needed, but this process r e-form the new console before copying old data.
In 2012, Sony announced a console redesign revision called "SUPERSLIM". These were available on three flavors: one is 250GB of hard drive, the other is a 500GB hard drive, and the third is only 12GB of the buil t-in EMMC flash. The first two options follow the file system layout that is applied to the NOR model, and the third option saves everything in EMMC (including user data), and NAND layout for system file storage. I follow.
However, the EMMC model has an advantage. Sony is equipped with Panasonic's "MN66840" chip instead of NOR chips, and according to PS3 dev wiki [57], this seems to redirect the NOR bus to EMMC. This is a trick for mere cost reduction because it reuses the same South Bridge as other variations.
Strangely, when a user inserts a hard disk drive into the EMMC model, the console moves all user data from EMMC to a new hard disk drive. As a result, the emmc space is wasted, but users can use the hard disk fully.
Boot process
Now, use all of your knowledge so far, and then learn how to start the system. The reason was simple, and Sony did not want to be tampered with hardware and software, so to prevent you from hacking and side loading your own code.
In the next chapter, press the power button and explain what this console does. Note that this procedure has been significantly changed once (after the hacker broken). So, to make it easier, we will start with the "original" boot procedure (implemented before the system version 3. 60) [58] [59] [60]:
Another chip on the motherboard (called Syscon) enables and executes the instructions from the internal ROM. It then sends a "configuration ring" to the Cell via SPI (serial connection), initializing the Cell and disabling the 8th SPU. Finally, it turns off the power cable and brings the Cell to life.
The Cell's PPU reset vector The PPU points to a hidden ROM that contains a routine to find and decrypt the bootldr from the Flash. The decrypted bits are loaded from the first SPU in isolation mode.
After the isolated SPU loads the bootldr, it initializes some of the hardware (XDR memory and I/O interface), decrypts a binary file called lv0, and tells the PPU to execute it.
The PPU executes lv0, decrypts metldr (console-only loader), and sends it to the 3rd SPU.
SPU2 running metldr runs five more loaders in succession:
lv1ldr decrypts and loads lv1, which contains the hyper controller that assumes the first level of privileges. In addition, lv1 configures the hard disk, Blu-ray drive, and RSX.
lv2ldr decrypts and loads lv2, which contains the kernel and runs on the hypervisor. It also initializes RSX, PS2 emulation, Bluetooth, USB controller, and multi-card reader.
appldr decrypts and loads vsh (Visual Shell) and other dependencies. vsh allows the user to load games later.
isoldr decrypts and loads modules that run on the third SPU in isolation modules. These modules are important for security and perform many cryptographic functions throughout the console's lifecycle. As a result, the third SPU is reserved for security operations and cannot be used by games (leaving only six SPEs for games).
After the PPU loads vsh, it grants control to the user through a graphical user interface, and the XMB menu appears after the iconic orchestral splash sound.
Revised Startup Procedure
In March 2011, a hacker known as "GeoHot" broke security in metldr, undermining the reliability of subsequent loaders. Sony retaliated by issuing hardware and software security updates. These fixes are detailed in the "Anti-Piracy" section of this article.
Optical Shell
Are you bored of this theory yet? Let's move on to something everyone can actually see: the visual shell.
XROSSSMENIABAR (XMB) is an internationally recognized new user interface that can be operated from the sofa (s o-called "1 0-foot" user interface), and the benefits of full HD resolution (1920x1080 pixels). Some improvements have been added to make use of them.
PSP XMB (2004). 480 x 272 rendering with pixels.
PS3 XMB (2006). Rendering with 1920 x 1080 pixels.
Many PSP users are familiar, but Sony has added new applications using the potential of cells, RSX, and Bl u-ray drive. Many of these are mult i-media (slide shows, video players, slide shows, etc.), television (o n-demand TV apps like BBC IPLAYER, etc.), social profiling (online avatars), online shopping (PlayStation Nance) It is related to PlayStation Store.
In addition, XMB is a home game console that can be shared by multiple members, so it supports multiple users, each using different PlayStation network accounts to save different user data (purchased games and savings). Can be done.
Like the PSP, the highlight of the game can style the background to draw your attention! XMB provides a huge amount of settings.
The XMB has a huge amount of settings, especially convenient when you need to set a 1080p shiny Telly to 3, 1 surround sound.
Various multimedia options.
XMB can install games, updates, and extensions (DLC) using native installers.
Finally, a hard disk drive is a salvation for veterans who needed to buy an expensive storage (memory stick professional duo) that would run out of capacity in the past.
Please lend PS3
Surprisingly, I was not interested in all the applications related to the game console. With the advent of distributed computing and the possibility of CELL projects for data science, Stanford University has worked with Sony to make the owners of PlayStation 3 can contribute to medical research. The result is Foldable@Home (pronounced as "Fol Double at Home").
Folding@Home is an application installed in each PlayStation 3, and when opened by a user, it was connected to the central server and a protein simulation was executed. In addition, the app also had the function of running in the background at of f-peak.
WRAP@HOME displays the completed work after the user launches the application.
Through its duration, he joined Fold@HOME's Alzheimer's disease treatment research on the calculation capacity of 15 million PS3 users around the world. Eventually, Folding@Home and Sony withdrawn from the app in 2012, and the former is alive on other platforms.
This is just my personal opinion, but I like to read about projects that use the power of distributed computing to make a global contribution, as opposed to endlessly sensationalist articles about crypto mining victories. I think we should not forget that with any powerful new technology, there are always altruistic applications developed for it. Multi-OS Proposal When IBM described the Cell from the software level, they reported that the Cell could perform multiple functions simultaneously due to a large number of running kernels [63]. Sony therefore took this idea forward and added an option to install a secondary OS to the XMB [64]. This feature is called other, and in simple terms, it provides a partition manager (XMB prompts the user to resize the GameOS partition and allocate new space for the second OS) and a button to boot from the second OS (thanks to booting other Files already set up in flash). Thus, the user only needs to fill the new partition with the OS. As a result, many Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu and Fedora) added the PS3 as another installation target. It can be considered a spiritual successor to Linux for PS2.GNU/Linux red ribbon is a distribution specifically for PS3/Cell, compiled using the PPC64 target.[65]
The console was particularly interesting for research/scientific purposes, as it was more affordable than mainframes.[66][67]
For multimedia purposes, the Blu-ray reader and multi-card reader were also accessible to others.
On the other hand, OtherOS' privileges may surpass GameOS (at the kernel level), but they do not surpass the hypervisor, which still resides in memory. Therefore, hardware access from OtherOS is still at the mercy of Sony's hypervisor, which blocks access to the RSX's instruction buffer (preventing the use of shader modules, among other elements used to accelerate graphics operations). As a result, Linux distributions resort to software rendering (all graphics are designed by Cell) and hand off the framebuffer to RSX for display. It's a shame that OtherOS can't use the full capabilities of this console, but this was probably done to reduce the attack surface. Ironically, OtherOS's use of Cell is similar to how IBM/Toshiba/Sony originally conceived the PS3!
Following the same fate as Folding@home, OtherOS was eventually removed in a subsequent update, but for different reasons (mostly security-related). Shortly after, software exploitation and reverse engineering efforts led to an unofficial resurgence of OtherOS. Currently, OtherOS can be used by users if they install custom firmware, which we will discuss in more detail in the "Fighting Piracy and Homebrewing" section.
At the time of writing, developer René Rebe has now implemented a proper xf86 driver that takes advantage of the acceleration provided by the RSX and its 256 MB of memory.[68] His work is combined with other developments that remove the limitations imposed by the hypervisor (initially through the discovery of exploit software, and later through the use of custom firmware). Rebe has published his progress on his YouTube channel and continues to work through voluntary donations.[69]
Update Feature
At the end of this long section, let's talk about the update feature of GameOS.
In short, as with the PSP, Sony distributed a PS3UPDAT. PUP file that packed all the new binaries for the operating system. The console's security system ensures that only files that are not protected by a console-specific key and are stored on rewriteable storage (flash, hard drive, eMMC) can be updated; everything else must remain untouched.PUP files were distributed through Sony's official website, XMB update assistant, or game disk content (all games are embedded with PUP files that reflect the developed SDK version). The NAND flash model has only 256MB capacity, and the entire OS is stored, so Sony did not release an update file of more than 256MB.
This section introduces topics on games development, distribution, and services.
Development ecosystem
Because this game console integrates the technology of multiple companies, including products that have already been commercialized in other markets (for example, NVIDIA's PC GPU GeForce7 series), developers to develop software. I was overwhelmed by various tools. This does not mean that development was easy, but it should be evaluated compared to the Acembley era.
In Cell Programming, IBM and Sony sent different development suite, and IBM targeted no n-restricted environments such as Linux (and Otheros), while Sony's tools were the only execution environment of PS3 GameOS. As a clear target.
- This SDK contains GCC tool chains that have been modified to create PPU and SPU binary, and can be developed with C, C ++, Fortran, and Assembly. SDK also includes SIMD mathematical functions and low-level libraries that facilitate SPU-PPU management. Finally, I plugged in the Eclipse IDE fork.
- In order to alleviate the complexity of cell development, IBM has also developed another Short Lan Compila called XLCL, which compiles the OpenCL code for PPU and SPU (C/C ++ variant for parallel computing). This was distributed only through IBM's Alphawork channel. < SPAN> PUP files are distributed through Sony's official website, XMB update assistant, or game disk content (all games are embedded with PUP files that reflect the developed SDK version). I did it. The NAND flash model has only 256MB capacity, and the entire OS is stored, so Sony did not release an update file of more than 256MB.
- game
This section introduces topics on games development, distribution, and services.
- Development ecosystem
- Because this game console integrates the technology of multiple companies, including products that have already been commercialized in other markets (for example, NVIDIA's PC GPU GeForce7 series), developers to develop software. I was overwhelmed by various tools. This does not mean that development was easy, but it should be evaluated compared to the Acembley era.
- In Cell Programming, IBM and Sony sent different development suite, and IBM targeted no n-restricted environments such as Linux (and Otheros), while Sony's tools were the only execution environment of PS3 GameOS. As a clear target.
This SDK contains GCC tool chains that have been modified to create PPU and SPU binary, and can be developed with C, C ++, Fortran, and Assembly. SDK also includes SIMD mathematical functions and low-level libraries that facilitate SPU-PPU management. Finally, I plugged in the Eclipse IDE fork.
In order to alleviate the complexity of cell development, IBM has also developed another Short Lan Compila called XLCL, which compiles the OpenCL code for PPU and SPU (C/C ++ variant for parallel computing). This was distributed only through IBM's Alphawork channel. PUP files were distributed through Sony's official website, XMB update assistant, or game disk content (all games are embedded with PUP files that reflect the developed SDK version). The NAND flash model has only 256MB capacity, and the entire OS is stored, so Sony did not release an update file of more than 256MB.
- This section introduces topics on games development, distribution, and services.
- Development ecosystem
- Because this game console integrates the technology of multiple companies, including products that have already been commercialized in other markets (for example, NVIDIA's PC GPU GeForce7 series), developers to develop software. I was overwhelmed by various tools. This does not mean that development was easy, but it should be evaluated compared to the Acembley era.
- In Cell Programming, IBM and Sony sent different development suite, and IBM targeted no n-restricted environments such as Linux (and Otheros), while Sony's tools were the only execution environment of PS3 GameOS. As a clear target.
This section introduces topics on games development, distribution, and services.
In order to alleviate the complexity of cell development, IBM has also developed another Short Lan Compila called XLCL, which compiles the OpenCL code for PPU and SPU (C/C ++ variant for parallel computing). This was distributed only through IBM's Alphawork channel.
So what about Sony? Like the PSP SDK, a compiler, library, and debugger software package using Visual Studio 2008 (later 2010) as ides [71 ]. Since only PS3 was supported, the SDK contained the same GCC tool chain, but was complemented by a large amount of libraries supporting graphics, audio, and I/O tasks. In the case of graphics/RSX, Sony provided GCM to create unprocessed commands and provided PSGL built on GCM to provide OpenGL ES API. To describe the shader, NVIDIA provided a CG, a shader compiler that analyzes a language similar to HLSL (a shader language defined by Microsoft).
No n-license development
The appearance of native Homebrew (operation on GameOS instead of Otheros) has created a new open source SDK to avoid dependence on libraries protected by Sony's copyright and prevent copyright dispute. One example is PSL1Ght, SDK used in combination with PS3ToolChain [72], provides a complete development suite that supports legal Homebrew development (however, remodeling/ violating console that has disabled signature checks. Needed).
Development ecosystem
Development outsourcing
At that time, it is noteworthy that a strange business model, a game console, became popular. Instead of spending time and money to develop games from zero, how about buying a code base of another company and building a game on it? This was devised by a game studio like Epic Games [74]. The studio has not only selling popular game titles such as Unreal TourNament 3, but also providing exclusive versions (not assets) to other developers. This was packaged and was called "Unreal Engine 3". In short, because the game engine processes all the basic parts (physical operations, writing, etc.), developers only need to add custom content (script, texture, model, sound, etc.).
Game licensing is not a new business model, but the harsh environment of the PS3 has finally made it another attractive option for development.
- Storage media
- Now that we've talked about game development, it's time to talk about distribution. So here we'll explain the official distribution methods for PS3 games.
- Blu-ray disc
Retail game example.
Because this game console integrates the technology of multiple companies, including products that have already been commercialized in other markets (for example, NVIDIA's PC GPU GeForce7 series), developers to develop software. I was overwhelmed by various tools. This does not mean that development was easy, but it should be evaluated compared to the Acembley era.
Blu-ray, as the name suggests, is a new form of optical disc that achieves a higher storage density thanks to the use of blue light diodes[76], as opposed to the red diodes used in DVDs. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light, so more information (cavities and territories) can be packed into the same space[77]. As a result, Blu-ray discs achieve amazingly large storage capacities (25GB to 50GB!) using a plastic disc with the same dimensions as a CD/DVD.
- The Blu-ray data format meets many needs across a variety of industries, including high-definition film, digital rights management (DRM), region locking, new file systems, and even the ability to run Java programs.[78] In the case of the video game industry, retail games for the PlayStation 3 were distributed on copy-protected 25GB or 50GB Blu-ray discs. The PS3's laser can also read DVDs (8x) and CDS (24x) to play older games and movies, but these are read by a 2x drive at a maximum speed of 8. 58MB/s.[79]
- Launch titles booted from disc, but later games copied some of their assets to the hard drive to increase loading speed. However, a game disc is always required to boot a game.
- Online Store
- The PS Store app on the XMB.
In Cell Programming, IBM and Sony sent different development suite, and IBM targeted no n-restricted environments such as Linux (and Otheros), while Sony's tools were the only execution environment of PS3 GameOS. As a clear target.
The search interface (which, incidentally, bypasses the native XMB keyboard).
An example of a games list (with suggestions that only work on other consoles...).
At the same time as the game console, Sony launched a unique distribution channel called PlayStation Store, the game studio sold the game digitally, and the users could buy new content while sitting on the sofa. These do not require physical media in the operation (other than the free space of hard drive), but the ownership of digital products is linked to online accounts, and in March 2021, Sony announced this store closed. [80] (later collected [81]), which was a concern for the user.
At the digital store, Sony also had the opportunity to sell digital versions of PS1, PS2, and PSP games called PlayStation Classic. These downloads and installation are performed in the same way, but the package emulator is used to operate. In fact, PS2 Classics depends on the same no n-accelerated software emulator, regardless of whether the PS3 model has a PS2 chipset! The hardwar e-based emulation in PS3 will end the curtain.
Behind the scenes, PS Store is only a website that can only be accessed through the PS Store app on the XMB. Through its life cycle, the user interface seems to have been updated several times, reflecting global demand for more fancy user interfaces.
Network service
In addition to online stores, some online solutions have been added to the platform. This is the first free online service PlayStation Network, which directly competes with Microsoft's paid service Xbox Live.
PlayStation Network allows users to create personal accounts, assign avatars, and use this new digital persona to perform multiplayer games, messaging, and other social interactions. In addition, users can get trophy by clearing a specific event in the game, and the trophy is displayed online (like a certain kind of honorary medal), threatening the opponent, or from a friend. I think you can gather respect.
- The game has a list of achievements for users to challenge. The intention is to provide the player pride and a sense of accomplishment.
- Friendlist. (The name is sorted so that it is easy to understand).
- After playing online games for a while, an unspecified number of people gave me a message.
- Last but not least, the game is updated, like the OS that can be updated. Therefore, when the game is released, XMB may encourage the XMB to download a game that fixes bugs or adds new content (the form of "package"). The update is installed on the hard disk and performs the same operation as the layer file system.
- Pirate version measures and sel f-made
- Everything you read must be protected from "illegal" access in some way. If you want to know how Sony did it, please take a look.
- Outline of security infrastructure
Many of the game consoles have already provided security functions that do not require manual application to software:
Syscon is a unique chip (easy to mention in the boot process), controlling the electrical i n-work line of cells, RSX, and South Bridge. EEPROM contains entry read by the operating system module to determine which function is valid and which function is invalid. [83]
I use the word "anonymous", but Syscon is just a microcontroller, a commercially available ARM7TDMI-S enhanced with MagicGate support (as expected, PS3 is a part of the DNA Boy Advance Game and PS2 Late PS2 It is shared with a revision or a NEC custom 78K0R variant [84]. The internal firmware of the syscon is the most impressive.
Syscon and Cell communicate with each other using a seria l-iliac (SPI) connected to the Cell test element. [85] Syscon is connected only to the "DiffUSED Logic" port so that syscon can manage areas such as power and thermal [86], but the test provides many debad functions.
- In addition, Sony implemented the following protection in the software:
- A complex trust chain that begins with a graphical user interface (XMB), which starts with an united ROM of CELL and loads only binary (made by Sony) under the kernel and overclocker.
- Trust chains are implemented with many encryption algorithms, such as asymmetrical methods such as RSA and ECDSA, and symmetrical methods such as AES, and combine them with HMAC and SHA-1 (to confirm the completeness of data).
These special keys are used for BootLDR and METLDR (first boot stage).
You wouldn't have thought how high this console would be and that hackers would do a limited function like other consoles. Sony would not have so. The company has worked hard to protect several areas, but the other half will be proved later by the hacker.
The PS3's hacking community is very active, with many tools and documents every year, and some of the Sony's strongholds are cracked by independent hackers around the world. Let's take a look. Therefore, it focuses on several milestones that open the way to the inflow of content and sel f-made software development, but you can find more information on PS3HISTORY [88].
Hypervisor override
- Good work
- Collapse of encryption
- Hypervisor override
- In 2010, the community turned around after the hacking scene was quiet for three years. George Hotz is a hacker known for unlocking the iPhone's first model (also known as "2G") and used on any network (initially singular/AT & amp; T). The supervisor can be read and written in the protected areas in memory without stopping. Later, on his blog [89], he published the results with a short summary.
- This Exploit requires two materials: Linux install that runs under oteros (for any but limited code execution). To put it simply, the hypervisor uses the hash table stored in the main RAM to map the memorial dress with a privileged level so that the user program cannot be accessed in the protected memory space. This attack works by breaking the integrity of such tables to enable writing, using this privilege to change the entry, so that the current program can be accessed to every corner of the memory.
- In summary, HOTZ can request multiple memory blocks for the hypervisor in Linux/OtherOS, but the XDR bus has an external interference (due to electric pulse transmission). If the program assigned them, the assignment process was found halfway. [90] As a result, the hypervisor hash table (inside the RAM) remains, but at the same time, this area is relieved. Hotz abuse requires more blocks, so the hypervisor adds further entries to extend the table, and continues this process until overlapping to the memory position of the block, which was supposed to be assigned by the hash table. Since the hash table holds an old entry that allows users to access the address, Supervisor will eventually give users the right to change the hash table entry! Thus, this abuse fixes the entry to expand access to the entire memory space.
This Exploit requires a Linux environment that runs under OtherOS, but the hackers can survey the important parts of the system that could not be accessed, so a major step in promoting the reverse engineering and research projects. It became. At the same time, Sony released the software update 3. 21 and deleted OtherOS. Hackers will not be able to continue working, but only the reasons for accelerating work have increased.
PS Jail Break
In the latter half of 2010, a group named "PS JAILBREAK" announced a unique solution that runs Homebrew directly from the native shell of the console (XMB under GameOS) without destroying the console hardware. Sony will immediately take legal measures to prevent the sale of this product.
"PS Jail Break" was composed of USB dongle, which inserts into the USB port on the front before turning on the console. After that, the user needs to press the power button and press the eject button immediately afterwards. If the instructions are executed successfully, the user will display a normal XMB interface, but some sel f-made the "PKG Installation" options and some sel f-made to load the Bl u-ray game into a hard drive. An application has been added.
Behind the scenes, this dongle does a huge amount of work, which is divided into two groups [91]:
USB Exploit: When the console is turned on, Dongle tricks the system to make it seem to be connected to a 6-port USB hub, execute a complicated USB command sequence until the stack overflow reaches, and access to the PS3 core. Scale up (level 2) and proceed to execute payload.
Payload: This is another complex package, correct the original shell, enable a hidden function (that is, "Install PKG" entry) that can only be used in the debug module, and disable signature verification (any module/). To load packets). Instead, redirect the Blu-ray command to the hard drive (to load the game from the hard drive). The fact that this program can change to this point from the kernel level makes you wonder what the hypervisor is good at.
Interestingly, this is not an abuse of Sony's code, this part of Lv2 is written by logitech, and this abuse can access the source code (due to the 2008 invasion). I have sex. [92].
This product was subsequently corrected by other communities, and open source clones (such as PS Groove) appeared soon, and many restrictions were removed (for example, users can cut their devices after Exploiting is completed. I). Some forks were even used on Texas Instruments computer. In any case, Sony acted promptly to delete the gorimine in the software update of 3. 42, although the door to Homebrew had already been opened.
- Honorable reference
- Before we finally talk about the big prize of the PS3 homebrew scene, let's discuss some methods developed around the same time:
- USB Jig: Another USB stick, this time programmed to trick the console into entering a factory service mode intended only for maintenance of the console by authorized personnel. The program built into the jig copies the one Sony provides to its engineers. The main benefit of the service mode is that it allows the console to be downgraded to a PSJailbreak compatible version. The payload was also available in the form of a Homebrew application for the PSP.[95] Sony responded by patching the service mode to make it more difficult to reset to "normal" mode or change the firmware, discouraging users from resorting to it.
Optical Disc Emulator (ODE): A range of hardware products sent by various companies (Cobra, E3, etc.). Instead of destroying the console's firmware, it destroys the Blu-ray's SATA/PATA interface. ODE is a board that sits between the motherboard and the Blu-ray drive, acting as an intermediary to trick the console into thinking it has a valid disc game inside, and instead load a disc image from an external USB drive. The history of PS3 hacking contains a large gap during the "unbreakable period" when software exploits for the new console were not available. So ODE came along to fill that gap, but at a heavy cost.
Downgraders: As Sony continued to reduce exploits with software updates, users were left with no viable option other than downgrading to exploitable firmware. So companies like E3 came along offering specialized hardware that could replace the console system the "hard way". For obvious reasons, this method required more skill and patience than the USB-based alternative.
Isolated leak: This is a research purpose, not a "function" that users see (but indispensable for future development). Anyway, the revoked data (used in the dangerous certificate on the blacklist) is analyzed by Lv2LDR. Now, it turned out that this process contains many vulnerabilities. First, the expiration data is justified by the user for the indispensable reasons. Second, the analyzer does not execute the audit value for the acquired data (again). As a result, hackers have created a buffer overflow and ultimately created custom recall data that can execute any code in the SPU separation mode. [96] They were able to access confidential data (ie, key), which is likely to be protected in other parts of the system.
Decline of encryption
Like the PSP saga, the original abuse takes a lot of effort, and it has been easily corrected by Sony, leading to disadvantageous cats and rats. However, as in the case of PSP, it was a matter of time to break the chain of trust, which is the basic security of this system.
In 2011, George Hotz (along with the Fail0verflow team) discovered a secret encryption key used by Sony to sign a binary file executed by MetLDR. The binary file loaded at this startup stage is signed by the ECDSA key. METLDR is the third boot stage before the Lv1 (hypervisor) is loaded, so the hacker can customize and deploy all the unique hypervisor, kernel, and everything under it. 。 In addition, all PlayStation 3 on the market will believe that custom binaries are genuine. In short, all Pandor a-type Exploites are done in software.
The discovery of this key, which should have been calculated, is considered to be a "bug" in the implementation of Sony's ECDSA algorithm. If the long story is shortened, the formula used in ECDSA is used by using a random value that has never been changed in all update files [97] distributed by Sony, and changing this number to a constant. It was easy to solve variables, and this eventually happened.
What this discovery means is explained in the next paragraph.
The era of custom firmware (CFW).
The broken METLDR has created a "official" system for PS3, and as a result, various communities have created a "flavor" of GameOS, which has been customized in various ways. These systems have been modified Sony's official firmware files (distributed by Sony as updates), and have been r e-packaged so that they can be installed anywhere using the leaked Sony key. As a result, it was called a custom firmware (CFW), and it was a de facto method of hacking this game console until Sony took a strict countermeasure.
They opened the CFW installation on the "VSH menu". This variant (called "Rebug") is to change the console to a debug station (focus on the IP address at the bottom right, you need to enter the debugger to attach to the running process) to work on your own. I was able to do it.
In the meantime, many CFW appeared on the web under many names ("Rebug", "Ferrox", etc.), and contained customization like [98]:
Disable the signature verification of the module that is installed or installed.
Using a hypervisor (level 1) or a kernel (level 2), you can read and write to any Memoria dress (classic PEEK and Poke).
PKG "Enable a hidden debug function to install a packaged module as a file. These did not need to be signed with Sony Key to operate in the CFW environment.
The disk image can be placed as a virtual Bl u-ray disc.
Revived OtherOS and further improved by removing Override restrictions. As a result, it was called OtherOS ++.
By writing to the Syscon Eeprom database, you can install any system version. This is also known as a QA switching.
Changed XMB style (deleting epileptic warning, shooting screenshot in the game, etc.).
The test kit has a debug function so that any retail console can be made into debugging stations. This is a CFW that can be converted to a retail console (called "DEX") by installing a CFW with a debug function or changing the consol e-specific data in the flash memory. Can be realized by installing.
Sony's strong response
Like the events that occurred after the PSP CFW was invented, Sony counterattacked with two security updates:
In terms of software, Sony sent two systems updates to improve security systems:
With 3, 56, binary is signed by a new encryption key that is resistant to the previous discovery [99], so the CFW creator cannot adapt to a new binary (have a private key to encrypt it. Because it is not). In addition, even if the hacker succeeded in packing a new CFW to enforce a new certificate in the system update file (ps3updat. pup), a new certificate of the "System Updater" application is also shipped. It means that only the console can install it.
Later, the 3. 60 system update fix the boot processes, MetLDR was canceled, and Lv0 has taken over the loader (Lv1LDR, Lv2LDR, APPLDR, Isoldr) boot. As a whole, this means that the hacker cannot change the new system file without breaking the Lv0 (by finding the private key).
A group called the Three Musketeers released the Lv0 key [101] and opened a new CFW from the system version 3. 55. However, by changing the abov e-mentioned updata, installation can only be installed (including CFW with disabled Signcha check).
In terms of hardware, PS3 late models (CECH-25XXX, CECH-3XXX, CECH-4XXX) have different systems versions, but also different versions of BootLDR/LV0LDR (Lv0LDR (Lv0LDR)). C. 1) not only decods and loads Lv0, but also fetches a new system file called Lv0. 2. Lv0. 2 contains Lv0 [102] metadata to guarantee that Lv0 is not infringed. Lv0. 2 is signed with a new key (the discovery of the previous ECDSA is also invalid) to prevent hackers from controlling boo t-chain.
To date, these models cannot execute CFW. However, you can execute the "hybrid firmware" (HFW).
As time goes on, the number of CFW compatible machines only decreases. Therefore, PS3, which was not updated to 3. 55 in the past, has become a relic. On the other hand, the demand for alternatives, such as downgrate (returning to version 3. 55 with old models) and ODES (playing pirated games with new models), is growing.
Sel f-made runaissance
After a long time waiting for users who missed the window for installing CFW, the hacker group released the PS3Xploit, Exploit and Utility collection [103], and expensive downgrade programs (and it The function of installing CFW on the old model without the need for execution) has been r e-introduced.
The main payload of PS3xploit is completely software reproduced with the hardware downgraded program work (repair of Coreos files) and operates as follows:
The starting point is an XMB web browser built on WebKit. PS3Xploit uses JavaScript to execute any code in the user space of the system (outside the javascript environment). To start this, the user simply opens an XMB native web browser, enters the URL that refers to the PS3xploit host, and runs it.
The kernel offers a system call that can be used to overwrite operating system files in flash memory. In addition, Visual Shell (XMB) and its plu g-ins save the routine that uses these calls in memory.
The PS3XPloit protects the Hyper Vizer's "Run-Free" to prevent these system calls directly active, preventing Exploit from loading new code to the userland. However, by "borrowing" a Visual Shell routine, you can find a way to overwrite flash memory.
As a result, PS3xploit changes the execution stack of the webkit and redirects the execution to the Visual Shell routine. Such a method (destroying the stack to execute to other i n-memory code) is called a retur n-oriented programming (ROP), which is very popular in the information security genre. One way to reduce this is to implement the randomization (ASLR) of the address space layout, making it difficult to guess the location of the routine (called a gadget), but as you can guess, Sony. Hyper visor does not have ASLR.
Finally, these system calls are launched by PS3xploit parameters and replace the CoreOS file (the first part of the operating system stored in the flash memory) with a patch.
Console can now install unofficial software updates, and users can use this opportunity to install custom firmware. However, it is not possible to downgrade the system version, but once the updated CFW is installed, the user wants to downgrade the system and install a better equipment CFW. , You can install further utility.
As you can see, this godsend brought regular Firmwares back to the forefront, making degraded materials and Odes. Meanwhile, for units that cannot install CFW in the same way (unsackables), the team later provided PS3Hen, another exploit package focused on enabling a subset of CFW functionality (including the ability to run homebrew). It is installed as an entry in the XMB, and users must run it every time they turn on the console to re-enable the running of homebrew applications.
Part of Sony's response
Luckily, Sony only took minor steps to block PS3XPloit (perhaps because this chain of events occurred several years after the launch of the PS3's successor, the PlayStation 4). Sony released several system updates that removed the routines used by Webkit to start this exploit chain, without fixing it. In response, hackers released a slightly modified software update that restored the entry (and somehow didn't require you to sign up again).[105] These custom updates are called Hybrid Firmware (HFW) and, as of this writing, are the de facto option used to allow homebrewing on unsackable systems.
And that's where the anti-piracy/homebrew saga ends. In my opinion, Sony isn't going to put any more effort into this console, so don't expect any more maneuvering in this area.
So that's it for two PS3s, one playing this nameless game. Apart from the buggy gameplay and the mediocre storyline, it's a lot of fun in this genre.
Well done!
To be fair, I initially intended it to be a two-month project, but it ended up taking an entire summer (you can see why). Anyway, I hope this has broadened your knowledge of the system and helped you understand the reasons behind the technological advances of this era, so you can think beyond the trendy listening that is constantly recycled by the masses.
Just to be clear, for the purposes of this writing, I used three different PS3s:
A Sec-3001 that I used when I was a teenager (for some reason it says Sec-25XX on the box!) that I recently dug out of the attic to test ps3hen on.
A Cech-2100 that I bought after PS3XPloit came out, on which I was finally able to install Homebrew.
CECHA model (released only in Japan) to collect materials for this article (mainly photos and PS2 compatibility). It was quite expensive, but fortunately he was able to offset with a donation from the supporters.
I have repeatedly repeated how groundbreaking technologies are, but did you notice that the initial models were lacking in reliability? I heard for the first time that the game console would break down just after playing the game for a while. In fact, they ate electricity like dinosaurs and had a heat like an oven (plastic oven). Fortunately, what I had was a slim model (should have been called "The-Working-ONE") ...
In any case, let's take a little time before starting the next article, work on other fields to improve the site, and keep up with personal things.
Then the next time! Rodrigo
This article is part of the console architecture series. If you are interested, please consider donation. Donations will be used to the purchase of tools and resources to improve the quality of existing articles and articles to be published in the future.
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These adventure games top 100
Adventure games have a history of over 40 years! You can't believe it, right? For decades, we have encountered a lot of masterpieces, and new gem has been created today. With such a rich history, how many masterpiece lists are worthy of the masterpiece? The last top adventure collection was 20, which was nearly 10 years ago. Well, what will it be this time? 25; You will be surprised that the frame is buried immediately. 50; The number of losers is much reduced, but some of the series alone can easily occupy 3 to 4 frames.
Why is this the best 100 adventure game?
Many people in the world will not be able to list 100 adventure games, but they clench their teeth with early innovative text titles, build the golden age of graphic adventure, survive the dark era, and modern (modern. We have seen the relative) Renaissance. It is possible to think 100 hig h-quality adventures, but there are still some painful missing.
With the numbers in mind, this left an important problem. What is the "best"? How do you compare games with styles and technology for decades? Is the 1985 genre pioneer still classic? Should it be so? Does the new game have the right to stand up with the pioneering ancestors who have endured the trials of time? What is really important? Life, innovation, production value, historical significance? What is more important? History, exploration, puzzle?
The answer is not all above or nothing! There is no scientific formula. Depending on the situation of each game, various elements are determined. You can discuss all options and all arrangements, and I want you to do so! The greatness of the list is that it is correct or wrong. Sometimes it is inconsistent with the site review. However, what we finally chose is worth nominated, and I am absolutely confident that it expresses the masterpiece of this genre so far. Not all games fit all tastes, but there are many things that everyone can play in the top 100 successive adventure games.
Where can I buy an old adventure game?
Today, thanks to Scummvm and GOG, you can play most of these old adventure graphic games in modern systems. Most of the following adventure games can be purchased directly from GoG. com and played immediately with modern systems.
You can't talk about classic adventure games without a big box. The thrills and excitement of owning a wonderful PC game with a stunning art on the front and manuals and game disks are still highly evaluated today. Many modern adventure games provide big boxes through platforms such as Kickstarter's Pr e-and Limited Run Games. But if you want to get an old game box, it's easy to get it through ebay.
Best 100 of adventure games
Here is here: #100-96.
#100th Titanic: Adventure out of time < SPAN> This left an important problem. What is the "best"? How do you compare games with styles and technology for decades? Is the 1985 genre pioneer still classic? Should it be so? Does the new game have the right to stand up with the pioneering ancestors who have endured the trials of time? What is really important? Life, innovation, production value, historical significance? What is more important? History, exploration, puzzle?
The answer is not all above or nothing! There is no scientific formula. Depending on the situation of each game, various elements are determined. You can discuss all options and all arrangements, and I want you to do so! The greatness of the list is that it is correct or wrong. Sometimes it is inconsistent with the site review. However, what we finally chose is worth nominated, and I am absolutely confident that it expresses the masterpiece of this genre so far. Not all games fit all tastes, but there are many things that everyone can play in the top 100 successive adventure games.
Where can I buy an old adventure game?
Today, thanks to Scummvm and GOG, you can play most of these old adventure graphic games in modern systems. Most of the following adventure games can be purchased directly from GoG. com and played immediately with modern systems.
You can't talk about classic adventure games without a big box. The thrills and excitement of owning a wonderful PC game with a stunning art on the front and manuals and game disks are still highly evaluated today. Many modern adventure games provide big boxes through platforms such as Kickstarter's Pr e-and Limited Run Games. But if you want to get an old game box, it's easy to get it through ebay.
Best 100 of adventure games
Here is here: #100-96.
#100th place Titanic: With the adventure out of time numbers in mind, this left an important problem. What is the "best"? How do you compare games with styles and technology for decades? Is the 1985 genre pioneer still classic? Should it be so? Does the new game have the right to stand up with the pioneering ancestors who have endured the trials of time? What is really important? Life, innovation, production value, historical significance? What is more important? History, exploration, puzzle?
The answer is not all above or nothing! There is no scientific formula. Depending on the situation of each game, various elements are determined. You can discuss all options and all arrangements, and I want you to do so! The greatness of the list is that it is correct or wrong. Sometimes it is inconsistent with the site review. However, what we finally chose is worth nominated, and I am absolutely confident that it expresses the masterpiece of this genre so far. Not all games fit all tastes, but there are many things that everyone can play in the top 100 successive adventure games.
Where can I buy an old adventure game?
Today, thanks to Scummvm and GOG, you can play most of these old adventure graphic games in modern systems. Most of the following adventure games can be purchased directly from GoG. com and played immediately with modern systems.
You can't talk about classic adventure games without a big box. The thrills and excitement of owning a wonderful PC game with a stunning art on the front and manuals and game disks are still highly evaluated today. Many modern adventure games provide big boxes through platforms such as Kickstarter's Pr e-and Limited Run Games. But if you want to get an old game box, it's easy to get it through ebay.
Best 100 of adventure games
Here is here: #100-96.
#100th place Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
If you could return to 1912, the RMS Titanic would definitely be one of the last destination to choose. Give you a second chance to reproduce the terrible night on April 15 in order to succeed in the first failed mission in the former British spy and avoid both wars in the process. The story is different if you give it. Or, if you are an adventure gamer and want to experience the trial with it-if you can survive. In Titanic: Adventure Out of Time, the alternative reality created by Cyberfrex in 1996 can just make it possible. You can appreciate a luxurious cruise ship that has been carefully studied and reproduced faithfully with other passengers, but there is an important mission that must be done by nightfall. Given the tragic ending of the journey, which killed as many as 1500 people, this game is not the best after actually being there.
This stage, which is digital rendering from actual historical materials and photos, is a true protagonist of this game, providing virtual and fre e-an d-free o n-board sightseeing. Puzzle is sparse, but it is necessary to release bombs, repair machine failures, or use Morse signals to hit telegrams. It is important to interact with many characters, and because there are stories to talk about and hidden, it is important to take appropriate behavior at the right time. There are many opportunities to correct mistakes, but there are branches and multiple endings, not all of them. After colliding with the iceberg, the water level rises and the boat begins to be visibly registered, and the lower layer is cut, so the betting really goes up. The task must be completed in a hurry before losing everything between an impressive cut that reflects the destruction from a distance. The tim e-limited elements increase the tension, are indispensable in this situation, and lead to a completely stunning late game. Sink, swim, succeed or fail? It's up to you, and if you don't like the result, you have a real replay value that will just return and try again. Certainly, you
This is also recommended: Lost in Time, Mission Critical
#9 9-Nancy Drew: Black Moore's Curse < Span> If you could return to 1912, the RMS Titanic would definitely be one of the last destination to choose. Give you a second chance to reproduce the terrible night on April 15 in order to succeed in the first failed mission in the former British spy and avoid both wars in the process. The story is different if you give it. Or, if you are an adventure gamer and want to experience the trial with it-if you can survive. In Titanic: Adventure Out of Time, the alternative reality created by Cyberfrex in 1996 can just make it possible. You can appreciate a luxurious cruise ship that has been carefully studied and reproduced faithfully with other passengers, but there is an important mission that must be done by nightfall. Given the tragic ending of the journey, which killed as many as 1500 people, this game is not the best after actually being there.
This stage, which is digital rendering from actual historical materials and photos, is a true protagonist of this game, providing virtual and fre e-an d-free o n-board sightseeing. Puzzle is sparse, but it is necessary to release bombs, repair machine failures, or use Morse signals to hit telegrams. It is important to interact with many characters, and because there are stories to talk about and hidden, it is important to take appropriate behavior at the right time. There are many opportunities to correct mistakes, but there are branches and multiple endings, not all of them. After colliding with the iceberg, the water level rises and the boat begins to be visibly registered, and the lower layer is cut, so the betting really goes up. The task must be completed in a hurry before losing everything between an impressive cut that reflects the destruction from a distance. The tim e-limited elements increase the tension, are indispensable in this situation, and lead to a completely stunning late game. Sink, swim, succeed or fail? It's up to you, and if you don't like the result, you have a real replay value that will just return and try again. Certainly, you
This is also recommended: Lost in Time, Mission Critical
#9 9-Nancy Drew: If the curse of Black Moore was able to return to 1912, the RMS Titanic would definitely be one of the destinations to choose. Give you a second chance to reproduce the terrible night on April 15 in order to succeed in the first failed mission in the former British spy and avoid both wars in the process. The story is different if you give it. Or, if you are an adventure gamer and want to experience the trial with it-if you can survive. In Titanic: Adventure Out of Time, the alternative reality created by Cyberfrex in 1996 can just make it possible. You can appreciate a luxurious cruise ship that has been carefully studied and reproduced faithfully with other passengers, but there is an important mission that must be done by nightfall. Given the tragic ending of the journey, which killed as many as 1500 people, this game is not the best after actually being there.
This stage, which is digital rendering from actual historical materials and photos, is a true protagonist of this game, providing virtual and fre e-an d-free o n-board sightseeing. Puzzle is sparse, but it is necessary to release bombs, repair machine failures, or use Morse signals to hit telegrams. It is important to interact with many characters, and because there are stories to talk about and hidden, it is important to take appropriate behavior at the right time. There are many opportunities to correct mistakes, but there are branches and multiple endings, not all of them. After colliding with the iceberg, the water level rises and the boat begins to be visibly registered, and the lower layer is cut, so the betting really goes up. The task must be completed in a hurry before losing everything between an impressive cut that reflects the destruction from a distance. The tim e-limited elements increase the tension, are indispensable in this situation, and lead to a completely stunning late game. Sink, swim, succeed or fail? It's up to you, and if you don't like the result, you have a real replay value that will just return and try again. Certainly, you
This is also recommended: Lost in Time, Mission Critical
#9 9-Nancy Drew: Curse of Black Moore
It would be easier to include a Nancy Drew adventure on this list. The 25-part series is an unprecedented success and deserves recognition. So why is it the 11th in Interactive's long-running franchise? Because The Curse of Nancy Drew is the one that most consistently has what makes a good Nancy Drew game: tough, layered puzzles neatly woven into a story about an ancient family lineage, with a dash of werewolf thrown in for good measure; mysterious environments filled with Easter egg visuals; tons of information from a fascinating subject (in this case, 17th-century England); great voice acting for all the main characters; a surprisingly nonlinear path to the end; and some scares.
As always, players are guided directly by Nancy as she interviews a colorful cast of characters, including a wealthy second wife who fears she's been cursed by the beast of depravity, her strangely precocious and violent daughter, and an aunt who cares for her spinster. You'll explore the meticulously crafted mansion, finding clues everywhere, including hidden messages in the family crest and gorgeous tapestries depicting scenes from mythology. This time around, the game added dynamic cutscenes and a smartphone with web search capabilities. Some improvements, such as a task list for the junior detective, were a huge success and have remained in the game ever since. Thankfully, the rushed work that plagued many Nancy Drew games has been largely abandoned in this one. Proving that the series wasn't just for girls, by 2004 Her Interactive had clearly got her teen detective series down to a science, but none of the many new adventures from The Curse of the Manor Blackmail topped it.
The Nancy Drew Series (24 Series to Choose From!)
#98 - Space Bar
How do you breathe new life into the classic mystery genre? Simple. Set it on the faraway planet of Armpit VI and hire the same geniuses who designed the aliens in Mos Eisley's famous diner to design the characters. In Boffo Games' 1997 version of The Space Bar, directed by Steve Meretzky, you play Alias Nord, one of the few people on the planet working as a police officer chasing a shape-shifting criminal who has captured your partner. Aside from the usual forensic tools, your greatest weapon is your ability to "blend in" with the dozens of aliens you encounter. It's this ability that gives the game so many unforgettable moments. One minute you're a business tycoon negotiating an incredibly complicated deal. Then you're a highly intelligent alien trapped in a bottle whose only way to interact with the world is to communicate with your vaguely alien peers. You then become a drug-addicted alien trying to escape Earth despite laryngitis and trying to shake off the authorities, then you become a robot sports star trying to get over last night's hangover in time for the big game. All this while solving the mystery of which of the many aliens surrounding you are in disguise. The game features a fairly unforgiving time limit combined with trial and error puzzles, but those who take the challenge will be rewarded with hilarious characters and a truly unique adventure. Spacebar is one of the less well-known games on this list, but it's worth remembering as a true classic.
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#97 - Runaway Twist of Fate
The first two Runaway games won many fans with their sleek animation art, comedic travel stories, and exciting techno/pop soundtracks, but the games' problems prevented them from reaching their true potential. That's not the case with 2009's Twist of Fate, which delivered the final installment of the trilogy with high production values and gameplay to match. With stunning hand-drawn artwork, Pendulo Studios has delivered a series of colorful, stylized locations, distinctive character designs and cinematic, TV-quality content. The finale, Medea's story, is creatively told in chapters that alternate between past and present, with a strong momentum and narrative flow.
In a first for the series, you alternate between controlling former turn character Gina Timmins and her boyfriend Brian Basco. The fourth-wall humor that comes with this premise makes Runaway's often implausible scenarios much easier to swallow, while its corny tone pokes fun at many of the conventions we've come to accept but that, let's face it, don't make much sense. Brian's incarceration in a mental institution, combined with the series' inherent eccentricities, makes for some unconventional puzzles. And thanks to the addition of a hint system and hotspot detector, you're less likely to get bogged down in pixel hunting or silly puzzles. Overall, Runaway: a twist of fate is a consistently entertaining experience that puts a unique spin on traditional adventure games, and it's a nice wrap-up for a popular but disjointed trilogy.
Runaway: Road Adventure and Getaway: Dream of a Turtle are also recommended. #96 "Gold Rush" We usually play adventure games because they have a great story or some difficult puzzles. But some games, with their fascinating interactive settings and detailed research, allow us to learn more about a certain era, event, or culture than any dry history book can, and they make us enjoy being the protagonist of the adventure. "Edutainment" may be a dirty word these days, but Sierra's "Gold Rush!" is exactly that kind of game. Sure, like many games of the time, it's full of stale elements and the gameplay is sometimes not incredibly interesting, but as you follow Brooklyn newspaper reporter Jerrod Wilson on his heartwarming journey across America, you can't help but discover a mine full of secrets and interesting facts about the real California Gold Rush of 1848.
From the moment the game starts, almost everything you see will lead to a comprehensive explanation of the 19th century customs, and three different routes to go to California (Ferry and Cape Horn will pass through station carriages, Panama. When the ferry options were given, the clear amount of surveys, which was spent in the detailed living situation at the time, is just surprising. Now that the graphics that have been lost late and the sequence of the gold clogs, which are repeated to the Grand Finale, are certainly fun to play. This is especially true when Gerrod has to use text analyzers, for example, when you have to find a way to prevent a metaphor from falling from the slope. This ability to balance just the right balance between learning and pleasure is the gold rush monument! His status is one of the best gem works.
Please here too
Next #95-91.
#Do Ripley believe or not? Master Lou's mystery
Before the birth of Indy Jones, there was Robert Ripley. You may not believe it, but without Ripley, there may not have been Indy. Ripley, a real cartoonist and an explorer, traveled around the world in the 1930s, reported incredible results on radio programs, and gathered unique antiques for the museum. Today, in the adventure game world, a group of "whip" and "fedra" may be better known, but does "Riples" published by Sanctuary in 1995 believe it? ? In Eniguma of Master Lou, he was tied to a bow, given a chance to shine a hero who disliked pigeons, and his expectations were not disappointed. Despite being modeled on a real person, Ripley's interactive adventure is completely fiction, to pursue information about the grave of the first Chinese emperor, created by the smart architect Master Roux, and trapped. He will fly around the world. This is because the grave is hidden in the legendary emperor's seal, giving it a mysterious power to those who have it. While the enemy always hits his heels, he must collect strange characteristics and send it to his hometown to survive the American Museum. < SPAN> From the moment the game starts, almost everything you see will lead to a comprehensive explanation of customs in the 19th century, and three different routes to go to California (Ferry and Horn through Panama, Panama. When the ferry over the cape is given, the clear amount of surveys, which was spent in the detailed living situation at the time, is just surprising. Now that the graphics that have been lost late and the sequence of the gold clogs, which are repeated to the Grand Finale, are certainly fun to play. This is especially true when Gerrod has to use text analyzers, for example, when you have to find a way to prevent a metaphor from falling from the slope. This ability to balance just the right balance between learning and pleasure is the gold rush monument! His status is one of the best gem works.
Please here too
Next #95-91.
#Do Ripley believe or not? Master Lou's mystery
Before the birth of Indy Jones, there was Robert Ripley. You may not believe it, but without Ripley, there may not have been Indy. Ripley, a real cartoonist and an explorer, traveled around the world in the 1930s, reported incredible results on radio programs, and gathered unique antiques for the museum. Today, in the adventure game world, a group of "whip" and "fedra" may be better known, but does "Riples" published by Sanctuary in 1995 believe it? ? In Eniguma of Master Lou, he was tied to a bow, given a chance to shine a hero who disliked pigeons, and his expectations were not disappointed. Despite being modeled on a real person, Ripley's interactive adventure is completely fiction, to pursue information about the grave of the first Chinese emperor, created by the smart architect Master Roux, and trapped. He will fly around the world. This is because the grave is hidden in the legendary emperor's seal, giving it a mysterious power to those who have it. While the enemy always hits his heels, he must collect strange characteristics and send it to his hometown to survive the American Museum. From the moment the game starts, almost everything you see will lead to a comprehensive explanation of the 19th century customs, and three different routes to go to California (Ferry and Cape Horn will pass through station carriages, Panama. When the ferry options were given, the clear amount of surveys, which was spent in the detailed living situation at the time, is just surprising. Now that the graphics that have been lost late and the sequence of the gold clogs, which are repeated to the Grand Finale, are certainly fun to play. This is especially true when Gerrod has to use text analyzers, for example, when you have to find a way to prevent a metaphor from falling from the slope. This ability to balance just the right balance between learning and pleasure is the gold rush monument! His status is one of the best gem works.
Please here too
Next #95-91.
#Do Ripley believe or not? Master Lou's mystery
Before the birth of Indy Jones, there was Robert Ripley. You may not believe it, but without Ripley, there may not have been Indy. Ripley, a real cartoonist and an explorer, traveled around the world in the 1930s, reported incredible results on radio programs, and gathered unique antiques for the museum. Today, in the adventure game world, a group of "whip" and "fedra" may be better known, but does "Riples" published by Sanctuary in 1995 believe it? ? In Eniguma of Master Lou, he was tied to a bow, given a chance to shine a hero who disliked pigeons, and his expectations were not disappointed. Despite being modeled on a real person, Ripley's interactive adventure is completely fiction, to pursue information about the grave of the first Chinese emperor, created by the smart architect Master Roux, and trapped. He will fly around the world. This is because the grave is hidden in the legendary emperor's seal, giving it a mysterious power to those who have it. While the enemy always hits his heels, he must collect strange characteristics and send it to his hometown to survive the American Museum.
Visit exotic places such as China, India, Peru, and Easter, and you can freely go back and forth. Combining the liv e-action character and the background of a beautiful pripost, each scene is packed with detailed hot spot explanations, and many of them are pure options. It is a very difficult game due to no n-linear and advanced interaction, and it requires pixel hunting to get over many inventory hurdles. However, in this game, although it is sometimes worthy of the nature of a fatal enemy, it can died, but with auto saves, you can recover to the point just before falling and try again. As a whole, ENIGMA of Master Lu is a game with everything, such as diverse locations, attractive characters, and meaningful gameplay. But we must not take our words: the game believes.
Secret file series, flight of the Queen of Amazon
#9 4-Faust (also known as Seven Seoul Game)
suicide. Sexuality. Child slave. Abuse. These are not the theme of ordinary adventure. Again, the Ark Cele Tribe's Faust (North America, "Seven Seoul Game") is not an ordinary adventure game. This game, which explores many mature and complex psychological themes, is roughly based on Goethe's 19th century poetry for a man who sold his soul to the devil. Older black man Marcel Fauste arrives at a ruined ruined amusement park called Dreamland, where the demon named Mephisto is convinced to resolve the struggle with God. Going back to the time through the seven episodes that overlaps, seeing the fate of their souls through the eyes of the curious residents of Dreamland and solving the history of the amusement park. From exhibits of show huts, such as Siam sisters and 550 pounds, to employees such as costumes and tiger tamers, each has a dark and painful secret. < SPAN> You can visit exotic places such as China, India, Peru, and Easter, and you can freely go back and forth. Combining the liv e-action character and the background of a beautiful pripost, each scene is packed with detailed hot spot explanations, and many of them are pure options. It is a very difficult game due to no n-linear and advanced interaction, and it requires pixel hunting to get over many inventory hurdles. However, in this game, although it is sometimes worthy of the nature of a fatal enemy, it can died, but with auto saves, you can recover to the point just before falling and try again. As a whole, ENIGMA of Master Lu is a game with everything, such as diverse locations, attractive characters, and meaningful gameplay. But we must not take our words: the game believes.
Secret file series, flight of the Queen of Amazon
#9 4-Faust (also known as Seven Seoul Game)
suicide. Sexuality. Child slave. Abuse. These are not the theme of ordinary adventure. Again, the Ark Cele Tribe's Faust (North America, "Seven Seoul Game") is not an ordinary adventure game. This game, which explores many mature and complex psychological themes, is roughly based on Goethe's 19th century poetry for a man who sold his soul to the devil. Older black man Marcel Fauste arrives at a ruined ruined amusement park called Dreamland, where the demon named Mephisto is convinced to resolve the struggle with God. Going back to the time through the seven episodes that overlaps, seeing the fate of their souls through the eyes of the curious residents of Dreamland and solving the history of the amusement park. From exhibits of show huts, such as Siam sisters and 550 pounds, to employees such as costumes and tiger tamers, each has a dark and painful secret. Visit exotic places such as China, India, Peru, and Easter, and you can freely go back and forth. Combining the liv e-action character and the background of a beautiful pripost, each scene is packed with detailed hot spot explanations, and many of them are pure options. It is a very difficult game due to no n-linear and advanced interaction, and it requires pixel hunting to get over many inventory hurdles. However, in this game, although it is sometimes worthy of the nature of a fatal enemy, it can died, but with auto saves, you can recover to the point just before falling and try again. As a whole, ENIGMA of Master Lu is a game with everything, such as diverse locations, attractive characters, and meaningful gameplay. But we must not take our words: the game believes.
Secret file series, flight of the Queen of Amazon
#9 4-Faust (also known as Seven Seoul Game)
suicide. Sexuality. Child slave. Abuse. These are not the theme of ordinary adventure. Again, the Ark Cele Tribe's Faust (North America, "Seven Seoul Game") is not an ordinary adventure game. This game, which explores many mature and complex psychological themes, is roughly based on Goethe's 19th century poetry for a man who sold his soul to the devil. Older black man Marcel Fauste arrives at a ruined ruined amusement park called Dreamland, where the demon named Mephisto is convinced to resolve the struggle with God. Going back to the time through the seven episodes that overlaps, seeing the fate of their souls through the eyes of the curious residents of Dreamland and solving the history of the amusement park. From exhibits of show huts, such as Siam sisters and 550 pounds, to employees such as costumes and tiger tamers, each has a dark and painful secret.
Sounds deep? Yes, it is, and the disturbing atmosphere with its relentless focus on the seven deadly sins is just scratching the surface. The fragmented story is layered in nature, with each carny's story slowly spinning out, a mystery within a mystery, a puzzle within a puzzle, a story within a story, forming a bigger picture. The gameplay is as challenging as the storytelling, making this a true thought-provoking adventure in every sense of the word. The artwork is average, but the music is great, a great mix of old jazz, blues, and classical vocals and instruments. The majority of the game is spent raising more questions than it answers, which is both entertaining and frustrating, but the exploration of the complex human psyche and the ambiguity of good and evil makes it worthwhile. It's definitely one of the most original adventures out there.
You might also like: Prophecy, Peril at Carthage
#93 - Toontruck
It may be remembered as one of the straws that broke the back of the genre's golden age, but the commercial failure of Toontruck has long been undeservedly lingering. Burst's 1996 adventure stars Christopher Lloyd as a depressed cartoonist who finds himself sucked into the world of the comics he created. Unfortunately, the game never made back its huge budget, but it deserves praise for the game itself, not for its retail failure. The production values are surprisingly high, with film industry professionals showcasing high-quality design and animation, and featuring a large cast of famous voice actors, including Dan Castellaneta of Homer Simpson fame. Compared to other titles of the time, the graphics are top-notch and the sound production was above average.
In this game, the style of a liv e-action protagonist appears in the anime world, but it is clear that the script is very good, so you can feel as if you have entered Looney Tune's animation. Adventures are also important. If you think that you have achieved the main purpose in the middle of the game, the scenario will take off in another direction, and a completely new set of places to find and characters will be unlocked. The story using the stereotype created by the popular anime is purely interesting, and Drew Blanc is sarcastic to use Lloyd (unknown man) wit and the strange sense of humor of Tune's unusual humor. There is. The balance of walking alone is great, but the script is highly adopted by the affected media and affected by the affected knowledge. The sequel was planned, but it was not added, and only this work reminds me of the era when Hollywood, big budget, and adventure games were once real.
The next article is also recommended: "Captain Brau New World
#9 2-bargain
The Boat tends to be considered Lucas Arts' "roug h-made product", and does not resonate as a more famous work of the same generation. Probably because this game was a purely dramatic science fiction adventure, and since 1995, people did not know how to evaluate this game. This game is a traditional point and click adventure similar to comics of the same generation, but the puzzle design of the game is common with those who like "mist" rather than the other franchise of Lucas Arts. There were many things to do, not all players. Based on the concept of Steven Spielberg, it features a mature story written by the writer Oson Scott Card and a luxurious production team with industrial light & amplifier magic. Magic is participating. < SPAN> In this game, there is clearly a clashes of the style in which liv e-action protagonists appear in the anime world, but the script is very good, so it feels as if you have entered Rooney Tune's anime. Will be. Adventures are also important. If you think that you have achieved the main purpose in the middle of the game, the scenario will take off in another direction, and a completely new set of places to find and characters will be unlocked. The story using the stereotype created by the popular anime is purely interesting, and Drew Blanc is sarcastic to use Lloyd (unknown man) wit and the strange sense of humor of Tune's unusual humor. There is. The balance of walking alone is great, but the script is highly adopted by the affected media and affected by the affected knowledge. The sequel was planned, but it was not added, and only this work reminds me of the era when Hollywood, big budget, and adventure games were once real.
The next article is also recommended: "Captain Brau New World
#9 2-bargain
The Boat tends to be considered Lucas Arts' "roug h-made product", and does not resonate as a more famous work of the same generation. Probably because this game was a purely dramatic science fiction adventure, and since 1995, people did not know how to evaluate this game. This game is a traditional point and click adventure similar to comics of the same generation, but the puzzle design of the game is common with those who like "mist" rather than the other franchise of Lucas Arts. There were many things to do, not all players. Based on the concept of Steven Spielberg, it features a mature story written by the writer Oson Scott Card and a luxurious production team with industrial light & amplifier magic. Magic is participating. In this game, the style of a liv e-action protagonist appears in the anime world, but it is clear that the script is very good, so you can feel as if you have entered Looney Tune's animation. Adventures are also important. If you think that you have achieved the main purpose in the middle of the game, the scenario will take off in another direction, and a completely new set of places to find and characters will be unlocked. The story using the stereotype created by the popular anime is purely interesting, and Drew Blanc is sarcastic to use Lloyd (unknown man) wit and the strange sense of humor of Tune's unusual humor. There is. The balance of walking alone is great, but the script is highly adopted by the affected media and affected by the affected knowledge. The sequel was planned, but it was not added, and only this work reminds me of the era when Hollywood, big budget, and adventure games were once real.
The next article is also recommended: "Captain Brau New World
#9 2-bargain
The Boat tends to be considered Lucas Arts' "roug h-made product", and does not resonate as a more famous work of the same generation. Probably because this game was a purely dramatic science fiction adventure, and since 1995, people did not know how to evaluate this game. Also, this game is a traditional point and click adventure similar to comics of the same generation, but the puzzle design of the game is common with those who like "mist" rather than any other franchise of Lucas Arts. There were many things to do, not all players. Based on the concept of Steven Spielberg, it features a mature story written by the writer Oson Scott Card and a luxurious production team with industrial light & amplifier magic. Magic is participating.
The story is that astronauts who have been in charge of the destructive asteroids will be skipped to a different world without any recommendation in the process. Thanks to the strange settings and great soundtracks, the serious content that should appeal to science fiction fans has been wisely eliminated (although unexpected), a developer's trademark. Considering the pedigree, it is natural that CGI is unlikely, and the puzzle design is very different from the usual crazy standard, but many people will accept such a mysterious mystery. It may not be as high as a wide range of charms like Lucas Arts comics, but it is persuasive as a single adventure, and a ful l-fledged gamer will not hurt in addition to the collection.
This is also recommended: The Immortals of Terra: a Perry Rhodan Adventure, Frederik POHL'S GATEWAY series
#9 1-record of the weak
The Feekle Files puzzle designer is as angry in hell. This incredible science fiction adventure would have been warned that fist and screen accidents could be injured when it was released in 1997. It is up to you to decide whether it is good. Following Simon the Sorcerer II, this game introduced us a completely new world of forgotten characters. Red Dwarf's warm alien Fooler, who was in charge of Red Dwarf's loving voice, is involved in corporate spies and ant i-government activities without knowing it in the office. 。 A variety of no n-human casts, this game, is a new machine to the point and click adventure, which symbolizes a step forward of the presentation of famous British developers, inheriting the humor of the Simon series. Ta. The
Fable file is a fun work for both eyes and ears. The stunning combination of the preset set and the animated character is wonderful, and the talent of the British standap comedy is skillfully played. Nevertheless, you need a masochist tendency to really enjoy this game. There are a wide variety of types, from unknown questions about stocks to overt min i-games and math problems. In particular, the arcade section has a high difficulty, and adventure software has released a save file immediately after the event, so that it can continue the story. It's a dreamy game for those who lament the complicated and challenging puzzle loss in this genre. For other people ... Well, the explanation is always. That's worth it. I want you to enjoy the danger next to you.
"Rex Nebuler and Comic Gender Vendor" and "The Bizarre Adventure of Woodlaf and Schnul" are also available.
Next article #90-86.
#9 0-Spike Raft: Great Game
Speaking of the spy story, the mainstream was inspired by James Bond's adventure, but in the active vision "Spycraft: The Great Game", a traditional taste is added to the spy genre. Your mission, a CIA staff, is to track terrorist tissue composed of former spies who plan to assassinate the United States. As a result, FMV is one of the few games that really works, and you can enjoy wel l-developed lines by professional actors. Former CIA members and former KGB agents have appeared in the game, further enhancing the credibility of the story. < SPAN> Fable File "is a fun work for both eyes and ears. The stunning combination of the preset set and the animated character is wonderful, and the talent of the British standap comedy is skillfully played. Nevertheless, you need a masochist tendency to really enjoy this game. There are a wide variety of types, from unknown questions about stocks to overt min i-games and math problems. In particular, the arcade section has a high difficulty, and adventure software has released a save file immediately after the event, so that it can continue the story. It's a dreamy game for those who lament the complicated and challenging puzzle loss in this genre. For other people ... Well, the explanation is always. That's worth it. I want you to enjoy the danger next to you.
"Rex Nebuler and Comic Gender Vendor" and "The Bizarre Adventure of Woodlaf and Schnul" are also available.
Next article #90-86.
#9 0-Spike Raft: Great Game
Speaking of the spy story, the mainstream was inspired by James Bond's adventure, but in the active vision "Spycraft: The Great Game", a traditional taste is added to the spy genre. Your mission, a CIA staff, is to track terrorist tissue composed of former spies who plan to assassinate the United States. As a result, FMV is one of the few games that really works, and you can enjoy wel l-developed lines by professional actors. Former CIA members and former KGB agents have appeared in the game, further enhancing the credibility of the story. Fable file is a fun work for both eyes and ears. The stunning combination of the preset set and the animated character is wonderful, and the talent of the British standap comedy is skillfully played. Nevertheless, you need a masochist tendency to really enjoy this game. There are a wide variety of types, from unknown questions about stocks to overt min i-games and math problems. In particular, the arcade section has a high difficulty, and adventure software has released a save file immediately after the event, so that it can continue the story. It's a dreamy game for those who lament the complicated and challenging puzzle loss in this genre. For other people ... Well, the explanation is always. That's worth it. I want you to enjoy the danger next to you.
"Rex Nebuler and Comic Gender Vendor" and "The Bizarre Adventure of Woodlaf and Schnul" are also available.
Next article #90-86.
#9 0-Spike Raft: Great Game
Speaking of the spy story, the mainstream was inspired by James Bond's adventure, but in the active vision "Spycraft: The Great Game", a traditional taste is added to the spy genre. Your mission, a CIA staff, is to track terrorist tissue composed of former spies who plan to assassinate the United States. As a result, FMV is one of the few games that really works, and you can enjoy wel l-developed lines by professional actors. Former CIA members and former KGB agents have appeared in the game, further enhancing the credibility of the story.
Though it doesn't have a 007 hit or two, the somewhat simplistic combat takes a back seat to the puzzles. Trace a bullet's trajectory back to its origin to see the assassin's face. Photoshop a fake photo to make a prisoner think he's tracked down his boyfriend's location. Isolate the ambient sound effects in the background of a phone conversation to track where the caller is calling from. The list goes on and on. Nearly every puzzle is unique and unlike any other adventure game before or since. And because most of the puzzles take place within the avatar's computer interface, you're immersed in the game as if you were a CIA agent sitting in your Langley office investigating and tracking enemy spies. While other games simply reuse tropes from the past, this 1996 spy thriller stands on its own as a totally different adventure. You might also like: Traitor's Gate, The Messenger
#89 - The Artisan's Work 2: Buried in Time
A man falsely accused of a crime and trying to prove his innocence is the bread and butter of any thriller novel. In Presto Studio's 1995 The Journeyman: Buried in Time, the accused and the man trying to prove his innocence are two different versions of the same person, and time agent Gage Blackwood pulls on his younger self to investigate. As in the first game in the series, players will bump into timelines, but this time they can travel back in time to our own history as well as to future history, set in the year 2318. Exploring lovingly crafted historical environments, such as Mayan pyramids, a besieged castle in medieval France, and Leonardo da Vinci's studio, adds to the fun of time travel, even if direct contact with the inhabitants is prohibited. The truth behind the events leading up to Gage's arrest builds into a tightly-packed story with a dramatic ending.
However, there is one thing that everyone who played the game remembers best: Arthur, an artificial intelligence. Once you find him, he will be integrated into your suit and become your travel companion. It's all too easy for him to be annoying, but the casting is well done, combined with some well-crafted and witty lines, making Arthur a joy to be around. His love of 20th century culture is full of clever references and parodies of the player's own era. Arthur is also more than just a comedy sidekick. His complex computer brain and database serve as a hint system and reference for your historical adventure. Add in an elegant soundtrack and this is certainly one adventure that shouldn't be left buried in the past.
#88 - Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe
After the success of Simon the Sorcerer, it was only a matter of time before adventure software took us to the magic closet. Sure enough, two years later they released The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In many ways, Simon II is a much more complete game than its predecessor. The setting has been greatly expanded, with Simon's adventures taking place everywhere from towns to dungeons to steampunk castles. Many familiar characters make an appearance, including Goldilocks, Um Bongo, the three witches, and even the Swamplings. The humor is sharper and the story flows much better than the original. Simon is given much clearer instructions than stumbling from one scenario to another in his quest to once again rid the world of the evil Soldiids.
As for improvements, the sequel wisely didn't reinvent the wheel of what made its predecessor so successful, and kept the animation and audio look just as high quality. Unfortunately, this also led to some questionable puzzle design, whose vagueness once again drew mixed reactions. Simon himself also underwent some changes. This overtly surly character was hard to get used to in the first game, but even harder in the second. The dialogue is still well written, but the more vocal delivery of the dialogue gives it a new voice that doesn't sit well with all players. Thankfully, the various supporting characters are more than capable of elevating the writing to a more enjoyable level, making Simon II a rattling experience in general, despite its weaknesses.
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In the scientific world, penumbra refers to the cloudy, soft area around the edge of a shadow. But in Penumbra: The Black Plague, the Swedish friction horror experts have sharply shed light on a new formula. Bringing back the protagonist from Penumbra: Overture, the revamped continuity sees Philip exploring an abandoned Antarctic research base in search of his father. Of course, this is a horror title and is far from alone, but Black Plague wisely tones down the first installment's clumsy combat in favor of a helpless Philip running or hiding from threats. Being vulnerable makes for an intensely scary and unsettling experience that's guaranteed to get your pulse racing without requiring Twitch reflexes to succeed.
In the puzzle department, Black Plague doesn't disappoint, using a realistic physics engine to create tricky but natural environments that span centuries. Because the game is played in first-person and you control it like a sniper, even searching for objects feels more tactile and exciting than simply hunting for pixels. The gameplay and story work well together, but it's the stunning atmosphere behind it - behind you, above you, around you, everywhere - that's what makes it the best value. "Immersive" is an overused word when it comes to games, but it really applies here. Your perspective, the dark, sleek graphics, and the disturbing audio all help create a horror experience that's the dream, or rather the nightmare, of any horror adventure fan.
Penumbra: Overture, Darkness in the Series
#86 - Dark Fall
There are rare designers who can understand that as soon as they hear their names, but Jonathan Bokes is just like that. Before 2002, he was completely unknown in the industry, but everything changed with the release of Dark Fall. This supernatural mystery, which is almost sel f-made with sel f-funded and initially published by Boakes, has a single player at the ruined British ruins, which have been disappearing for decades, for decades. I sent it in. The spirits of the people who disappeared at this hotel are still there in seeking the help of overcoming the unknown darkness that brought them away. The ghost itself is good, but this game has an eerie atmosphere. The front phone sounds with a message from the other side every time you enter the store. When the lighting in the corridor flashes, the glowing sphere expands. It always makes me realize that something is watching in the dark.
It reflects a variety of times, from posters of World War II in the bathroom to hig h-tech equipment for ghost hunting recently left by casualties. Each room reflects the final resident's personality, and can be seen in the diary and letters of their disappearance here and there. The sound is wonderful, from the sound of the stairs to the surrounding whispering voices that can be heard occasionally, and many puzzles match the story. Although it is a little rough and obviously made with a low budget, the craftsmanship in this sel f-proclaimed "Love Labor" is fully transmitted. Immediately after gaining enthusiastic support, the work was pulled out by a publisher and the subtitle "The Journal" was given. Since then, the series has influenced not only the sequel to the two Boakes, but also many indie horror. Dark Fall is a surprising feat that only one man has accomplished, and its heritage is required to be included in the list.
You may also like Dark Fall: Light Out, "Dark Fall: Lost Souls", and "Lost Crown: Ghost Hunting Adventure".
Next article #85-81.
#Dark Eye < SPAN> There are rare designers who can understand it as soon as they hear the name, but Jonathan Bokes is just such a person. Before 2002, he was completely unknown in the industry, but everything changed with the release of Dark Fall. This supernatural mystery, which is almost sel f-made with sel f-funded and initially published by Boakes, has a single player at the ruined British ruins, which have been disappearing for decades, for decades. I sent it in. The spirits of the people who disappeared at this hotel are still there in seeking the help of overcoming the unknown darkness that brought them away. The ghost itself is good, but this game has an eerie atmosphere. The front phone sounds with a message from the other side every time you enter the store. When the lighting in the corridor flashes, the glowing sphere expands. It always makes me realize that something is watching in the dark.
It reflects a variety of times, from posters of World War II in the bathroom to hig h-tech equipment for ghost hunting recently left by casualties. Each room reflects the final resident's personality, and can be seen in the diary and letters of their disappearance here and there. The sound is wonderful, from the sound of the stairs to the surrounding whispering voices that can be heard occasionally, and many puzzles match the story. Although it is a little rough and obviously made with a low budget, the craftsmanship in this sel f-proclaimed "Love Labor" is fully transmitted. Immediately after gaining enthusiastic support, the work was pulled out by a publisher and the subtitle "The Journal" was given. Since then, the series has influenced not only the sequel to the two Boakes, but also many indie horror. Dark Fall is a surprising feat that only one man has accomplished, and its heritage is required to be included in the list.
You may also like Dark Fall: Light Out, "Dark Fall: Lost Souls", and "Lost Crown: Ghost Hunting Adventure".
Next article #85-81.
#Dark Eye Name is rare, but Jonathan Bokes is just like that. Before 2002, he was completely unknown in the industry, but everything changed with the release of Dark Fall. This supernatural mystery, which is almost sel f-made with sel f-funded and initially published by Boakes, has a single player at the ruined British ruins, which have been disappearing for decades, for decades. I sent it in. The spirits of the people who disappeared at this hotel are still there in seeking the help of overcoming the unknown darkness that brought them away. The ghost itself is good, but this game has an eerie atmosphere. The front phone sounds with a message from the other side every time you enter the store. When the lighting in the corridor flashes, the glowing sphere expands. It always makes me realize that something is watching in the dark.
It reflects a variety of times, from posters of World War II in the bathroom to hig h-tech equipment for ghost hunting recently left by casualties. Each room reflects the final resident's personality, and can be seen in the diary and letters of their disappearance here and there. The sound is wonderful, from the sound of the stairs to the surrounding whispering voices that can be heard occasionally, and many puzzles match the story. Although it is a little rough and obviously made with a low budget, the craftsmanship in this sel f-proclaimed "Love Labor" is fully transmitted. Immediately after gaining enthusiastic support, the work was pulled out by a publisher and the subtitle "The Journal" was given. Since then, the series has influenced not only the sequel to the two Boakes, but also many indie horror. Dark Fall is a surprising feat that only one man has accomplished, and its heritage is required to be included in the list.
You may also like Dark Fall: Light Out, "Dark Fall: Lost Souls", and "Lost Crown: Ghost Hunting Adventure".
Next article #85-81.
#Dark eye
Expectations are dangerous. Inscape announced in 1995 in 1995, the Dark Eye was initially gained only mediocre evaluations, and some players were disappointed without knowing what to do. It is a dream of meditation fever, which is completely integrated with Edgar's Alan Poe's work. It's a game that enjoys exploration (and that thrill) rather than a conquest. Set in a creepy empty mansion, Poe's three stories blow in a nightmar e-like life, each of the awkward stopmotion dolls, elaborate clothes, and cold clay eyes appear. The stage is not desolated, and the situation you put is as uneasy as you wonder: How do you do this story, knowing it's not a happy ending? ? The Vinnet can be seen twice from the victims and perpetrators to see the same tragic scenario from two disturbing perspectives.
Just like most exciting dreams, if you don't know the original of Poe, you can't really trust where the game is heading. Nevertheless, the invoice is beautifully spoken, Thomas Dolby's soundtrack has a rich atmosphere, and the voice actor's performance is stunning (William S. Barows is Poe's "Mask of Red Death" and "Annabel Lee". While reading, he plays the landlord of this house). The story has a great twist, and there are places where the standard firs t-person viewpoint is distorted by visual habits, and some places where the standard interface is turned over to make the story better. Like Edgar Allen Poe's own work, the whole is a surprisingly beautiful, but terrible and terrifying story. Certainly there is no cohesion. Not an adventure game. But "The Dark Eye" does everything well because of the power to immerse yourself in the twisted and terrible vision of the respected author.
You will also like Bad Day on the Midway and Gadget Past as Future.
#Episode 84 Colonel's Heritage: Laura's Bow Mystery < Span> Expectations are dangerous. Inscape announced in 1995 in 1995, the Dark Eye was initially gained only mediocre evaluations, and some players were disappointed without knowing what to do. It is a dream of meditation fever, which is completely integrated with Edgar's Alan Poe's work. It's a game that enjoys exploration (and that thrill) rather than a conquest. Set in a creepy empty mansion, Poe's three stories blow in a nightmar e-like life, each of the awkward stopmotion dolls, elaborate clothes, and cold clay eyes appear. The stage is not desolated, and the situation you put is as uneasy as you wonder: How do you do this story, knowing it's not a happy ending? ? The Vinnet can be seen twice from the victims and perpetrators to see the same tragic scenario from two disturbing perspectives.
Like most exciting dreams, if you don't know the original of Poe, you can't really trust where the game is heading. Nevertheless, the invoice is beautifully spoken, Thomas Dolby's soundtrack has a rich atmosphere, and the voice actor's performance is stunning (William S. Barows is Poe's "Mask of Red Death" and "Annabel Lee". While reading, he plays the landlord of this house). The story has a great twist, and there are places where the standard firs t-person viewpoint is distorted by visual habits, and some places where the standard interface is turned over to make the story better. As in Edgar's Aren Poe's own work, the whole is a surprisingly beautiful, but terrible and terrifying story. Certainly there is no cohesion. Not an adventure game. But "The Dark Eye" does everything well because of the power to immerse yourself in the twisted and terrible vision of the respected author.
You will also like Bad Day on the Midway and Gadget Past as Future.
#Episode 84 Colonel's heritage: The mystery of Laura's bow is dangerous. Inscape announced in 1995, the Dark Eye, initially gained only mediocre evaluations, and some players were disappointed without knowing what to do. It is a dream of meditation fever, which is completely integrated with Edgar's Alan Poe's work. It's a game that enjoys exploration (and that thrill) rather than a conquest. Set in a creepy empty mansion, Poe's three stories blow in a nightmar e-like life, each of the awkward stopmotion dolls, elaborate clothes, and cold clay eyes appear. The stage is not desolated, and the situation you put is as uneasy as you wonder: How do you do this story, knowing it's not a happy ending? ? The Vinnet can be seen twice from the victims and perpetrators to see the same tragic scenario from two disturbing perspectives.
Just like most exciting dreams, if you don't know the original of Poe, you can't really trust where the game is heading. Nevertheless, the invoice is beautifully spoken, Thomas Dolby's soundtrack has a rich atmosphere, and the voice actor's performance is stunning (William S. Barows is Poe's "Mask of Red Death" and "Annabel Lee". While reading, he plays the landlord of this house). The story has a great twist, and there are places where the standard firs t-person viewpoint is distorted by visual habits, and some places where the standard interface is turned over to make the story better. Like Edgar Allen Poe's own work, the whole is a surprisingly beautiful, but terrible and terrifying story. Certainly there is no cohesion. Not an adventure game. But "The Dark Eye" does everything well because of the power to immerse yourself in the twisted and terrible vision of the respected author.
You will also like Bad Day on the Midway and Gadget Past as Future.
#Episode 84 Colonel Heritage: Laura's Bow Mystery
Legendary designer Roberta Williams revisited the interactive story of the king's exploration, and turned to a new type of game in the 1989 Mysterious Mystery of Sierra. The center of the story is Louisiana in the 1920s, and a young journalist Laura Bow is invited by a flapper's friend Lillian to visit her family, but when the Colonel's will is read out, everything goes wrong and eventually murder. And develop. Of course, Lillian's family is just a villain and a bad word, cheating, lying, stealing, and joyly revealing more in conversations in a brave Laura. Like a classic Agatha Christie's mystery novel, one murder calls for the next murder and finding a secret is second to live.
Colonel's heritage shows a surprising commitment to the times, as shown respect for the hustle and bustle of the 20s, such as Earl Dec o-style dialogue, flapper dialogue, and vintage wardrobes. Similarly, the deviated evil behavior of the Rogue Farm's host is completely worthy of this kind of murder mystery, and Williams writes it with sense and enthusiasm. This game is surprisingly careful to follow the behavior of the characters, and you can get a clue to know the secrets that you could not know in the ending (a considerable number in the first play). It has a replay value. Along with the sequel to the sequel, Amon Rah's Knife, the game has established Laura Bow as a heroine of an adventure that has come to the era too early.
You may also like the Agatha Christie series "Amon Rar's Dagger".
#8 3-Black Miller
The name is "Black Miller" (at that time unknown). Appeared in 2003, gaining cult popularity. With the terrible theme and a merciless dark atmosphere, the game gained a lot of tension, and gave me plenty of twisted thrills, such as committing suicide in a disgusting way over and over again. Also, it seemed to have ended with the most shocking last in history, and it seemed that the Gordon family's curse Saga had a complete end, but thanks to that surprise, two sequels appeared almost 10 years later. It became. Both are sophisticated toys more sophisticated than the original, but the former will be the most memorable in that they have built a bloody foundation in a way.
The "Black Miller", which has a gorgeous background in advance, draws a clear picture of the old and slightly intimidating British village, Black Miller House and Willow Creek. The game depicts the story of Samuel Gordon, a man possessed by the evil power inherited from his ancestors. The story takes time to create the fear and madness that Samuel ultimately arrive at the corpse depression in the town. His charm is a bit overwhelmed by the simple voice actor and the protagonist who can drop a person, but even with all the rough parts, this work destroys the forgotten heritage and has been released for many years. Even now, he has continued to scream for people.
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#82-7th visitors
"Welcome to my home," in 1993, Psychopath's toy craftsman Henry Stauf invited a player to a creepy mansion to spend the night of conspiracy, mystery and murder as a seventh guest of Trilobite. At that time, it was a new type of adventure game, no stock, dialog options, no visible player characters. The game play consists only of sel f-contained logic puzzles, brain puzzles, chess boards, and mazes. One or two puzzles are hidden in each room in the mansion, and the goals are gradually accessible to the entire mansion, allowing them to solve them all. In the meantime, the terrible fate of other unfortunate dinner customers in Stauf reveals through the ful l-motion video scene in the thre e-dimensional environmental art. < SPAN> The Black Miller, which has a gorgeous background in advance, draws a clear but clear picture of the old and slightly intimidating British village called Black Miller House and Will Creek. There is. The game depicts the story of Samuel Gordon, a man possessed by the evil power inherited from his ancestors. The story takes time to create the fear and madness that Samuel ultimately arrive at the corpse depression in the town. His charm is a bit overwhelmed by the simple voice actor and the protagonist who can drop a person, but even with all the rough parts, this work destroys the forgotten heritage and has been released for many years. Even now, he has continued to scream for people.
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#82-7th visitors
"Welcome to my home," in 1993, Psychopath's toy craftsman Henry Stauf invited a player to a creepy mansion to spend the night of conspiracy, mystery and murder as a seventh guest of Trilobite. At that time, it was a new type of adventure game, no stock, dialog options, no visible player characters. The game play consists only of sel f-contained logic puzzles, brain puzzles, chess boards, and mazes. One or two puzzles are hidden in each room in the mansion, and the goals are gradually accessible to the entire mansion, solving them all. In the meantime, the terrible fate of other unfortunate dinner customers in Stauf reveals through the ful l-motion video scene in the thre e-dimensional environmental art. The "Black Miller", which has a gorgeous background in advance, draws a clear picture of the old and slightly intimidating British village, Black Miller House and Willow Creek. The game depicts the story of Samuel Gordon, a man possessed by the evil power inherited from his ancestors. The story takes time to create the fear and madness that Samuel ultimately arrive at the corpse depression in the town. His charm is a bit overwhelmed by the simple voice actor and the protagonist who can drop a person, but even with all the rough parts, this work destroys the forgotten heritage and has been released for many years. Even now, he has continued to scream for people.
This is also recommended
#82-7th visitors
"Welcome to my home," in 1993, Psychopath's toy craftsman Henry Stauf invited a player to a creepy mansion to spend the night of conspiracy, mystery and murder as a seventh guest of Trilobite. At that time, it was a new type of adventure game, no stock, dialog options, no visible player characters. The game play consists only of sel f-contained logic puzzles, brain puzzles, chess boards, and mazes. One or two puzzles are hidden in each room in the mansion, and the goals are gradually accessible to the entire mansion, allowing them to solve them all. In the meantime, the terrible fate of other unfortunate dinner customers in Stauf reveals through the ful l-motion video scene in the thre e-dimensional environmental art.
Nowadays, the graphics are ol d-fashioned, the acting is passing by humor, and the puzzles are familiar, and the seventh customer is easy to abandon. However, compared to what was on the market at the time, it was a bold vision for the future of the game, and the number of innovative technologies has led to the status of this work. The first CD-dedicated computer game, The 7th Guest played a major role in the rapid spread of CD-ROM drive (along with "MySt"). In the days when there were few adventure games with voice actors, it was a pioneering work that used live actors, and opened the fierce gate of the FMV adventure game. And almost 20 years later, the puzzl e-based format has been inherited by a series like Professor Layton. The success may have been shor t-lived, but this genre left an unforgettable footprint.
This is also recommended
#81 - Quest for Glory II: Trial of Flame
At the time of the release of Hero's Quest (later changed to "Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero? '"), The expression that skillfully fused the elements of traditional adventure games and RPG was unprecedented. It was certainly original and fresh. The second series, Trial by Fire, was released in 1990, improving this method in all aspects. This was proved to have been the right choice. Even after several decades since the release of this game, its settings evoked unique surprises and discoveries. Sierra also improved the battle system, responding better and more rewarding. But don't worry. Even if you are not good at adventures, the battle is almost optional, and this game is literally full of other functions that anyone can enjoy. < SPAN> Now, the graphics are ol d-fashioned, acting is passing by humor, and the puzzles are familiar, and the only elements are easy to abandon the seventh customer. However, compared to what was on the market at the time, it was a bold vision for the future of the game, and the number of innovative technologies has led to the status of this work. The first CD-dedicated computer game, The 7th Guest played a major role in the rapid spread of CD-ROM drive (along with "MySt"). In the days when there were few adventure games with voice actors, it was a pioneering work that used live actors, and opened the fierce gate of the FMV adventure game. And almost 20 years later, the puzzl e-based format has been inherited by a series like Professor Layton. The success may have been shor t-lived, but this genre left an unforgettable footprint.
This is also recommended
#81 - Quest for Glory II: Trial of Flame
At the time of the release of Hero's Quest (later changed to "Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero? '"), The expression that skillfully fused the elements of traditional adventure games and RPG was unprecedented. It was certainly original and fresh. The second series, Trial by Fire, was released in 1990, improving this method in all aspects. This was proved to have been the right choice. Even after several decades since the release of this game, its settings evoked unique surprises and discoveries. Sierra also improved the battle system, responding better and more rewarding. But don't worry. Even if you are not good at adventures, the battle is almost optional, and this game is literally full of other functions that anyone can enjoy. Nowadays, the graphics are ol d-fashioned, the acting is passing by humor, and the puzzles are familiar, and the seventh customer is easy to abandon. However, compared to what was on the market at the time, it was a bold vision for the future of the game, and the number of innovative technologies has led to the status of this work. The first CD-dedicated computer game, The 7th Guest played a major role in the rapid spread of CD-ROM drive (along with "MySt"). In the days when there were few adventure games with voice actors, it was a pioneering work that used live actors, and opened the fierce gate of the FMV adventure game. And almost 20 years later, the puzzl e-based format has been inherited by a series like Professor Layton. The success may have been shor t-lived, but this genre left an unforgettable footprint.
This is also recommended
#81 - Quest for Glory II: Trial of Flame
At the time of the release of Hero's Quest (later changed to "Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero? '"), The expression that skillfully fused the elements of traditional adventure games and RPG was unprecedented. It was certainly original and fresh. The second series, Trial by Fire, was released in 1990, improving this method in all aspects. This was proved to have been the right choice. Even after several decades since the release of this game, its settings evoked unique surprises and discoveries. Sierra also improved the battle system, responding better and more rewarding. But don't worry. Even if you are not good at adventures, the battle is almost optional, and this game is literally full of other features that anyone who likes adventures can enjoy.
In the case of beginners, there is also an option to make characters appear from the previous work and watch their growth through the sequel. Also, the characters that appeared in the previous work may be engraved in the adventurer's heart as the "Shape Ear Prince" at the end of the game. In this work, you can get something special from the adventure, such as stealing the Wizards Institute, Eternal Fighter Class, or famous Malta hawks, for each playable class (fighter, wizard, thief). If it is not enough, there are a large number of esoteric puzzles, optional activities that help form your characters as you want, familiar characters, and game worlds that feel lively and consistent. By combining all of these, you can clearly step up from the previous work, and you can see why hero candidates should always play.
Please here too.
Next #80-76.
#8 0-Sherlock Holmes: Awakening
In this game, which combines Detective Arthur Conan Doyle's detective and Lovekraft's Cthulhu mythology, Holmes and Watson will follow a cult that kidnapped several people to use it for dark rituals. Realist Sherlock does not believe in the paranormal phenomenon, but the cult is a legitimate threat, and it is up to him to avoid innocent people. His exploration has run around the world, from a Switzerland psychiatric hospital to a steam ship in New Orleans, and gives the game. All are expressed in 3 D-free roaming and are one of the rare adventures at the time, which modernized this genre with the current technology. Ironically, the later "Remaster version" provided an option to change to a more traditional thir d-person point and click adventure, making it a user most customized adventure. < SPAN> In the case of beginners, there is also the option of the character appearing from the previous work and watching the growth through the sequel. Also, the characters that appeared in the previous work may be engraved in the adventurer's heart as the "Shape Ear Prince" at the end of the game. In this work, you can get something special from the adventure, such as stealing the Wizards Institute, Eternal Fighter Class, or famous Malta hawks, for each playable class (fighter, wizard, thief). If it is not enough, there are a large number of esoteric puzzles, optional activities that help form your characters as you want, familiar characters, and game worlds that feel lively and consistent. By combining all of these, you can clearly step up from the previous work, and you can see why hero candidates should always play.
Please here too.
Next #80-76.
#8 0-Sherlock Holmes: Awakening
In this game, which combines Detective Arthur Conan Doyle's detective and Lovekraft's Cthulhu mythology, Holmes and Watson will follow a cult that kidnapped several people to use it for dark rituals. Realist Sherlock does not believe in the paranormal phenomenon, but the cult is a legitimate threat, and it is up to him to avoid innocent people. His exploration has run around the world, from a Switzerland psychiatric hospital to a steam ship in New Orleans, and gives the game. All are expressed in 3 D-free roaming and are one of the rare adventures at the time, which modernized this genre with the current technology. Ironically, the later "Remaster version" provided an option to change to a more traditional thir d-person point and click adventure, making it a user most customized adventure. In the case of beginners, there is also an option to make characters appear from the previous work and watch their growth through the sequel. Also, the characters that appeared in the previous work may be engraved in the adventurer's heart as the "Shape Ear Prince" at the end of the game. In this work, you can get something special from the adventure, such as stealing the Wizards Institute, Eternal Fighter Class, or famous Malta hawks, for each playable class (fighter, wizard, thief). If it is not enough, there are a large number of esoteric puzzles, optional activities that help form your characters as you want, familiar characters, and game worlds that feel lively and consistent. By combining all of these, you can clearly step up from the previous work, and you can see why hero candidates should always play.
Please here too.
Next #80-76.
#8 0-Sherlock Holmes: Awakening
In this game, which combines Detective Arthur Conan Doyle's detective and Lovekraft's Cthulhu mythology, Holmes and Watson will follow a cult that kidnapped several people to use it for dark rituals. Realist Sherlock does not believe in the paranormal phenomenon, but the cult is a legitimate threat, and it is up to him to avoid innocent people. His exploration has run around the world, from a Swiss mental hospital to a steamship in New Orleans, and gives the game. All are expressed in 3 D-free roaming and are one of the rare adventures at the time, which modernized this genre with the current technology. Ironically, the later "remastered version" provided an option to change to a more traditional thir d-person point and click adventure, making it a customizable adventure of users in history.
Lovekraft has almost no effect, but "Awakened" is still the theme of dark horror. There are plenty of blood, corpses, evidence of evil acts, etc., creating an eerie and ominous atmosphere. Although the animation remains dissatisfied, the character design and voice actor have greatly contributed to the life of Holmes and Watson. There are plenty of contents, such as the scene of exploring with Sherlock's magnifying glass, the lab in the 221b of the Baker Street, and the puzzle to answer the quiz correctly. Since they woke up, there have been a number of franchisees cros s-illed mysteries, each has further refined the graphics, and all of them are advanced here. The place that bears is big. This work, which r e-recognizes the existence of a detective to a new generation of gamers, is appropriate to be counted as a masterpiece of this genre.
Recommended works: "Sherlock Holmes: Empress" "Sherlock Holmes vs. Cutting Jack
#79th "Gemini
The ey e-catching "Gemini Lou" is a Neo Noir science fiction story in 2011, and has an incredible human element and the third act that shakes the heart, but at the same time, the dream of a young toy. It is also a disturbing example of a great success in the golden classic adventure remake. Joshua Nueen Burger, who studied media art at UCLA, was recognized as one of the best adventures in modern times when he exhibited "Gemini Rue" at the 2010 Independent Game Festival. Perhaps I couldn't imagine. Sierr a-style classic environment, 320x200 background, simple puzzle in a relatively limited area, and are finished in a very nostalgic retro format. < SPAN> Lovecraft has little influence except for the name, but "Awakened" is still a dark horror theme. There are plenty of blood, corpses, evidence of evil acts, etc., creating an eerie and ominous atmosphere. Although the animation remains dissatisfied, the character design and voice actor have greatly contributed to the life of Holmes and Watson. There are plenty of contents, such as the scene of exploring with Sherlock's magnifying glass, the lab in the 221b of the Baker Street, and the puzzle to answer the quiz correctly. Since they woke up, there have been a number of franchisees cros s-illed mysteries, each has further refined the graphics, and all of them are advanced here. The place that bears is big. This work, which r e-recognizes the existence of a detective to a new generation of gamers, is appropriate to be counted as a masterpiece of this genre.
Recommended works: "Sherlock Holmes: Empress" "Sherlock Holmes vs. Cutting Jack
#79th "Gemini
The ey e-catching "Gemini Lou" is a Neo Noir science fiction story in 2011, and has an incredible human element and the third act that shakes the heart, but at the same time, the dream of a young toy. It is also a disturbing example of a great success in the golden classic adventure remake. Joshua Nueen Burger, who studied media art at UCLA, was recognized as one of the best adventures in modern times when he exhibited "Gemini Rue" at the 2010 Independent Game Festival. Perhaps I couldn't imagine. Sierr a-style classic environment, 320x200 background, simple puzzle in a relatively limited area, and are finished in a very nostalgic retro format. Lovekraft has almost no effect, but "Awakened" is still the theme of dark horror. There are plenty of blood, corpses, evidence of evil acts, etc., creating an eerie and ominous atmosphere. Although the animation remains dissatisfied, the character design and voice actor have greatly contributed to the life of Holmes and Watson. There are plenty of content, such as the scene of exploring with Sherlock's magnifying glass, the laboratory in the 221b of Baker Street, and the puzzle to answer the quiz correctly. Since they woke up, there have been a number of franchisees cros s-illed mysteries, each has further refined the graphics, and all of them are advanced here. The place that bears is big. This work, which r e-recognizes the existence of a detective to a new generation of gamers, is appropriate to be counted as a masterpiece of this genre.
Recommended works: "Sherlock Holmes: Empress" "Sherlock Holmes vs. Cutting Jack
#79th "Gemini
The ey e-catching "Gemini Lou" is a Neo Noir science fiction story in 2011, and has an incredible human element and the third act that shakes the heart, but at the same time, the dream of a young toy. It is also a disturbing example of a great success in the golden classic adventure remake. Joshua Nueen Burger, who studied media art at UCLA, was recognized as one of the best adventures in modern times when he exhibited "Gemini Rue" at the 2010 Independent Game Festival. Perhaps I couldn't imagine. Sierr a-style classic environment, 320x200 background, simple puzzle in a relatively limited area, and are finished in a very nostalgic retro format.
The story is the game's greatest strength, with a parallel tale of Asriel Odin, a ruthless policeman with a dark past searching for his missing best friend, and Delta Six, a resident of Mysterious Center 7 who has had his memory wiped as part of his rehabilitation and is undergoing weapons training. The fates of these two characters, who at first seem to be apart, collide in a dramatic and dark way towards the end of the game. The game also has some gentle action scenes to show the intensity of the gunfights. But it's the emotional weight of the story that makes this a must-have for fans of neo-noir stories and retro-style adventures, and in its heavy and painful story, it points to a very bright future for independent adventures.
Also recommended Rise of the Dragon, Snatcher
#78 - Freddy Pharkas: A Pharmacist in the Outskirts
Spoofs are always fun, especially if you're a fan of the genre. And if you're a fan of westerns and enjoy the good, the bad and the ugly, Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist is definitely the game for you. Co-written by Josh Mandel and Al Rowe, this latest Larry Fame retelling is packed with sharp jokes that satirize all the major clichés of the western genre while keeping the funny jokes of the series. A lunchtime trail with guns? Control. A mustachioed villain mocking President Sierra? A cooted saloon full of agents, gamblers, cowboys and hookers? Check. And the list goes on. Mel Brooks would be proud.
But that's not all. Ingenious puzzles, fun characters (including Freddy's Indian buddy, Srinivasan), a fun guidebook and reference book so you can put your pharmaceutical skills to good use, and not to forget the unexpected twist at the end. The game is tough and can be a bit unforgiving at times, but Freddy Farkas is worth the effort. It's a game for everyone, so if you haven't played it yet, give it a try. Don't cover your ears.
Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure (aka Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner) and Al Enmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mines are also recommended.
#77th "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories" 1999 The original Silent Hill, released for the PlayStation in 2007, helped establish the blueprint for the burgeoning survival horror genre: narrow corridors, scarce ammunition and health, pervasive darkness, and pointless puzzles. Every game thereafter followed the same formula until American developer Climax Studios decided to redesign the original game minus the combat. Harry Mason wakes up after a car accident on the outskirts of the tranquil resort town of Silent Hill to find his daughter, Cheryl, missing. Set out to find her, he encounters townsfolk, fends off surreal and terrifying creatures, and explores a nightmarish town of mirrors. A less bright, quieter, more psychological adventure than the original, the lack of combat encourages more exploration, making it a welcome change of pace and direction for the series. But that's not all. Ingenious puzzles, fun characters (including Freddy's Indian buddy, Srinivasan), a fun guidebook and reference book so you can put your pharmaceutical skills to good use, and not to forget the unexpected twist at the end. The game is tough and can be a bit unforgiving at times, but Freddy Farkas is worth the effort. It's a game for everyone, so if you haven't played it yet, give it a try. Don't cover your ears.
Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure (aka Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner) and Al Enmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mines are also recommended.
#77th "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories" 1999 Released for the PlayStation in 2007, the original Silent Hill helped establish the blueprint for the burgeoning survival horror genre: narrow corridors, scarce ammunition and health, pervasive darkness, and meaningless puzzles. Every game thereafter followed the same formula until American developer Climax Studios decided to redesign the original game without combat. Harry Mason wakes up after a car accident on the outskirts of the tranquil resort town of Silent Hill to find his daughter Cheryl missing. Set out to find her, he encounters the townsfolk and discovers a surreal and terrifying world. You'll have to fend off monsters and explore a nightmarish city of mirrors. It's a less bright, quieter, more psychological adventure than the original, and the lack of combat encourages more exploration, which is a welcome change of pace and direction for the series. But it's not all there is to it; it's packed with inventive puzzles, fun characters (including Freddy's Indian sidekick Srinivasan), a hilarious guidebook and reference book so you'll have a chance to put your pharmaceutical skills to good use, and not to forget the twist at the end that you'll never see coming. The game is tough and can be a bit unforgiving at times, but Freddy Farkas is worth the effort. It's a game for everyone, so if you haven't played it yet, give it a go. Don't cover your ears.
Wanted: A Wild Western Adventure (aka Fenimore Fillmore: The Westerner) and Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman's Mines are also recommended.
#77th "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories"
The original Silent Hill, released for the PlayStation in 1999, helped establish the blueprint for the burgeoning survival horror genre with its narrow corridors, scarce ammunition and health, pervasive darkness, and pointless puzzles. Every game thereafter followed the same formula until American developer Climax Studios decided to redesign the original game without combat. Harry Mason wakes up from a car accident on the outskirts of the quiet resort town of Silent Hill to find his daughter, Cheryl, missing. His search takes him through a nightmarish town of mirrors, meeting townsfolk, fending off surreal and terrifying creatures. It's a less bright, quieter, more psychological adventure than the original, and the lack of combat encourages more exploration, making it a welcome change of pace and direction for the series.
Silent Hill's initially mundane city locations gradually become creepier because they feel more familiar. Who would have expected that a primary school or a shopping mall could hold horrifying horrors? The city looks like a real place, and the interplay of light and shadow makes walking through it feel tense and comforting. The characters are similarly realistic, with complex personalities and motivations that go beyond the typical NPC, and are brought to life by excellent animation and voice acting. The "Nightmare" sequence, in which Harry must run and hide from the grotesque monsters that inhabit the city, is occasionally frustrating, but it certainly adds a dose of terrifying adrenaline to the wonderfully creepy, Lynchian atmosphere of the rest of the game. Infusing the effects of psychological trauma with haunting truth, this deep and compelling character study will make you want to push through your fears and discover the secrets that lurk in both the town and Harry himself. There's more action than a traditional adventure, but far less than a traditional survival horror. Whatever you call it, "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories" is one of the best games from one of the most highly regarded franchises, and it deserves to be on our list.
Echo Night: Beyond, Inherent Evil
#76 - Design: The Painted Tower
You might think of casual games as all about crazy puzzle locks, hidden object scenes, and generic storylines, but Drawn: The Painted Tower, released by Big Fish Games in 2009, proved you wrong. This exciting "lite" adventure has no hidden object scenes and instead has you trying to rescue a girl who has the ability to create living works of art. The gorgeous hand-drawn fantasy backdrops, strange architecture, and vibrant colors are impressive. The majority of the game takes place in a dark, drab tower, with blue and gray tones creating a somber and muted atmosphere, but stepping directly into the painting will explode with vibrant reds, rich greens, warm yellows, and muted blues. These paintings create a window into a picturesque world filled with enchanted trees, talking scarecrows, wayward witches and fire-breathing dragons.
This game also bears the title "Drawn". If you get a chalk, it's not just an inventory item. Use the chalk to actually change the scene, for example, change the scene to make it rain. Such a drawing challenge is mixed with more traditional invented and logical puzzles, and they are wonderfully built and look great. In a mechanical clock or a wooden puzzle drawn to the details, you must combine the correct weapon and the correct beast. All of these and powerful music brought this game to the world of casual adventure an artistic leap. Later, he definitely created two additional effects that surpassed the previous work, but the tower was first designed on the canvas with a bold brush.
DRAWN: Dark Flight and Drawn: Trail of Shadows are also recommended.
Next #75-71.
#7 5-Questions for Cousth: Exploration of Crown
In the early 1980s, a young company called Sierra Online has challenged a completely new game genre with an animation 3D graphics in the popular text adventure format. The game created by Roberta Williams was "The Quest for the King: Quest for the Crown", and there was no other game at the time. Like a text adventure, the player type tw o-letter commands and interact with the game, but the 1 6-color graphics of King Quest created a complete visual world where there were only characters. 。 The player could use the arrow key to move the protagonist, Sir Graham, to the other side of the screen, behind the rocks and trees. The perfect hero wearing a hat with wings could jump, swim, fall and die. And with the skillful input of the player, he was able to regain the three lost treasures of the duvting and become the king. < SPAN> This game also bears the title "Drawn". If you get a chalk, it's not just an inventory item. Use the chalk to actually change the scene, for example, change the scene to make it rain. Such a drawing challenge is mixed with more traditional invented and logical puzzles, and they are wonderfully built and look great. In a mechanical clock or a wooden puzzle drawn to the details, you must combine the correct weapon and the correct beast. All of these and powerful music brought this game to the world of casual adventure an artistic leap. Later, he definitely created two additional effects that surpassed the previous work, but the tower was first designed on the canvas with a bold brush.
DRAWN: Dark Flight and Drawn: Trail of Shadows are also recommended.
Next #75-71.
#7 5-Questions for Cousth: Exploration of Crown
In the early 1980s, a young company called Sierra Online has challenged a completely new game genre with an animation 3D graphics in the popular text adventure format. The game created by Roberta Williams was "The Quest for the King: Quest for the Crown", and there was no other game at the time. Like a text adventure, the player type tw o-letter commands and interact with the game, but the 1 6-color graphics of King Quest created a complete visual world where there were only characters. 。 The player could use the arrow key to move the protagonist, Sir Graham, to the other side of the screen, behind the rocks and trees. The perfect hero wearing a hat with wings could jump, swim, fall and die. And with the skillful input of the player, he was able to regain the three lost treasures of the duvting and become the king. This game also bears the title "Drawn". If you get a chalk, it's not just an inventory item. Use the chalk to actually change the scene, for example, change the scene to make it rain. Such a drawing challenge is mixed with more traditional invented and logical puzzles, and they are wonderfully built and look great. In a mechanical clock or a wooden puzzle drawn to the details, you must combine the correct weapon and the correct beast. All of these and powerful music brought this game to the world of casual adventure an artistic leap. Later, he definitely created two additional effects that surpassed the previous work, but the tower was first designed on the canvas with a bold brush.
DRAWN: Dark Flight and Drawn: Trail of Shadows are also recommended.
Next #75-71.
#7 5-Questions for Cousth: Exploration of Crown
In the early 1980s, a young company called Sierra Online has challenged a completely new game genre with an animation 3D graphics in the popular text adventure format. The game created by Roberta Williams was "The Quest for the King: Quest for the Crown", and there was no other game at the time. Like a text adventure, the player type tw o-letter commands and interact with the game, but the 1 6-color graphics of King Quest created a complete visual world where there were only characters. 。 The player could use the arrow key to move the protagonist, Sir Graham, to the other side of the screen, behind the rocks and trees. The perfect hero wearing a hat with wings could jump, swim, fall and die. And with the skillful input of the player, he regained the three lost treasures of the duentry and became the king.
By modern standards, the first King's Quest is incredibly simple; the story is little more than a jumble of fairy tale themes, and the gameplay is full of dead-end scenarios and potential death. But even if the pixelated graphics, thin text resolution, and often frustrating gameplay haven't aged gracefully, Quest for the Clown will forever be remembered as groundbreaking for its time. Its success launched the graphic adventure genre and paved the way for Sierra's industry dominance throughout the '80s and '90s. Its historical importance secures its place on this All-Time Classics list, but from a historical perspective, King's Quest I can still be enjoyed today -- not necessarily as a masterpiece of adventure gaming, but as a glimpse into the beginnings. Also recommended: King's Quest II: The Throne, King's Quest III: The Heir is Human
#74th "The Shadow of the Comet" H. P. Lovecraft's works have influenced many novels, films, and games over the years. One of his most eerie works, "The Shadow of the Comet" is perhaps the most effective at capturing the eerie atmosphere of stories such as "The Dunwich Horror" and "The Shadow over Innsmouth." As photographer and journalist John Parker, you are called to an isolated New England town to cover Halley's Comet, but soon find yourself investigating the strange events that occurred in the village during the passage of Halley's Comet in 1834. The original interface of this adventure, released by Infograms in 1993, is rather clunky by today's standards (at least before its re-release on CD-ROM), incredibly taxing in places that require quick reflexes, and some of the solutions, such as the infamous Icarus-like escape mechanism, are a bit silly, but the otherwise compelling story and terrifying atmosphere make this adventure an unreleased classic that every horror fan should play.
Like any good Lovecraftian adventure, walking through the streets of early 20th century Ilesmouth, even in pleasant daylight, the atmosphere is so thick and ominous that you always feel like something bad is going to happen. The unsettling and disturbing soundtrack adds to this tension beautifully, constantly pressing on your nerves as you feel that every corner you turn may hide one of the unspeakable horrors of the Cthulhu mythos. But no horror is ever hinted at. Something ancient lurks beneath the city, waiting to rise again. Some sequences, especially towards the end of the game, are definitely not for the faint of heart and will give you some thrilling chills. If you're looking for a thrilling, jump-out-of-your-face adventure, Shadow of the Comet is still a great choice to play today.
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#73 - Discworld II
While it may not have the most cohesive storyline or the best puzzles of any adventure on this list, Discworld II is fun. In 1996, Rincewind and his trunkful of walking luggage returned for another round of scathing British humor. A year after the original game brought Terry Pratchett's imaginative world to your computer, the sequel arrived in beautifully animated graphics. The lavish sets and detailed animations made it a challenge to move, but the hardware caught up (and far surpassed it), and the vibrant artwork still holds up today. Even better, this fantasy world is filled with interesting sights to see and quirky characters to meet, from a ladder-toting dwarven womanizer to Uri Gellar and his fussy spoons. Discworld is a fun place.
In this adventure (it should be ...), you have to travel on a disk in search of a Death that the young rinsewind has judged to take a vacation. The puzzle has improved significantly from the relentless difficulty of the previous work, making it more reasonable in the context of the game (as is all in this world), making it a more fun entertainment work. Monty Python's Eric Idol plays the leading role again, and the outstanding comedy cast has returned. Disk World II is a consistent and interesting game that will enjoy this genre and enjoy it. It seems that no one will proceed without the decline of adventure games or without mentioning the conventional stock puzzle. Ironically, he did nothing to correct these criticisms, but his masochistic humor helped to enhance this game rather than successful games.
Please here too.
#7 2-Maniac apartment
In front of Monkey Island, there was "Maniac Mansion". In fact, no one knows how the genre of adventure has evolved without the first adventure designed by Ron Gilbert (with Gary Winic). It is so old that many players have never played the title of 1987, but it was a very important work at the time. The Maniac Mansion, produced by Lucas Film Game (now Lucas Arts), is the first ful l-fledged adventure game in the company and pioneered the ver b-based SCUMM engine used in many masterpiece games. The game was very different from the successor, and did not impose multiple roles in a simple rescue mission, but had a character appeared, could select the hero, and had ope n-ended and no n-linear goals. < SPAN> In this adventure (should be ...), you have to travel on a disk in search of a Death that the young rinse window has judged to take a vacation. The puzzle has improved significantly from the relentless difficulty of the previous work, making it more reasonable in the context of the game (as is all in this world), making it a more fun entertainment work. Monty Python's Eric Idol plays the leading role again, and the outstanding comedy cast has returned. Disk World II is a consistent and interesting game that will enjoy this genre and enjoy it. It seems that no one will proceed without the decline of adventure games or without mentioning the conventional stock puzzle. Ironically, he did nothing to correct these criticisms, but his masochistic humor helped to enhance this game rather than successful games.
Please here too.
#7 2-Maniac apartment
In front of Monkey Island, there was "Maniac Mansion". In fact, no one knows how the genre of adventure has evolved without the first adventure designed by Ron Gilbert (with Gary Winic). It is so old that many players have never played the title of 1987, but it was a very important work at the time. The Maniac Mansion, produced by Lucas Film Game (now Lucas Arts), is the first ful l-fledged adventure game in the company and pioneered the ver b-based SCUMM engine used in many masterpiece games. The game was very different from the successor, and did not impose multiple roles in a simple rescue mission, but had a character appeared, could select the hero, and had ope n-ended and no n-linear goals. In this adventure (it should be ...), you have to travel on a disk in search of a Death that the young rinsewind has judged to take a vacation. The puzzle has improved significantly from the relentless difficulty of the previous work, making it more reasonable in the context of the game (as is all in this world), making it a more fun entertainment work. Monty Python's Eric Idol plays the leading role again, and the outstanding comedy cast has returned. Disk World II is a consistent and interesting game that will enjoy this genre and enjoy it. It seems that no one will proceed without the decline of adventure games or without mentioning the conventional stock puzzle. Ironically, he did nothing to correct these criticisms, but his masochistic humor helped to enhance this game rather than successful games.
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#7 2-Maniac apartment
In front of Monkey Island, there was "Maniac Mansion". In fact, no one knows how the genre of adventure has evolved without the first adventure designed by Ron Gilbert (with Gary Winic). It is so old that many players have never played the title of 1987, but it was a very important work at the time. The Maniac Mansion, produced by Lucas Film Game (now Lucas Arts), is the first ful l-fledged adventure game in the company and pioneered the ver b-based SCUMM engine used in many masterpiece games. The game was very different from the successor, and did not impose multiple roles in a simple rescue mission, but had a character appeared, could select the hero, and had ope n-ended and no n-linear goals.
Twenty years after a giant, eerie meteorite crashed on the Edison family lawn, strange murder experiments were being conducted in the mansion. Dave Miller suspects his cheerleader girlfriend has been kidnapped by Dr. Fred, so he and two friends set off to search for her. After choosing two friends to accompany Dave (from a selection of six), you can switch between the three playable characters at any time, using their skills to solve puzzles in different ways. Some are mechanically good, others stronger, more artistic, and so on. The simple premise never amounts to much more than getting into the house, finding Sandy, and trying to thwart the plans of an evil scientist and an equally insane family. One of LucasArts' first adventures, Maniac Mansion has its share of deaths and dead ends, but its open-ended gameplay and quirky B-horror movie humor ensure that it retains much of its original entertainment value to this day, in addition to its important history as a contribution to the genre. Zach McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders #71 "Larry's Leisure Suit: Love for Sails" Leisure Suit Larry became an iconic presence in the comedy adventure world in the late 80s and 90s! It's debatable which game in the series was the best at the time, but the final adventure designed by Al Lowe for Sierra is the only one that has really held up well to this day. This is mainly due to technical improvements, but the witty, slightly bawdy humor, clever puzzle implementation, and colorful animated graphics have lost none of their original charm. This time, Larry boards the luxurious Love Boat to try to win a date with the feisty Captain Tig. Unfortunately for Larry, it's a test of manhood, and manhood is a very scarce resource, so he'll have to use his big brain to solve tricky puzzles and slither his way into the captain's bed.
Like its predecessor, Rally 7 Leisure Suit is an overtly "adult" game, with a Benny Hill-style humor full of sexual overtones and risqué scenarios. However, the interface has some improvements over its predecessor, adding a fully interactive map to help you avoid bouncy PMS, and a rather subtle smart cursor that brings up little verbs that you can also type in specific commands with. Other fun gimmicks have been added, such as scratchin' sniff cards and the continuous "Where's the dildo?" Take the Waldo craze for example. Rally's leisure suit was never everyone's cup of tea, but political correctness aside, the series remains one of the most entertaining of all time. It's hard to beat the original game, which holds a special place in history, but for accessibility and simple fun, the seventh and final "real" Rally adventure is the best fit for the Top 100.
You might also like: Sierra's Rally Series (especially #4!). #70 - Amber: The Journey Is Over
In 1996, a small independent company called Hugh Forest Entertainment released a fantastic adventure game called Amber: The Journey Is Over. Amber puts the player in the first-person perspective of an unnamed protagonist who must help a haunted North Carolina mansion by entering the minds of three restless spirits who inhabit the mansion through various hunting equipment (including a high-tech device called Stellar Mobility that uses electromagnetic resonance). The Myst-inspired game was unfortunately not a commercial success and took several years to garner attention and praise. But that doesn't take anything away from the quality of this game, which became an early standard for many indie horror developers today.
Each story is told in a different graphic style that immediately conveys the atmosphere surrounding a particular ghost, whether it be the faded photographs that frame the memory of a woman who died during World War II, the strangely distorted perceptions of a gardener haunted by a UFO, or the watery images that form a child's sad memory of a distant snowy winter. Although the ending may have been a little too abrupt, Amber's clean graphics, sleek interface, and streamlined yet elegant gameplay created a memorable cult classic that managed to capture the bleak and gloomy atmosphere of the best Victorian ghost stories with rare grace. A few years before ghost hunting adventures became the popular subgenre they are today, this game showed what a small independent team could achieve with lonely first-person horror, and to this day it remains perhaps the best of the bunch.
#69th "I Have No Mouth, and All I Can Do is Scream" The number of adventure games that fall into the "horror" genre could be counted using several appendices. Many of these games are too timid to be truly scary, or try too hard to be stereotypical "horror" cliches, becoming unintentionally comedic. But there are a handful of truly scary psychological horror games, and one of the biggest is the 1995 Dreamers Guild adventure I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream. Based on a short story by Harlan Ellison (who wrote all of the dialogue for the game, despite not having a personal computer), the game follows the apocalyptic quest of five people held captive and tortured in a private hell by a sentient supercomputer named A. M., as they attempt to escape and defeat their captors.
If it is not interesting to have five people who have suicide desire, hysterical phylasia, hysterical phobia, secret sadist, and cynical paradise alternately, with a cock at the Nazis camp. It would be enough to see the disturbing depictions of the beaten people and the chopped children. This is an unexpectedly twisted work, but it has well built a complex story without relying on cheap fear or terrible horror. Game play is traditional, but this game has a barometer of the heart, measuring the behavior of good and evil and determining which of multiple endings. The game is visually detailed (in a bad sense for those with a weak heart), and the voice actor's performance is wonderful. It may not be a fun game, but if you can withstand such a relentless psycho horror, it will be difficult to find a similar adventure game.
This is also recommended dark seed series, downfall
#6 8-Shadow of Destiny (also known as Shadow of Memories)
The shadow of Konami's fate begins with the ferocious death of you. No, it's not the shortest adventure game in history, but it's definitely one of the rare games. If you are dressed as an unfortunate assassination target, Aike Kush, and armed with a pocke t-sized device, you have to rewind the assassination plan, sometimes a few minutes, and sometimes in several centuries. Although it is a relatively short game in the play of the times, there are few adventures that can enjoy repeated repetitions like "Destiny" because the story of the story branches and eight different endings are prepared. And, like this game, there are fewer games that can learn the story and ask the true meaning after clearing. Every time you repeat, you know what is happening, and only after seeing all the ending, you can really understand this attractive story puzzle. < SPAN> If you think it's not interesting to have five people who are desires to commit suicide, strange beasts, hysterical phobia, secret sadist, and cynical paradise alternately, the Nazis camp It would be enough to see the disturbing depictions of people beaten with cock and chopped children. This is an unexpectedly twisted work, but it has well built a complex story without relying on cheap fear or terrible horror. Game play is traditional, but this game has a barometer of the heart, measuring the behavior of good and evil and determining which of multiple endings. The game is visually detailed (in a bad sense for those with a weak heart), and the voice actor's performance is wonderful. It may not be a fun game, but if you can withstand such a relentless psycho horror, it will be difficult to find a similar adventure game.
This is also recommended dark seed series, downfall
#6 8-Shadow of Destiny (also known as Shadow of Memories)
The shadow of Konami's fate begins with the ferocious death of you. No, it's not the shortest adventure game in history, but it's definitely one of the rare games. If you are dressed as an unfortunate assassination target, Aike Kush, and armed with a pocke t-sized device, you have to rewind the assassination plan, sometimes a few minutes, and sometimes in several centuries. Although it is a relatively short game in the play of the times, there are few adventures that can enjoy repeated repetitions like "Destiny" because the story of the story branches and eight different endings are prepared. And, like this game, there are fewer games that can learn the story and ask the true meaning after clearing. Every time you repeat, you know what is happening, and only after seeing all the ending, you can really understand this attractive story puzzle. If it is not interesting to have five people who have suicide desire, hysterical phylasia, hysterical phobia, secret sadist, and cynical paradise alternately, with a cock at the Nazis camp. It would be enough to see the disturbing depictions of the beaten people and the chopped children. This is an unexpectedly twisted work, but it has well built a complex story without relying on cheap fear or terrible horror. Game play is traditional, but this game has a barometer of the heart, measuring the behavior of good and evil and determining which of multiple endings. The game is visually detailed (in a bad sense for those with a weak heart), and the voice actor's performance is wonderful. It may not be a fun game, but if you can withstand such a relentless psycho horror, it will be difficult to find a similar adventure game.
This is also recommended dark seed series, downfall
#6 8-Shadow of Destiny (also known as Shadow of Memories)
The shadow of Konami's fate begins with the ferocious death of you. No, it's not the shortest adventure game in history, but it's definitely one of the rare games. If you are dressed as an unfortunate assassination target, Aike Kush, and armed with a pocke t-sized device, you have to rewind the assassination plan, sometimes a few minutes, and sometimes in several centuries. Although it is a relatively short game in the play of the times, there are few adventures that can enjoy repeated repetitions like "Destiny" because the story of the story branches and eight different endings are prepared. And, like this game, there are fewer games that can learn the story and ask the true meaning after clearing. Every time you repeat, you know what is happening, and only after seeing all the ending, you can really understand this attractive story puzzle.
One of the few adventure games developed and published by a mainstream game company at the time, Shadow of Destiny (known as Shadow of Memories in Europe) is a multiplatform game that was released on PlayStation 2 in 2001, then ported to PC, Xbox (Europe only), and PSP almost a decade later. The PC version was poorly promoted and hard to find at first, so it remains a little-known gem even among adventure game fans. The blocky 3D graphics are now outdated, and the awkward keyboard controls can make it hard to play, but Shadow of Destiny's unique story and clever movement gameplay more than make up for any technical shortcomings, earning it a place on this list and, hopefully, a long and beloved existence. Also recommended #67 Pepper's Adventure Through Time The balance between entertainment and eduvo-dom is always a very fine line. One of the few adventure games that manages to strike the perfect balance between learning and entertainment is Pepper's Adventures in Time, released by Sierra in 1993. It seems that crazy Uncle Fred used a time machine to send a small amount of the 1970s to the colonial era, resulting in Bell Liberty being taken around by Hare Krishnas and a pre-revolutionary Ben Franklin telling people to "relax" while the British governor is imposing stupid taxes on people. In making sense of such absurdities, this game has one of the most brilliant mechanisms in modern educational games. History has been distorted by abuse, but by clicking on something's "truth bubble," you can find out if it really existed at the time. The amount of information contained in these answers is staggering, and anyone with even a slight interest in American history will enjoy it.
However, there is a consistent story development that tries to return the times into the way the games teach, and it is still an exciting adventure. It's not difficult, but there are many puzzles. All the settlers have a humorous line written by Lorelei Shannon, bringing the landscape to have a rich flavor. The promised sequel was not realized, but the adventure beyond the pepper proved that if it was done correctly, there was no way to teach the basic concept of the story as a fun and simple adventure game.
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#6 6-Charahan, Saloon Cross Time
Lucas Arts vs. Sierra's many years of controversy, Legend Entertainment tends to be overlooked, but their games have a consistent and smart, fun and wonderful element. The best example is the “Cross Time Salon” in 1997. The universe was about to disappear in this film, a film of Spider Robinson's science fiction, depicting Jake Stone Vendor and the friends of the Car Hands Bar. Of course, only folk singers, who can't pay the account, discover what they are. But before that, he had to prevent the alien from climbing the world of testosterone, saved the Endangered Brazilian orgasm chocolate, and rescued the Vampire of Transylvania. It's heterogeneous, but for Jake, everything ends overnight. There is no pressure. < SPAN> However, there is a consistent story development that tries to return the times into the appearance of the game, but it is still an exciting adventure. It's not difficult, but there are many puzzles. All the settlers have a humorous line written by Lorelei Shannon, bringing the landscape to have a rich flavor. The promised sequel was not realized, but the adventure beyond the pepper proved that if it was done correctly, there was no way to teach the basic concept of the story as a fun and simple adventure game.
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#6 6-Charahan, Saloon Cross Time
Lucas Arts vs. Sierra's many years of controversy, Legend Entertainment tends to be overlooked, but their games have a consistent and smart, fun and wonderful element. The best example is the “Cross Time Salon” in 1997. The universe was about to disappear in this film, a film of Spider Robinson's science fiction, depicting Jake Stone Vendor and the friends of the Car Hands Bar. Of course, only folk singers, who can't pay the account, discover what they are. But before that, he had to prevent the alien from climbing the world of testosterone, saved the Endangered Brazilian orgasm chocolate, and rescued the Vampire of Transylvania. It's heterogeneous, but for Jake, everything ends overnight. There is no pressure. However, there is a consistent story development that tries to return the times into the way the games teach, and it is still an exciting adventure. It's not difficult, but there are many puzzles. All the settlers have a humorous line written by Lorelei Shannon, bringing the landscape to have a rich flavor. The promised sequel was not realized, but the adventure beyond the pepper proved that if it was done correctly, there was no way to teach the basic concept of the story as a fun and simple adventure game.
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#6 6-Charahan, Saloon Cross Time
Lucas Arts vs. Sierra's many years of controversy, Legend Entertainment tends to be overlooked, but their games have a consistent and smart, fun and wonderful element. The best example is the “Cross Time Salon” in 1997. The universe was about to disappear in this film, a film of Spider Robinson's science fiction, depicting Jake Stone Vendor and the friends of the Car Hands Bar. Of course, only folk singers, who can't pay the account, discover what they are. But before that, he had to prevent the alien from climbing the world of testosterone, saved the Endangered Brazilian orgasm chocolate, and rescued the Vampire of Transylvania. It's heterogeneous, but for Jake, everything ends overnight. There is no pressure.
Between missions, you'll return to the cozy pub to solve word puzzles and chat with the witty, pun-loving locals, adding a fun camaraderie to the game. The best part here is the script, which is always full of hilarious commentary, and there are plenty of interactive opportunities to experience it. And underneath the quirky goals and clever comedy, there's real depth to Jake's life story, which perfectly complements the otherwise whimsical tone. So forget about Cheers. Callahan's is the place to enjoy good friends, drinks, lots of laughs, and lots of heart. Plus, some fun adventures await!
#65 - Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Cing's Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is one of the few modern adventures to have caught the attention of mainstream gamers as well as genre fans. Billed as an "interactive novel," this 2007 title helped establish the Nintendo DS as a platform for text-heavy titles, turning typical noir themes into an intimate, personal experience. With soft jazz music, light puzzles, understated dialogue, and a plain graphic novel aesthetic, it's a very unpretentious title, but beneath its cool, calm tone and leisurely pace lies a compelling, complex mystery story. Like a good book, you can't stop turning the pages.
Set on one night in 1979, former NYPD officer Kyle Hyde is searching for information about a former partner who betrayed him, and his investigation strangely intertwines with the secrets of 10 of his hotel-working colleagues. The game features expressive, hand-drawn black-and-white characters, and a unique visual style. There are some clever puzzles that mimic situations in the game using the DS, but where the game truly shines is in the gradually unfolding mystery, which deepens as you wander the lonely hotel room, chatting with selected guests, and searching for clues at your leisure. Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is a comfortable game for anyone who likes story-based mysteries, and it remains one of the most impressive examples of modern interactive fantasy, portable or not.
Jake Hunter: A Memory of the Past and 999: Nine Hours, Nine Men, Nine Doors are also recommended.
#64 The Book of Unwritten Tales I never thought I'd see an English translation, but this homage to classic fantasy and RPG adventures from KING Art, released in 2011, lived up to the hype. It features four characters: elves, goblins, humans, and creatures. A mismatched cast of characters embarks on an epic journey to save their kingdom from the clutches of an evil witch, and along the way, it manages to return adventure games to their idealistic, irreverent, stock, action-packed heyday. Filled with loving homages to pop culture icons like The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and World of Warcraft, the game also charts its own exciting path in the eternal battle between good and evil. While embracing the genre and poking fun at itself, the game is astute and serious about its business, providing players with rare depth and complexity in gameplay. Numerous missions flow seamlessly and intuitively, and even seemingly trivial comments add up to neat tidbits hours later.
Played in a meticulously crafted, multi-dimensional world The action is brought to life by stunning animation, a nostalgia-inducing background score, and exemplary voice acting. A diverse and memorable supporting cast supports the charismatic lead and gives the story emotional depth. The polished writing is simple yet sly, the dialogue crisp and witty, and exposition is kept to a minimum, wasting no time getting to the point. Though there is a big overarching mission for these unlikely swashbucklers, the game is more about following their small, wobbly steps as they visit places they've never heard of, interact with people they don't like, and eventually discover character strengths they never imagined. In doing so, The Book of Unwritten Tales shows a big heart that any adventure gamer will melt as they play.
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#63 - The Black Dahlia
Elizabeth short murder in 1946, which was dyed with hair and was called "Black Dahlia" from the blac k-skinned costumes, is an unresolved mystery with a ripe fantastic solution. The unresolved Cleveland Torso murder is also a continuous dissection case of 12 in the 1930s, with similar possibilities. In Black Dahlia, take 2 took these two real cases and created an attractive story far beyond the basic details of the case itself. The newcomer coi (later, a CIA investigator) Investigator Jim Pearson's investigative story combines FMV and CG seamlessly, and games look perfectly. As a particularly nice feature, the gym does not need to take a note of it yourself, as the gym makes a note of important information.
However, it is a considerable challenge spirit that this adventure in 1998 is a masterpiece for hardcore adventurers. The game rarely withdraws a trial and error solution, and in fact, the gym uses it as much as possible. Instead, clearing a number of puzzles requires sharp insight, especially in the latter half of the game. This leads to frustration, but it is also very satisfying to reach the answer on your own. Although it is difficult, this game does not rely on unreasonable jumps, but does not set a deadly trap for those who are not thinking about things. It may not be suitable for casual adventurers, but it is a gamer mus t-have item that requires a brain.
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#6 2-Obsidian < SPAN> Dyed hair and was called "Black Dahlia" from the blac k-skinned costume. It is a solution mystery. The unresolved Cleveland Torso murder is also a continuous dissection case of 12 in the 1930s, with similar possibilities. In Black Dahlia, take 2 took these two real cases and created an attractive story far beyond the basic details of the case itself. The newcomer coi (later, a CIA investigator) Investigator Jim Pearson's investigative story combines FMV and CG seamlessly, and games look perfectly. As a particularly nice feature, the gym does not need to take a note of it yourself, as the gym makes a note of important information.
However, it is a considerable challenge spirit that this adventure in 1998 is a masterpiece for hardcore adventurers. The game rarely withdraws a trial and error solution, and in fact, the gym uses it as much as possible. Instead, clearing a number of puzzles requires sharp insight, especially in the latter half of the game. This leads to frustration, but it is also very satisfying to reach the answer on your own. Although it is difficult, this game does not rely on unreasonable jumps, but does not set a deadly trap for those who are not thinking about things. It may not be suitable for casual adventurers, but it is a gamer mus t-have item that requires a brain.
Please here too.#6 2-Obsidian hair dyed her hair and was called "Black Dahlia" from the blac k-skinned costume. Elizabeth Short's murder in 1946 is an unresolved mystery with a ripe fantastic solution. be. The unresolved Cleveland Torso murder is also a continuous dissection case of 12 in the 1930s, with similar possibilities. In Black Dahlia, take 2 took these two real cases and created an attractive story far beyond the basic details of the case itself. The newcomer coi (later, a CIA investigator) Investigator Jim Pearson's investigative story combines FMV and CG seamlessly, and games look perfectly. As a particularly nice feature, the gym does not need to take a note of it yourself, as the gym makes a note of important information.
However, it is a considerable challenge spirit that this adventure in 1998 is a masterpiece for hardcore adventurers. The game rarely withdraws a trial and error solution, and in fact, the gym uses it as much as possible. Instead, clearing a number of puzzles requires sharp insight, especially in the latter half of the game. This leads to frustration, but it is also very satisfying to reach the answer on your own. Although it is difficult, this game does not rely on unreasonable jumps, but does not set a deadly trap for those who are not thinking about things. It may not be suitable for casual adventurers, but it is a gamer mus t-have item that requires a brain.
Please here too.
#6 2-Obsidian
On the surface, "Obsidian" may look like "Mist" in the firs t-person puzzle game "Puzzle". However, players who step into the 1997 adventure, which are ridiculous and imaginable, should abandon all such expectations. As the game itself has warned, "Your rules are not applied", and any prejudice is immediately turned over-literally. Biological chemical engineer Rila Karlin and her husband Max Powers invented a new satellite designed to clean the atmosphere with a nanotube, but it is common in advanced technology, but artificial satellites have evolved into awakening. However, the nanotube creates a huge black crystal, and is sucked into a strange world inspired by their nightmares. There are a number of bullets fired by a mechanical video bot with a TV face, each of which is explored one after another with its own environment and themes.
Obsidian has many puzzles. This may be an exaggerated, 6 0-hour gameplay, which is worthy of the Rocket Science Games developer, but it will not be far away. Puzzles are always creative, not grateful, but to succeed, requires diligent and careful observation. The same (not more than that) is one of the few mini games that requires a considerable amount of hand and eyes, and is randomized at the end. Whichever you choose, you will feel both excitement and fatigue on the unforgettable journey. And you won't regret one minute. Despite the serious premise, casual humor is scattered everywhere, everything is wonderful and surreal and you will never forget the experience. If Terry Gillian would make an adventure game, if he liked a big puzzle, this would be this game.
If you like it, please click here.
#6 1-Woven < Span> On the surface, "Obsidian" may look like "Mist" of the firs t-person puzzle game "Puzzle". However, players who step into the 1997 adventure, which are ridiculous and imaginable, should abandon all such expectations. As the game itself has warned, "Your rules are not applied", and any prejudice is immediately turned over-literally. Biological chemical engineer Rila Karlin and her husband Max Powers invented a new satellite designed to clean the atmosphere with a nanotube, but it is common in advanced technology, but artificial satellites have evolved into awakening. However, the nanotube creates a huge black crystal, and is sucked into a strange world inspired by their nightmares. There are a number of bullets fired by a mechanical video bot with a TV face, each of which is explored one after another with its own environment and themes.
Obsidian has many puzzles. This may be an exaggerated, 6 0-hour gameplay, which is worthy of the Rocket Science Games developer, but it will not be far away. Puzzles are always creative, not grateful, but to succeed, requires diligent and careful observation. The same (not more than that) is one of the few mini games that requires a considerable amount of hand and eyes, and is randomized at the end. Whichever you choose, you will feel both excitement and fatigue on an unforgettable journey. And you won't regret one minute. Despite the serious premise, casual humor is scattered everywhere, everything is wonderful and surreal and you will never forget the experience. If Terry Gillian would make an adventure game, if he liked a big puzzle, this would be this game.
If you like it, please click here.
#6 1-On the woven, "Obsidian" may look like "Mist" in the firs t-person puzzle game "Puzzle". However, players who step into the 1997 adventure, which are ridiculous and imaginable, should abandon all such expectations. As the game itself has warned, "Your rules are not applied", and any prejudice is immediately turned over-literally. Biological chemical engineer Rila Karlin and her husband Max Powers invented a new satellite designed to clean the atmosphere with a nanotube, but it is common in advanced technology, but artificial satellites have evolved into awakening. However, the nanotube creates a huge black crystal, and is sucked into a strange world inspired by their nightmares. There are a number of bullets fired by a mechanical video bot with a TV face, each of which is explored one after another with its own environment and themes.
Obsidian has many puzzles. This may be an exaggerated, 6 0-hour gameplay, which is worthy of the Rocket Science Games developer, but it will not be far away. Puzzles are always creative, not grateful, but to succeed, requires diligent and careful observation. The same (not more than that) is one of the few mini games that requires a considerable amount of hand and eyes, and is randomized at the end. Whichever you choose, you will feel both excitement and fatigue on the unforgettable journey. And you won't regret one minute. Despite the serious premise, casual humor is scattered everywhere, everything is wonderful and surreal and you will never forget the experience. If Terry Gillian would make an adventure game, if he liked a big puzzle, this would be this game.
If you like it, please click here.
#6 1-Weapon
In 1990, you would not be able to imagine who Lucas Film's toys were behind this one weaving machine. This unusual story developed by Infocom's famous Brian Moriarty is the story of Bobin Thread Bear, a member of the A for guild, who controls the mysterious power of music textile. However, Bobbin is different from the guild members, and his story is secretly using a distarian distaria, a magic cane that reads the sounds of various objects in the physical world. It begins as a stranger who has been forced to learn. With an appropriate combination of sound, the weaving can create powerful spells as the structure of the universe changes. A shocking event occurs on Bobin's 17th birthday, the whole guild is cursed, and Bobbin on an unforgettable journey.
LOOM originally appeared on various platforms, including PCs, AMIGA, ATARI ST, TurboGrafx-16, and FM. At that time, it provided incredibly sophisticated pixels. However, the fact that this game is so attractive is the high and detailed background of the story. The original version came with audiotape, which talks about abundant back stories. Of course, the most impressive feature is a unique operation method, which can learn new spells and play the nottes in Distaff, causing various reactions in the game. Without collecting inventory, personal performances and interaction buttons are the only way to use players. Despite the simplicity and shortness of the game, this bold and original approach has been remembered to date, and LOOM, which has a story that closed the curtain with a bittersweet ending, is about the same as a traditional adventure game. Although it is an art work, it can be enjoyed enough as both.
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#6 0-Another code (also known as Trace Memory)
Another Code is the first game of Nintendo DS as a prominent adventure platform, and is still one of the best masterpieces. This work, released by CING in 2005, is not only a calm and gloomy story and character, but also a real gem that developers skillfully use the hardware of portable game consoles. 1 4-yea r-old Ashley started playing the game because he thought he had lost his parents when he was young, but in a mysterious letter, he found that his father was still alive on Brad Edward Island, a sorcery. The world is turned over. Ashley, who arrived on the island himself, goes on a journey alone to find his father. Eventually, she meets a ghost of a boy D, who is as lost as himself. The unlikely pairs were unlikely to explore the island and the huge Edward condominium, explore Ashley's fate, and learn more about the story of D.
During the game, Ashley dialogue with the world using DS analog equipment called DTS. Another Code (known as "TRACE MEMORY" in North America), from a variety of interactions using touch screens, blowing a microphone and simulating a big breath, closing the DS lid and closing the sleep mode on hand. Starting and going ahead, all mechanisms and functions of DS are used. This Japanese game development company will continue to produce a lot of innovative adventure games for this system, but "Another Code" is not only for them, but also for the platform they chose. It was a hint.
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#59th "Mist III: Exile < SPAN> Another Code" is the first game that proves the possibility of Nintendo DS as an adventure platform, and is still one of the best masterpieces. In 2005 This work, released by Cing, is a 1 4-yea r-old gem, not only in the calm and gloomy story and character, but also in the skills of developers skillfully using portable game consoles. Started a game because he thought he had lost his parents when he was young, but a mysterious letter shows that his father is still alive in Brad Edward Island, a sorcerty, and is turned upside down. Ashley, who arrived on the island, eventually travels alone to find a ghost of the boy who is like himself. Explore the island and the huge Edward Mansion, explore Ashley's fate, and learn more about the story of D.
During the game, Ashley dialogue with the world using DS analog equipment called DTS. Another Code (known as "TRACE MEMORY" in North America), from a variety of interactions using touch screens, blowing a microphone and simulating a big breath, closing the DS lid and closing the sleep mode on hand. Starting and going ahead, all mechanisms and functions of DS are used. This Japanese game development company will continue to produce a lot of innovative adventure games for this system, but "Another Code" is not only for them, but also for the platform they chose. It was a hint.
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#59th "Mist III: Exile Another Code" is the first game that proves the potential as an adventure platform that Nintendo DS protruding, and is still one of the best masterpieces. Released in 2005. This work is a real gem, not only in the gentle and gloomy story and character, but also in the skill of using the hardware of portable game consoles. He started playing the game because he thought he had lost his parents, but a mysterious letter found that his father was still alive on Brad Edward Island, a remote named. Ashley arrives, and she goes on a journey alone, as if she was hesitant. Explore the huge Edward Mansion, explore the fate of Ashley's family, and learn more about D's story.
During the game, Ashley dialogue with the world using DS analog equipment called DTS. Another Code (known as "TRACE MEMORY" in North America), from a variety of interactions using touch screens, blowing a microphone and simulating a big breath, closing the DS lid and closing the sleep mode on hand. Starting and going ahead, all mechanisms and functions of DS are used. This Japanese game development company will continue to produce a lot of innovative adventure games for this system, but "Another Code" is not only for them, but also for the platform they chose. It was a hint.
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#59th "Mist III: Exile
With the transition from Cyan Worlds to PRESTO STUDIOS, concerns that the highly evaluated MYST franchise may be in trouble has proved that EXILE, released in 2001, was immediately uneasy. In the third installment 10 years after RIVEN, an unknown man comes to Atlas's house to witnessed a new Age he created. However, a mysterious enemy steals a book and asks Atreus to revenge on the sins committed by the sons. In order to track the culprit and regain the book, you will explore three new times. Every world has its own taste, such as "Volcanish Island" reminiscent of the industrial area, "Amateria" (there is also a roller coaster!), Inspired by Asian theme parks, and "Garden of Edanna". The location is wonderfully diverse and beautifully drawn, and for the first time in the series, you can turn the camera around you and overlook the whole view.
Returning to the independent challenge of the first "MYST", each Age has various puzzles. As usual, many of these have a little mechanical properties, but they are not easy, but they are easier than the first two puzzles. Some have lamented that the series has been simplified, while others have become more attractive and friendly. There was a variety of reactions that Brad Dulif ("on the Cuckoo Nest") played a villain Saveredro in a liv e-action photo, but he would have done his best in this role. After all, "Exile" was not up to the quality of the previous work, but it was still a good sequel to a highly evaluated franchise, which is still well used.
You may like it too: SCHIZM series, RHEM series
#5 8-Star Trek: Referee rituals < SPAN> Cyan Worlds to Presto Studios, and concerns that highly rated MYST franchise may be in trouble is the EXILE released in 2001. It was proved to be uneasy. In the third installment 10 years after RIVEN, an unknown man comes to Atlas's house to witnessed a new Age he created. However, a mysterious enemy steals a book and asks Atreus to revenge on the sins committed by the sons. In order to track the culprit and regain the book, you will explore three new times. Every world has its own taste, such as "Volcanish Island" reminiscent of the industrial area, "Amateria" (there is also a roller coaster!), Inspired by Asian theme parks, and "Garden of Edanna". The location is wonderfully diverse and beautifully drawn, and for the first time in the series, you can turn the camera around you and overlook the whole view.
Returning to the independent challenge of the first "MYST", each Age has various puzzles. As usual, many of these have a little mechanical properties, but they are not easy, but they are easier than the first two puzzles. Some have lamented that the series has been simplified, while others have become more attractive and friendly. There was a variety of reactions that Brad Dulif ("on the Cuckoo Nest") played a villain Saveredro in a liv e-action photo, but he would have done his best in this role. After all, "Exile" was not up to the quality of the previous work, but it was still a good sequel to a highly evaluated franchise, which is still well used.
You may like it too: SCHIZM series, RHEM series
#5 8-Star Trek: Referee's Ritual Rituals, the concern that the highly evaluated MYST franchise may be difficult due to the transition from Cyan Worlds to Presto Studios is immediately anxious in EXILE released in 2001. It was proved to be. In the third installment 10 years after RIVEN, an unknown man comes to Atlas's house to witnessed a new Age he created. However, a mysterious enemy steals a book and asks Atreus to revenge on the sins committed by the sons. In order to track the culprit and regain the book, you will explore three new times. Every world has its own taste, such as "Volcanish Island" reminiscent of the industrial area, "Amateria" (there is also a roller coaster!), Inspired by Asian theme parks, and "Garden of Edanna". The location is wonderfully diverse and beautifully drawn, and for the first time in the series, you can turn the camera around you and overlook the whole view.
Returning to the independent challenge of the first "MYST", each Age has a variety of puzzles. As usual, many of these have a little mechanical properties, but they are not easy, but they are easier than the first two puzzles. Some have lamented that the series has been simplified, while others have become more attractive and friendly. There was a variety of reactions that Brad Dulif ("on the Cuckoo Nest") played a villain Saveredro in a liv e-action photo, but he would have done his best in this role. After all, "Exile" was not up to the quality of the previous work, but it was still a good sequel to a highly evaluated franchise, which is still well used.
You may like it too: SCHIZM series, RHEM series
#58 - Star Trek: Reference Ritual
Not only do you not have to be a Trekkie to enjoy Star Trek: Judgement, this 1998 sci-fi classic can be one of its own. While the 25th Anniversary film was a respectable effort to adapt the Enterprise, the Federation, and the Klingons to the genre, Judgement is a near-perfect marriage of adventure conventions and all the lore and excitement of the Star Trek universe. The entire original cast appears in voice acting roles. In fact, this is the last time DeForest Kelley will play Dr. McCoy in a released product. The interaction was not heavy adventure genre, but they successfully adapted the Sierra-type interface to their purposes and spared no expense in crafting a good intergalactic adventure.
The story of Judgement is unforgettable, with eight separate scenarios that tie together in a philosophical examination of an incredibly memorable final chapter. The story includes elements of time travel, the kidnapping of key crew members, and the return of characters from the original TV episode, Trelane. For existing Star Trek fans, it's incredible fan service, but for those who aren't, it's an excellent sci-fi adventure game that's incredibly well-written and acted, and feels big and important in every way. The following year, the catastrophic cancellation of The Secret of Fury Vulcan secured this game's place as the last, but best, original Trek adventure game.
Also see:
#57 - Prophecy Indigo (aka Fahrenheit)
In 2005, Quantic Dream surprised us with a dramatic game called Indigo Prophecy. Although the final product didn't live up to the hype, it remains a fascinating game that depicts a ritualistic murder from the opposing perspectives of a confused killer and the policeman on his tail. The gameplay is immersive, the art direction is elegant and cinematic, and the story is compelling (at least for the first two-thirds). Long before the Wii, Xbox Kinect, and PlayStation Move, Indigo Prophecy's touch controls were unparalleled, as you move your mouse or the analog stick of your gamepad in sync with the movements of the character on the screen. Thanks to extensive use of motion capture, the animations and facial expressions are fluid and believable. And while the story is sometimes larger than life, it also touches on personal, intimate moments of the characters, allowing us to feel an unparalleled connection to the characters we control. Set in an atmospheric, snowy New York and filled with cinematic angles and camera cuts, Indigo Prophecy (known as Fahrenheit in Europe) was the first game since FMV that made you feel like you were playing a movie. Though it is often criticized for its ubiquitous Simon-esque quick-time events and their silly conclusions, the story-driven gameplay, characters, and unique plot are so well-crafted and executed that the game is an impressive feat. The story may be much more linear than it first seems, but within that linearity there are plenty of little actions that players can try and tinker with to change the scene a bit. In an era when adventure was struggling for mainstream legitimacy, Indigo Prophecy proved that story-based games could be just as engaging as action blockbusters and play comfortably on consoles and PCs. It may be too early to truly understand its impact on the genre, but the subsequent success of other high-profile titles suggests that its benefits will be enjoyed for years to come. The Red Johnson Chronicles, Jurassic Park: The Game
#56 "Tribute (MISSING: since January)
French developer Lexis Numérique has been making numerous licensed titles and children's games since the late '90s. In the English-speaking world, however, they're better known for making high-concept experimental adventure games. But their 2003 release In Memoriam (MISSING: Since January in North America) isn't just a crazy experiment; it's a uniquely dense, satisfying, and well-crafted adventure. Borrowing ideas from alternate reality games, In Memoriam blends fact and fiction, in which players solve a series of arcade-like puzzles and mini-games while conducting real-life internet investigations to save a journalist and his partner from a crazed killer called Phoenix. The game itself is presented as a CD-ROM sent by the killer, and challenges you to defeat him. As the mystery unravels, you're led to a series of exclusive sites hidden across the internet, where a historical conspiracy begins to unravel that suggests Phoenix isn't as crazy as he seems. The story is pretty conventional and will be immediately familiar to anyone who grew up on Broken Sword or Gabriel Knight. But the attention to detail, careful realism, and compelling live-action cam footage recorded by the victims make the secret world of In Memoriam an incredibly exciting place. The puzzles and mini-games are challenging and inventive, and the desperate attempts to free the prisoners take on a more abstract, enigmatic, and concrete meaning. The game may be an acquired taste, but it was one of the first (if not the only) forays into the new ARG format of the genre, and it's unlikely to ever be improved upon.
You might also like: Example: The Last Rites, Experiment (aka Experience112)
#55 - Syberia II
A direct sequel to Microïds' critically acclaimed 2002 game, Syberia II, follows Kate Walker's journey through the frozen Russian desert to see if the mammoths still live there. Now traveling with an eccentric inventor and Oscar the Automaton (plus adorable furry friend Yuki), Kate's adventures are a direct extension of the original story, creating a seamless artistic connection between the two. The beautiful, serene, hand-drawn world remains at the forefront of the experience, and combined with top-notch writing and audio, it exudes a haunting melancholy that no other game has. The game takes you from railroad tracks to tundra, on the run with a friendly pilot, to a harrowing encounter with a bear, to cross paths with a pair of ivory poachers who are out to claim Siberia and the mammoths for themselves. Unless Kate can find a way to heal him and deliver him safely to Dreamland, her sickly companion may lose his only purpose in life.
The more adventurous storyline and greater emphasis on variety and challenging puzzles make Syberia II a more meaningful gaming experience. While we understand Kate Singlemeding's purpose after her life-changing decision in the first game, this new focus comes at the expense of character development. While the first game was sometimes criticized for its cliffhanger ending, Syberia II's final sequence is a moving conclusion and there are several powerful emotional moments along the way, including one character's sacrifice in particular. Alongside its predecessor, Syberia II is one half of a definitive work from a true adventure game visionary. Sure, there may still be a lot of set pieces with little interaction, but these two parts form a unique masterpiece and the final moments are a worthy reward for seeing the journey through to the end.
You might also like #54 - Samorost 2
Samorost's Day has been a boom for many years among adventure gamers. The Czech Indies Studio, Amanita Design, the first browse r-based Samorost, the first generation of Samorost, caused a major whirlwind in 2004, with the successor to all aspects. But on the surface, I don't think the sequel is so good. A young goblin regains a stolen dog from an alien traveling in space and tries to find a way from an unknown planet to a house, but it's too short and has no story. There is no conversation or inventory, and exploration is usually limited to one screen at a time. So why is Samorost 2 so wonderful? Simple, but an original puzzle that effectively uses an improved Flash interface, a fascinating level that oozes out of all resources. And did you say half is free?
As with the previous work, "SAMOROST 2" will also develop a fantasy game world that combines photoral natural images and han d-drawn animations. I travel in completely different lands, such as forests, sewerage, underground networks, and alien houses, but as if the small characters living in the wilderness of the earth have become supe r-realistic and dignified. I feel the feeling. The BGM is instrumental, and occasionally jazzy music is flowing, further enhancing this strange atmosphere. Most puzzles are ultimately simply clicking the correct hot pot set in order, but the stunning integration causes a robot that borrows and flashes a hammer to fix the snail's shell. It feels like an organic environmental disorder to be overcome, such as waking up. You are alone in the different world. What do you do? experiment! Some people may hesitate to pay half of the tw o-hour game due to shareware, but some are very satisfied with doubling the time spent in this creative and wonderful world.
This is also recommended: Samorost, Axel & Pixel, Alchemia
#53th plac e-Return to Mysterious Island < Span> Samorost Day has been a boom for many years among adventure gamers. The Czech Indies Studio, Amanita Design, the first browse r-based Samorost, which was a major whirlwind in 2004, and the successor to all aspects. But on the surface, I don't think the sequel is so good. A young goblin regains a stolen dog from an alien traveling in space and tries to find a way from an unknown planet to a house, but it's too short and has no story. There is no conversation or inventory, and exploration is usually limited to one screen at a time. So why is Samorost 2 so wonderful? Simple, but an original puzzle that effectively uses an improved Flash interface, a fascinating level that oozes out of all resources. And did you say half is free?
As with the previous work, "SAMOROST 2" will also develop a fantasy game world that combines photoral natural images and han d-drawn animations. I travel in completely different lands, such as forests, sewerage, underground networks, and alien houses, but as if the small characters living in the wilderness of the earth have become supe r-realistic and dignified. I feel the feeling. The BGM is instrumental, and occasionally jazzy music is flowing, further enhancing this strange atmosphere. Most puzzles are ultimately simply clicking the correct hot pot set in order, but the stunning integration causes a robot that borrows and flashes a hammer to fix the snail's shell. It feels like an organic environmental disorder to be overcome, such as waking up. You are alone in the different world. What do you do? experiment! Some people may hesitate to pay half of the tw o-hour game due to shareware, but some are very satisfied with doubling the time spent in this creative and wonderful world.
This is also recommended: Samorost, Axel & Pixel, Alchemia
#5 3-plac e-Return to Mysterious Island has been a boom for many years among adventure gamers. The Czech Indies Studio, Amanita Design, the first browse r-based Samorost, the first generation of Samorost, caused a major whirlwind in 2004, with the successor to all aspects. But on the surface, I don't think the sequel is so good. A young goblin regains a stolen dog from an alien traveling in space and tries to find a way from an unknown planet to a house, but it's too short and has no story. There is no conversation or inventory, and exploration is usually limited to one screen at a time. So why is Samorost 2 so wonderful? Simple, but a wonderful artwork, a fascinating level that oozes out from all resources, and an original puzzle that effectively uses an improved Flash interface. And did you say half is free?
As with the previous work, "SAMOROST 2" will also develop a fantasy game world that combines photoral natural images and han d-drawn animations. I travel in completely different lands, such as forests, sewerage, underground networks, and alien houses, but as if the small characters living in the wilderness of the earth have become supe r-realistic and dignified. I feel the feeling. The BGM is instrumental, and occasionally jazzy music is flowing, further enhancing this strange atmosphere. Most puzzles are ultimately simply clicking the correct hot pot set in order, but the stunning integration causes a robot that borrows and flashes a hammer in the way to fix the snail's shell. It feels like an organic environmental disorder to be overcome, such as waking up. You are alone in the different world. What do you do? experiment! Some people may hesitate to pay half of the tw o-hour game due to shareware, but some are very satisfied with doubling the time spent in this creative and wonderful world.
This is also recommended: Samorost, Axel & Pixel, Alchemia
#53th plac e-Return to Mysterious Island
Usually, adventures can be divided into two camps. It is a firs t-person adventure, including the logic and dull puzzles, and a thir d-person adventure with a strong stock puzzle. In 2004, Ceops Studios returned to a mysterious island, and threw such distinction from the window and gained a great surprise result. The young female Mina, who has broken down and has flowed on an uninhabited island, must survive on the island before thinking about how to escape from the island. While thoroughly exploring important items, you will cross the beautiful coast, tropical jungle, and underground caves. It is also found that this island is Nemo's submarine "Nautilus". It is a remnant of the surviving crew, and there are many notes of equipment and how to use it.
Up to this point, it is a typical firs t-person perspective. Returning to a mysterious island is out of the ordinary is the stunning use of stock. It is full of collections, and most of them must be combined and decomposed to create complex new items. In most games, the combination is treated as a simple "use X for Y", but here each assembly is an actual recipe. If you connect two compatible items, the formula will tell you the number of items you need to succeed, but it doesn't really tell you what the item is. This is a dream of stock puzzles, and it is very fun to fin e-tune dozens of parts until it goes well. If you care about a cute monkey and return to a healthy state, the monkey will function as an inventory item. At the end of the game, a large number of variety of puzzles, such as logical puzzles and complex mystery solving, are the real pleasure of this game, which is in the jagged McGeibalism, and many adventures that are not found in adventures. The ending that you can see is welcomed.
This is also recommended: Let's return to the mysterious island 2, Boyage (also known as a journey to the center of the moon)
#5 2-Dreamfall: The longest journey < Span>, usually, adventures can be divided into two camps. It is a firs t-person adventure, including the logic and dull puzzles, and a thir d-person adventure with a strong stock puzzle. In 2004, Ceops Studios returned to a mysterious island, and threw such distinction from the window and gained a great surprise result. The young female Mina, who has broken down and has flowed on an uninhabited island, must survive on the island before thinking about how to escape from the island. While thoroughly exploring important items, you will cross the beautiful coast, tropical jungle, and underground caves. It is also found that this island is Nemo's submarine "Nautilus". It is a remnant of the surviving crew, and there are many notes of equipment and how to use it.
Up to this point, it is a typical firs t-person perspective. Returning to a mysterious island is out of the ordinary is the stunning use of stock. It is full of collections, and most of them must be combined and decomposed to create complex new items. In most games, the combination is treated as a simple "use X for Y", but here each assembly is an actual recipe. If you connect two compatible items, the formula will tell you the number of items you need to succeed, but it doesn't really tell you what the item is. This is a dream of stock puzzles, and it is very fun to fin e-tune dozens of parts until it goes well. If you care about a cute monkey and return to a healthy state, the monkey will function as an inventory item. At the end of the game, a large number of variety of puzzles, such as logical puzzles and complex mystery solving, are the real pleasure of this game, which is in the jagged McGeibalism, and many adventures that are not found in adventures. The ending that you can see is welcomed.
This is also recommended: Let's return to the mysterious island 2, Boyage (also known as a journey to the center of the moon)
#5 2-Dreamfall: The longest trip usually can be divided into two camps. It is a firs t-person adventure, including the logic and dull puzzles, and a thir d-person adventure with a strong stock puzzle. In 2004, Ceops Studios returned to a mysterious island, and threw such distinction from the window and gained a great surprise result. The young female Mina, who has broken down and has flowed on an uninhabited island, must survive on the island before thinking about how to escape from the island. While thoroughly exploring important items, you will cross the beautiful coast, tropical jungle, and underground caves. It is also found that this island is Nemo's submarine "Nautilus". It is a remnant of the surviving crew, and there are many notes of equipment and how to use it.
Up to this point, it is a typical firs t-person perspective. Returning to a mysterious island is out of the ordinary is the stunning use of stock. It is full of collections, and most of them must be combined and decomposed to create complex new items. In most games, the combination is treated as a simple "use X for Y", but here each assembly is an actual recipe. If you connect two compatible items, the formula will tell you the number of items you need to succeed, but it doesn't really tell you what the item is. This is a dream of stock puzzles, and it is very fun to fin e-tune dozens of parts until it goes well. If you care about a cute monkey and return to a healthy state, the monkey will function as an inventory item. At the end of the game, a large number of variety of puzzles, such as logical puzzles and complex mystery solving, are the real pleasure of this game, which is in the jagged McGeibalism, and many adventures that are not found in adventures. The ending that you can see is welcomed.
This is also recommended: Let's return to the mysterious island 2, Boyage (also known as a journey to the center of the moon)
#5 2-Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
It took seven years, but the dream of the sequel to FUNCOM's "The Longest Journey" fans was realized in "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey". However, it is a completely different game from the classic previous work. Apprille Ryan, a fearless performance of the previous work, has been hurt by the battle, exhausted by the world, and this time a mysterious assassin, Kian, and a faithful Zoe Castilo have been added. All three are playable characters, and as they follow their oral journey, they begin to discover a secret world that connects dreams and reality. Ragunal Turunky has once again proved that it is a famous storyteller with a futuristic Stark and a fantastic Arcadia. As you go back and forth between these two worlds, you can see how these worlds are connected. Occasionally, the answer to the strange power that tries to unravel the two worlds may come across an ambiguous intermediate area that may be hidden.
The game shifts to a full 3D environment and a complicated story, as complementing the wonderful voice actors and the immersive soundwork. At least, if you get used to the keyboard and mouse (or game pads), and if you get used to the operation of the camera angle, the world you explore is surprisingly cinematic and immersive. Adventure gamers may hesitate to games, including short battle scenes and stealth (none of the stealth are all available at first, and are often avoided at first). However, these elements help to enhance tension and urgency in a short time, and wonderful conversations with various characters, such as inventory puzzles and robot gorillas, Wonkers the Watira, which has been with Zoe since childhood. You can also enjoy it. You don't have to be afraid of the less traditional adventure elements. This is a complex story of three characters struggling to balance between loyalty and love, honor and morality, and DREAMFALL has a good balance between wonderful storytelling and immersive gameplay.
This is also recommended
#5 1-Sork Nemesis < Span> It took seven years, but the dream of the sequel to FUNCOM's "The Longest Journey" fans was realized in "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey". However, it is a completely different game from the classic previous work. Apprille Ryan, a fearless performance of the previous work, has been hurt by the battle, exhausted by the world, and this time a mysterious assassin, Kian, and a faithful Zoe Castilo have been added. All three are playable characters, and as they follow their oral journey, they begin to discover a secret world that connects dreams and reality. Ragunal Turunky has once again proved that it is a famous storyteller with a futuristic Stark and a fantastic Arcadia. As you go back and forth between these two worlds, you can see how these worlds are connected. Occasionally, the answer to the strange power that tries to unravel the two worlds may come across an ambiguous intermediate area that may be hidden.
The game shifts to a full 3D environment and a complicated story, as complementing the wonderful voice actors and the immersive soundwork. At least, if you get used to the keyboard and mouse (or game pads), and if you get used to the operation of the camera angle, the world you explore is surprisingly cinematic and immersive. Adventure gamers may hesitate to games, including short battle scenes and stealth (none of the stealth are all available at first, and are often avoided at first). However, these elements help to enhance tension and urgency in a short time, and wonderful conversations with various characters, such as inventory puzzles and robot gorillas, Wonkers the Watira, which has been with Zoe since childhood. You can also enjoy it. You don't have to be afraid of the less traditional adventure elements. This is a complex story of three characters struggling to balance between loyalty and love, honor and morality, and DREAMFALL has a good balance between wonderful storytelling and immersive gameplay.
This is also recommended
#5 1-Zoke Nemesis took seven years, but the dream of FUNCOM's "The Longest Journey" fans was realized in "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey". However, it is a completely different game from the classic previous work. Apprille Ryan, a fearless performance of the previous work, has been hurt by the battle, exhausted by the world, and this time a mysterious assassin, Kian, and a faithful Zoe Castilo have been added. All three are playable characters, and as they follow their oral journey, they begin to discover a secret world that connects dreams and reality. Ragunal Turunky has once again proved that it is a famous storyteller with a futuristic Stark and a fantastic Arcadia. As you go back and forth between these two worlds, you can see how these worlds are connected. Occasionally, the answer to the strange power that tries to unravel the two worlds may come across an ambiguous intermediate area that may be hidden.
The game shifts to a full 3D environment and a complicated story, as complementing the wonderful voice actors and the immersive soundwork. At least, if you get used to the keyboard and mouse (or game pads), and if you get used to the operation of the camera angle, the world you explore is surprisingly cinematic and immersive. Adventure gamers may hesitate to games, including short battle scenes and stealth (none of the stealth are all available at first, and are often avoided at first). However, these elements help to enhance tension and urgency in a short time, and wonderful conversations with various characters, such as inventory puzzles and robot gorillas, Wonkers the Watira, which has been with Zoe since childhood. You can also enjoy it. You don't have to be afraid of the less traditional adventure elements. This is a complex story of three characters struggling to balance between loyalty and love, honor and morality, and DREAMFALL has a good balance between wonderful storytelling and immersive gameplay.
This is also recommended
#5 1-Zoke Nemesis
If this game had simply been called Nemesis, it would have been widely recognized as one of the best puzzle-adventure games of all time. Of course, it still is (as its presence here proves), but some people find its dark and sometimes disturbing atmosphere and Zork's eccentric worldview just don't suit them. In fact, Activision's 1996 game has nothing in common with its predecessor apart from a few subtle references, making it more of a spin-off adventure than a proper sequel. But taken purely on its own, it's a great example of what can be done by pushing the puzzle-centric Myst formula in new and interesting ways. All four of the underworld empires' top alchemists have vanished into the Forbidden Lands. Unfortunately, you soon find them dead, or at least in undead captivity by an evil entity called Nemesis. Guided by their souls, you're the only one who can complete their tasks by retrieving the items needed to resurrect them. Your journey takes you to four different spheres that represent physical elements, including locations like a mental hospital, a castle, a monastery, and a conservatory. But these aren't whimsical fantasy settings: there are signs of torture and brutality everywhere, and you may even be asked to decapitate a corpse with a guillotine. (The game's unique Z-Vision Surround engine pioneered the now-common 360-degree, node-based camera pans, interspersed with over an hour of full-motion video. An ominous musical score provides the backdrop for the many puzzling puzzles. Some of the game's 65 challenges are quite difficult, and the unexpected conclusion makes for a long and rewarding adventure. It may not be the most thrilling, but with a game this good, does the name really matter?
Also recommended are "9: Last Resort" and "Dragon Quest 3: Way of the Dragon."
#50 - Infocom Text Adventure
Yes, we slurp. But I can't help but do so. The abundance of text adventures in the dawn of this genre is enough to fill the list, and most of them provided by Infocom. Infocom, which made this genre (and computer games in general) in the first Zoke, has been sending numerous hit adventures to the world for over a decade. Infocom, established by several employees at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1979, was a prestigious interactive fiction until it was acquired by Activision in 1986 (for a while, a new game on the Infocom label. Released). Infocom's text adventure eliminates the rudimentary graphics that appeared at the time, creating a rich virtual world that satisfies the imagination of players, as well as the huge explanation on the screen. Text analyzers were certainly in a limited range, but nevertheless, provided an unparalleled immersive sense of immersion in leading their own adventures. The fact that such a free experiment has been sacrificed under the simplicity of point and click is that many people have lamented until this time.
But who can choose only one? Infocom's favorite games written by famous "Impritmeners" such as c o-founders, Dave Reving and Mark Blank, Steve Merezky, Brian Moriarty, and Bob Baits are ultimately preferred. I settled down in the genre. Fantasy fans were pleased with the Zoke series and the Enchanter series. SF fans were pleased with masterpieces such as "Planet Fall", "Mind Forever Boyaging", and "Galactic Hitchhike Guide". Did you like it? There were also mysteries such as "Suspect", "Witnesses" and "The Mystery of the Jewelry of the Sherlock Crown". And there are comedys like "Leather Goddess of Fear", "Bureau", and "Hollywood Magic". Many believe that Horror Horror is the scariest adventure ever. There is no end to it. The game sold at bookstores often contained a notable "feel" that also served as a copy, but most of them were valuable as bonus bonuses. At that time, it was a different era, and it was a magical era for the members. Text adventures continue to live in the thriving interactive fiction community today, but the genre of adventure itself is largely due to Infocom's undeniable early shine.
Recommended article: "Magnetic Scroll", "Scott Adams Adventure" "1893: World World" "Photopia"
#4 9-Sam & Max: Season 2 Max: Season 2 (Alias Named Sam & Max Spac e-Time)
It may seem unusual to treat five released separately as one work, but Sam & Amp; Camp? Max: Season 2 is a wonderful project as a whole. Unlike the first season of lovable ironic Shams and hyperactive rabbits that Telltale revived in an episode format, each episode was only connected with a thin thread, but the second story was actually connected. Beginning with a gunfight and demon possession against the backdrop of Christmas vacation, a journey to stuttgart and vampires, a devi l-like journey through time travel, and finally Hell It is concluded by infiltration into a dirty company known as a company. Nevertheless, this explanation does not suggest a stunning sentence and the fun of puzzle design.
Throughout the season (the console transplant version, it became known as "Sam & Camp"; in the console transplant version, it became known as "Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space"). It is absurd, and it is a perfect reference of the past events in the series, and the comedy effect is maximized to use the character of the supporting role almost perfectly. Telltale wisely eliminates the need to independently of each episode as in the first season, and instead has a Cliff Hanger approach. This experience, which completely embodied the character that Steve Purcell loved, was incredibly attractive. Thanks to that infamous "real market reality", it was thought that the sequel to "Police Freelance" could not be realized at least once, but in Teltale's hands, Season 2 is the best in Season 2. It was a modern masterpiece that exploded the ambition and madness of comic adventure.
Please here too.#4 8-Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and Time Rippers < Span> It may seem unusual to handle five released separately as one work, but "Sam & Amp; CAMP? Max: Season 2] is a wonderful project as a whole. Unlike the first season of lovable ironic Shams and hyperactive rabbits that Telltale revived in an episode format, each episode was only connected with a thin thread, but the second story was actually connected. Beginning with a gunfight and demon possession against the backdrop of Christmas vacation, a journey to stuttgart and vampires, a devi l-like journey through time travel, and finally Hell It is concluded by infiltration into a dirty company known as a company. Nevertheless, this explanation does not suggest a stunning sentence and the fun of puzzle design.
Throughout the season (the console transplant version, it became known as "Sam & Camp"; in the console transplant version, it became known as "Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space"). It is absurd, and it is a perfect reference of the past events in the series, and the comedy effect is maximized to use the character of the supporting role almost perfectly. Telltale wisely eliminates the need to independently of each episode as in the first season, and instead has a Cliff Hanger approach. This experience, which completely embodied the character that Steve Purcell loved, was incredibly attractive. Thanks to that infamous "real market reality", it was thought that the sequel to "Police Freelance" could not be realized at least once, but in Teltale's hands, Season 2 is the best in Season 2. It was a modern masterpiece that exploded the ambition and madness of comic adventure.
This is also recommended Max Max: Devil Playground
